The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 346 Chapter 346 Head Start

Chapter 346 Chapter 346 Head Start (41)

Because of Yi Wenwen's sudden statement, while attracting a lot of attention, some people also began to wonder what kind of woman it is that can be loved by this proud son of heaven.

So those people began to search for news about Shen Mengdie out of curiosity, which brought her a lot of popularity.

Regardless of whether it was good or bad, in short, she took advantage of Yi Wenwen's fame to become popular once, but at this time, bad news about her was still secretly circulating.

Just as Shen Mengdie followed the crew to the next filming base, people who had conflicts with her before came out to confirm the so-called truth.

Among these breaking news, the most active one is Bai Binger, who was replaced by Shen Mengdie.

When Shen Mengdie, who was filming, received the message from Cai Qing, she was obviously taken aback.She couldn't understand why Bai Bing'er would do this. After all, the role had already been determined, and no amount of fuss could change this fact.

"Sister Qing, why do you think she did this? Isn't she afraid of being blocked by Xingyao?"

Cai Qing frowned when she asked, with deep doubts in her eyes.

"I can't see it either. After all, she is also a member of Xingyao?"

The two shook their heads lightly at the same time, both a little puzzled.

"What are you talking about?"

Yi Wenwen finished filming a scene, and walked over slowly while straightening his loose sleeves.

After Shen Mengdie heard the voice, she turned her head and saw Yi Wenwen approaching her.I don't know if it's because of getting along for too long recently, or because of something else. When she encounters any problems now, this person is the first thing she thinks of.

In her eyes, this man is omnipotent and very reliable.

"It's nothing, we're just paying attention to the follow-up development of the matter."

Listening to her explanation, Yi Wenwen quickly realized what she was talking about.He kept an eye on the affairs over there at all times, and he was able to control all the movements of those jumping clowns.After thinking about these things clearly, he said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I will take care of things. Everything is up to me."

Listening to the other party's assurance, Shen Mengdie felt very at ease.After looking up at the other party and smiling slightly, he picked up the script in front of him and began to study it carefully.

Seeing her like this, Yi Wenwen twitched his lips slightly, and sat down slowly beside her.

Seeing that the two protagonists in this incident were not anxious, Cai Qing took a deep breath, shook her head and left here slowly.There are some things that she can't intervene in. For now, it seems that she can't use herself.

Under Yi Wenwen's laissez-faire and Shen Mengdie's ignorance, things began to ferment rapidly. Although there were no more news of nurturing, news about Shen Mengdie's bad character began to spread everywhere.

Shen Mengdie occasionally heard a few words from Cai Qing. Although she was slightly dissatisfied in her heart, after seeing her rapidly increasing number of fans, she let things continue to ferment.

At this time, she had to lament that the fastest way to become popular is to rely on gossip and hype. No wonder people in this circle like to gossip and gossip.

There are two groups of people competing against each other on the Internet, one group supports Shen Mengdie, and the other group is those who hate her.Except for some passer-by fans, most of these people are invited sailors.

The people who hacked her have already investigated clearly, it is the rival company of "Xingyao", after they saw that this matter could be related to the president of "Xingyao", they sent a large number of navy to black Shen Mengdie on the Internet .

The people who supported her were the sailors sent by "Xingyao". The task of these people was to control the matter within a certain range, and to attract more fans from passers-by while making hype.Therefore, whenever any unfavorable news broke out from that wave of black and black, the side quickly resolved it, cleaned it up, and turned the crisis into safety.

Just when passer-by fans were getting tired of this matter, the movie "Long Long Journey" was successfully completed.During this period, although she was very busy every day, she still kept the agreement with Shen Youran, and acted in several radio dramas, and her actions also attracted a large number of fans for her.

Just when the movie started to be promoted in the later stage, and the scandal was gradually getting no attention, Yi Wenwen made another move.

After working hard for so long, the rival company quickly lost, and Bai Binger, who came out to testify that Shen Mengdie's bad character was also hidden by "Xingyao".

The reason why Bai Bing'er came out to testify was because she was very upset that her role was rejected this time, and secondly because the hostile company offered very attractive conditions. As long as she came out to testify, the other party would dig She passed and focused on training.But after all the drama was over, the company over there didn't live up to its word.

Bai Binger's star path was directly destroyed, and she wanted to get up again after being hidden by "Xingyao", so she had to find another way out, but also because of "Xingyao", other companies would never dare to accept her.

"Yi Wenwen, is it really appropriate to do this? After all..."

When Shen Mengdie received the news, she asked with some doubts.

After hearing her question, Yi Wenwen raised his hand to interrupt her next words.He said indifferently: "I'm just an actor, I can still decide such trivial matters."

Shen Mengdie looked at the other party's face full of indifference, not only was she not angry because the person in front of her called people in this circle, but she agreed with it very much.She herself didn't know when it started, and her thoughts were getting closer and closer to the person in front of her.

The promotion of the movie "Long Long Journey" is in full swing, but the two protagonists have never been to the scene.

Yi Wenwen didn't like that kind of occasion, and Shen Mengdie didn't go at his request.

After Director Zhang learned of their decision, although he was very helpless in his heart, he had no choice but to let them do so.

After Shen Mengdie returned to her residence, she found that she was being followed every time she went out.After inquiring about the system, she knew that those were the so-called paparazzi, just to get first-hand information from herself.

The behavior of these people has disturbed her life, but they can't stop it.After all, there are always a few tabloids that dare to write about anything, and want to get rumors from her.

After going out to throw garbage again and being blocked, she was completely angry.

"May I ask what you want to say about being able to achieve today's achievements?"

"Excuse me, what is the relationship between you and President Xingyao, can you tell me in detail?"

"Can you talk about how you hooked up with President Xingyao?"

"I heard that you hold the high and step down, is this true?"

(End of this chapter)

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