The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 329 Chapter 329 Head Start

Chapter 329 Chapter 329 Head Start (24)

After Yi Wenwen opened the door, he glanced at the people outside and said softly, "Well, come in."

Shen Mengdie and Cai Qing walked in slowly after hearing the words.

The beauty leading the way at the front desk saw that the two had already walked in, turned around and walked back.

After Yi Wenwen closed the door casually, he pointed to the sofa beside him and said, "Sit down first. I have notified the others just now, and they will come in a while."

In such an environment, Shen Mengdie really didn't know what to say, so she nodded her head lightly, and replied softly: "En, yes."

Cai Qing sensed the weird atmosphere between the two, and after hesitating for a while, she decided to keep silent.

Although she still has status in the "Xingyao" branch, once she arrives here, especially in front of the president, all her glory is instantly reduced to scum.

Yi Wenwen put his eyes on Shen Mengdie, and his eyes were as gentle as ever.

None of the three spoke, and the scene fell into embarrassment for a while.

Under the gaze of the other party, for some reason, Shen Mengdie suddenly felt more and more guilty, as if she had done something bad and was caught by this person in front of her.

"Dong dong dong..."

A knock on the door broke the silence, causing Yi Wenwen to turn his gaze to the door.

Shen Mengdie felt that after getting the scorching gaze away from her, she let out a soft breath, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"come in."

This time, Yi Wenwen didn't get up to open the door, but called softly to let the people outside come in.

As his voice fell, the door was quickly opened, and a burst of "da da da" footsteps sounded in this silent office.


The few people who came in first saluted Yi Wenwen respectfully, and then turned their eyes to the other two present.

Yi Wenwen waved to the few people who came in, and said: "Well, let's start."

The few people who came in naturally understood the president's intentions. They had already received the notice before and planned the future things early.So now everything is going according to plan, and naturally there will be no problems.

"President, we have already explained Shen Mengdie's arrangement according to your instructions, and now we only need her to nod."

"Okay, you guys tell her the result of the discussion first." The moment Yi Wenwen saw Shen Mengdie, he vaguely understood that the other party would have a mission related to the entertainment industry this time.And his current status happens to be the boss of this industry, and he can just take people into his sphere of influence.

No matter what the other party needs, he will cooperate, the only requirement is that this person cannot leave his sight.

After receiving the order from the president, one of them took out the document in his hand and began to slowly narrate: "According to Shen Mengdie's current situation, we have planned many routes for her, and finally selected one of them..."

As the person slowly narrated, Shen Mengdie first listened carefully, and would softly echo every question.After the other party explained everything clearly in the past, she subconsciously stroked the ring on her left hand and began to think about the feasibility of the matter.

Yi Wenwen paid attention to her every move the whole time, and naturally saw her action in his eyes.After seeing the ring on the opponent's finger that was the same as his own, he turned his attention to his own ring.

During this time, because someone was watching her all the time, he kept the ring hidden.Now seeing Shen Mengdie's movements, she began to think about whether she should reveal the ring, and then find a suitable time to let the public know that the person in front of her belongs to him.

Shen Mengdie didn't know what Yi Wenwen was thinking at the moment. After thinking about it for a while, she replied: "I agree with this decision."

The information brought by those people just now showed a problem. She was definitely not treated as a newcomer and simply trained.The resources provided by the company are enough to make any newcomer popular. As long as the newcomers don't kill themselves, the road to stardom will be smooth sailing.

But what she didn't understand was, what virtue and ability did she have to be so valued by the company.

After thinking about it, she turned her gaze to Yi Wenwen who was at the side.

The four eyes meet, and it seems that there is an answer ready to come out.

Seeing this, the onlookers hurriedly got up and left.There were only three people left in the office, and the scene fell silent for a moment.

Cai Qing, who had been watching for a long time, really didn't know what to say now, she obviously felt that she was being treated as a transparent person.

Yi Wenwen also noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and after sighing softly, he slowly said to Cai Qing: "You go out first, someone outside will explain the specific matters to you."

"President, then I'll take my leave first." Cai Qing, who received the order, stood up swiftly, ignoring Shen Mengdie's hesitant expression, and quickly walked out of the luxuriously decorated office.

Now that there were only the two of them left, Shen Mengdie's tense nerves relaxed instead.She looked at the other party calmly, quietly waiting for the person in front of her to speak.

Seeing her expression like this, Yi Wenwen didn't know what to think of, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"Do you know why I kept you here?"

Shen Mengdie shook her head, indicating that she was not clear.

"I don't know if you've heard the word unspoken rules?" He said, slowly approaching the other party, but what he thought in his heart was: "Since I can't use normal means to keep you, then I will use extraordinary means." .”

"Unspoken rules?" Shen Mengdie murmured, a daze flashed in her eyes, but she quickly figured out the key point and suddenly raised her eyes to look at the other party.

Yi Wenwen seemed delighted by her appearance, trapped her in his arms and said, "Yes, what do you think? I will give you everything you want."

When Shen Mengdie saw that the other party wanted to let her choose, she should have refused righteously, but after seeing the other party's eyes, for some reason, she began to hesitate.

She didn't feel a trace of malice from the other party, but instead felt a strong warmth.Every time she met the eyes of the person in front of her, she would feel very distressed, and wanted to heal the trace of sadness in the other person's eyes.

"Have you considered it?"

Yi Wenwen saw that her expression seemed to have loosened, and while he was secretly happy, he was also tinged with anger.So after a long time without getting an answer from the other party, he stretched out his fingers to firmly fix the other party's chin, stared at the other party's eyes and said, "It seems that you agree. Does it matter who it is, as long as you think Will you agree if you want?"

As soon as he spoke the questioning language, Shen Mengdie's expression changed suddenly.

"Just because it's you, so..."

After Shen Mengdie hurriedly said this sentence, she suddenly realized what she had just said.

(End of this chapter)

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