The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 328 Chapter 328 Head Start

Chapter 328 Chapter 328 Head Start (23)

"Please come in."

Following the lead of the people in front, Shen Mengdie slowly walked into the place where she would live for a long time in the future.

"Two, this is the residence arranged by the company for you two. You should see what is there first, so that we can prepare for you."

The person who led the way helped put the suitcase in the living room, and then said to the two who were looking around.

This is an apartment with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. It has a layout of three bedrooms and two living rooms. It looks very good overall.The two are very satisfied with the company's current arrangement, which is a sign that the company values ​​them both.

Generally, newcomer companies directly arrange dormitories. It is basically impossible for one person to live in such a room.

After looking around the house, Cai Qing smiled and thanked several people: "Thank you all. This will be fine, no more trouble."

"Okay, you guys rest, we say goodbye."

After these people exchanged phone calls with Cai Qing, they handed over the key to each other and left here slowly.

Shen Mengdie looked around her new residence, sighed inaudibly, and then dragged her luggage to the bedroom.When she saw her name on one of the doors, she raised her hand to open the door, and then confirmed that it was a master bedroom.

"Mengdie, why are you standing at the door and not going in?"

Cai Qing, who was following behind, saw her standing still at the door of the room and refused to go in, so she asked suspiciously.

"Sister Qing, it's nothing, it's just..." Shen Mengdie who heard the movement behind her turned to look at Cai Qing.

At this time, Cai Qing had already come to her side, seeing everything in the bedroom through the gap.After seeing clearly that this is the master bedroom, she understood why she was hesitating, so she said with a light smile, "Since your name is on the door, then you can live here."


"Okay, I'm right next door to you, go in."

As Cai Qing said, she dragged her luggage and walked into another bedroom beside her.

Seeing that the other party had already entered, Shen Mengdie stopped struggling and walked in slowly.

After the two simply packed up their belongings, Cai Qing straightened her hair on the sideburns and said, "Mengdie, you rest first, I will go to the head office to go through the formalities now."

"Sister Qing, do you need me to go?"

"No, take a good rest. Maybe you will be busy starting tomorrow."

"Okay then, I'll wait for you to come back." She also knew that she couldn't help if she went, so she didn't say anything else.

"Okay, then I'm going."

Cai Qing divided the key in her hand into two, handed one of the keys to Shen Mengdie, and waved goodbye to leave.


With the slight sound of closing the door, Shen Mengdie turned her gaze back to the door.After taking a deep breath, she turned and walked into the bedroom.

When she was packing her luggage just now, she found that there was nothing missing in the master bedroom, except for daily necessities, even daily clothes.

"The company's preparations are really complete, everything has been considered, I just need to pack my bags and move in."

Sighing softly, she didn't know that all of this was prepared by Yi Wenwen in advance and asked her subordinates to prepare.

She hummed a little tune, took the unopened pajamas in the closet, and walked slowly into the bathroom.

When Cai Qing went through all the formalities quickly and came back here, she saw Shen Mengdie in pajamas combing her hair.

"Sister Qing, you're back." After Shen Mengdie heard the sound of the door opening, she turned her gaze and saw the person looking at her.

"Mengdie, you brought your own pajamas? I'm going to the mall to buy clothes now, do you want to go together?"

Shen Mengdie pulled the pajamas on her body and smiled lightly: "Sister Qing, I didn't bring any pajamas with me. I got these from the closet. You should have them too, right?"

"I don't have any over there." When Cai Qing said this, complex emotions flashed in her eyes.By now, she already understood who was behind helping the person in front of her.

Their current residence is not far from the head office. When they went to go through the formalities just now, they thought it would take a long time, so she let the person in front of her rest first.Unexpectedly, as soon as I reported my name at the front desk, there would be a special person to deal with it, and everything would be done soon.

"Eh? No?"

Shen Mengdie froze for a moment when he heard this.In her understanding, when the two of them came together, since someone prepared these items for herself, someone would also prepare them for the other party.

Cai Qing looked at the thought flashing in her eyes, and said aloud: "You are the star that the company focuses on cultivating, and I'm just your manager, of course it's different."

"Is that so?"

"Of course it is. Do you want to go out with me?" Cai Qing didn't want to discuss this topic with the other party, so she proposed to go out.

"Sister Qing, wait for me, I will go too."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Shen Mengdie got the answer from the other party, and hurriedly walked to her bedroom, took out one of the clothes without the tag and changed into it.

When she walked out of the room and came to the living room.

Cai Qing looked at the well-fitting clothes on her body, and a flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

"Miss Qing, let's go."

Although Shen Mengdie sensed what was hidden in the other party's eyes, she didn't care.

Under the calling of the other party, Cai Qing quickly adjusted her expression, and replied softly: "Okay, let's go."

After the two had lunch outside, they went to the mall together to buy a lot of needed items, and then rushed back.

The day passed quickly, and when the morning sun rose slowly, she was ready and ready to leave for the company at any time.

"Mengdie, are you ready? Let's go."

Facing Cai Qing's question, Shen Mengdie responded lightly: "Okay, let's go."

Although she didn't understand what she was going to face when she went to the company today, she was not nervous at all, instead she felt eager to try.

Because the residence is not far from the company, the two arrived at their destination in just 10 minutes on foot.

Looking at the tall buildings in front of her, she breathed a sigh of relief and slowly stepped into the company's gate.

The people at the front desk seemed to have known the purpose of the two people's arrival for a long time. As soon as they saw them, they quickly greeted them and took them to the president's office on the top floor.

Shen Mengdie didn't know the meaning of going to the president's office, but Cai Qing understood what it meant.After the questioning words turned around in her throat a few times, she swallowed them back.

"Dong dong dong..."

"President, they are here."

Standing at the door of the luxurious CEO's office, Shen Mengdie couldn't help but look at everything around her.

After the beauty at the front desk called out, there was no answer from inside.Just when they looked suspicious and thought there was no one inside, the door in front of them slowly opened from the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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