Chapter 302 Chapter 302 Three Lives About (28)
When Shen Mengdie touched Yi Wenwen's palm, she flinched, and then calmly passed her palm over.

Yi Wenwen suddenly grasped her hand, and with a strong effort in his hand, he gently brought her in front of him, then lightly cupped her cheek, making her look at him.

"Look at me carefully, don't think about anything, just empty your mind."

A moment of hesitation flashed in Shen Mengdie's eyes, and finally he let out a breath, and started to do what the other party said.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen began to induce slowly, trying to wake up the memory of the other party.This time he promised that the other party would not use hypnosis, and he would naturally do it, so in the following time, he kept working hard, and his voice also carried a bewitching taste.But for some unknown reason, it had no effect on Shen Mengdie.

As night fell, Yi Wenwen had no choice but to turn around and leave in frustration.

Shen Mengdie looked at the person who was going away, and raised her hand to caress her cheek. It was exactly where the person touched just now, and there was still the residual warmth of the other person's palm.She felt that she must have forgotten something, maybe it was very important, but she couldn't recall it in her mind.

"System, I think I..."

She asked in a daze, but stopped after speaking halfway.

After sighing leisurely, she lowered her eyes and wondered what she was thinking.

Because of the failure to wake up the memory yesterday, Shen Mengdie, who was not reconciled, decided to go to Yi Wenwen to try again.

When passing the garden, she heard someone talking.

"Brother Yi, we've already made up our minds, let's send Xiaoyu away tonight."

Xiao Yi looked at Yi Wenwen in front of him with determination in his eyes.

"Have you all thought about it?" Yi Wenwen thought that this matter had something to do with Shen Mengdie's mission, so he decided to delay it, so he asked the person concerned for his opinion.

Facing his question, Xiao Yi nodded his head heavily, and replied aloud: "Yes, Xiaoyu and I have already made up our minds, and going on like this is not an option."

Cheng Xianyu floated aside, with a smile on her cheek.It seems that she agrees with Xiao Yi's words very much.

"Since this is the case, then you should prepare tonight."

Seeing that he couldn't evade it, Yi Wenwen had no choice but to agree softly.

"Do we need to prepare anything?" Xiao Yi looked at the slightly disappointed person in front of him suspiciously, and asked about his precautions.After all, this matter is too important to him, and he has to pay attention to it.

"Just come early when you arrive, and I will prepare the items you need."

"Thank you so much." Xiao Yi heard that, with joy in his eyes.

He suddenly felt that although he and Cheng Xianyu had gone through many hardships, they still had God's blessing, and they did not miss each other so regretfully.

"Well, you guys go back first, just come earlier in the evening. I want to be alone now." Yi Wenwen waved his hand, let one person and one ghost leave first, and think about the problems that happened to Shen Mengdie. .

The mysteries are like unceasingly cut silk threads, enveloping him, getting tighter and tighter.

Shen Mengdie stopped after hearing the conversation between the two over there, and the moment she paused, the conversation over there was over.

When Xiao Yi walked out happily, he saw Shen Mengdie head-on.

"Miss Shen, are you here to look for Brother Yi?"

"Uh... yes." After a moment of hesitation, Shen Mengdie quickly responded.

Xiao Yi looked at the woman in front of him whom his mother had mistaken for his wife, and his first reaction was that she had come to find Yi Wenwen, because the two were still unmarried couples on the surface.

"Then you go, I will take my leave first."

"En." Shen Mengdie nodded and responded lightly, quietly watching the other party leave slowly.

It wasn't until she could no longer see the figure that she shook her head lightly and looked away.

"He's inside, what should I say to him?" Although Shen Mengdie wanted to see Yi Wenwen in her heart, she was a little at a loss as to what to do.

Hanging her eyes and hesitated for a moment, she still walked in slowly.

When she saw the familiar pavilion, she saw the person who was holding his forehead and gently closing his eyes.The back of the other party made her feel a little lonely, and for some reason, an inexplicable depression rose in her heart.

The moment Shen Mengdie approached, Yi Wenwen instantly sensed her presence, raised his head abruptly, and looked over with gentle eyes, with uncontrollable tenderness in his eyes.

Shen Mengdie, who ran into the opponent's eyes in an instant, was shocked in his mind, as if something flashed by quickly.

The originally clear eyes became blurred at this moment.

"Brother Yi..."

She muttered in an inaudible voice, and couldn't help approaching the other party.

"Mengdie?" Yi Wenwen saw the other party showing such a strange expression, with a little doubt in his eyes, but also a little worried in his heart.Because the other party's current appearance doesn't look right.

"Brother Yi..."

"Brother Yi..."

"Brother Yi..."

Shen Mengdie, who kept murmuring, gradually became louder, causing Yi Wenwen, who was far away in the pavilion, to rush over in a panic after hearing her shout.

"Mengdie, what's the matter with you?" Yi Wenwen took him into his arms and asked with concern.

"Brother Yi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Shen Mengdie didn't know what she was talking about at the moment, but kept repeating a sentence.

When Yi Wenwen heard this, he frowned tightly.Although the person in his arms can recall himself, he is very happy, but the current appearance of the other party is obviously abnormal.

"Mengdie, wake up."

The blurred appearance of the other party, which seemed like a dream but not a dream, made him have to cry out.

Shen Mengdie was shaken slightly, with confusion in her eyes.Tilting her head to look at the person in front of her, after realizing the intimacy, she couldn't help showing a bright smile on her face.

Just when the two were at a stalemate again, Mastermind No. [-], disguised as the system, had to come out to solve the current situation.

'Confirm that the host's memory is in chaos, now turn on the protection mode...'

'Countdown 3, 2, 1...'

Shen Mengdie felt dizzy, her eyes darkened, she couldn't help shaking her body, and she was about to fall down.

Seeing that the person in his arms was about to fall suddenly, Yi Wenwen quickly stretched out his hands to hug him tightly, and asked with concern: "Mengdie, are you alright?"

Shen Mengdie didn't answer the other party's inquiry immediately, but shook her head lightly, raised her hand and rubbed her forehead to stabilize her body.After confirming that she had recovered, she raised her head and looked at the person opposite her.

(End of this chapter)

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