The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 347 Chapter 347 Head Start

Chapter 347 Chapter 347 Head Start (42)

Shen Mengdie was surrounded in the middle, unable to move a single step, and those entertainment reporters kept pushing the microphone towards her face, almost stuffing it into her mouth.

Although Shen Mengdie was very angry at the moment, she always looked like she was flattered or humiliated. When asked by the reporter, she just repeated in a low voice: "No comment."

As she spoke, she wanted to avoid these people and slowly moved out of the crowd.

But these entertainment reporters who were stationed there had finally waited for her to appear. Naturally, they couldn't let her go before they got any useful news.The crowd moved with her, and as time passed, more and more passers-by gathered to watch.

At this time, Shen Mengdie regretted that she didn't listen to Cai Qing's words and stay in the house, but who would have thought that these entertainment reporters would be so crazy that she couldn't escape.

"Since you are so eager for answers, why don't you just ask me?"

The voice of this inquiry was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone present.Just after everyone was silent for a moment because of these words, a group of men in black suits who looked like bodyguards quickly separated the crowded crowd and protected Shen Mengdie at the same time.

After Shen Mengdie heard the questioning voice, she knew who was coming.She smiled and looked at the person coming, her tense nerves gradually relaxed.

Yi Wenwen walked towards Shen Mengdie in the middle step by step. Under his aura, none of the entertainment reporters around dared to step forward.The too quiet scene made the atmosphere here extremely weird, but no one took the initiative to break it.

"How did you come?"

Shen Mengdie looked at the person walking towards her and asked with a smile.

Yi Wenwen caressed her hair lightly as if no one was there, and said gently in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "I'll come and take you away."


"You'll find out later." Yi Wenwen held her hand without explaining, and turned to look at the reporters standing around.

"Are you curious about our relationship?"

His question made these people "click" in their hearts, and then they all looked at the two people in the middle frantically.

"Big news today."

This was the thought of all the entertainment journalists present. They looked at the two people in the middle, and their minds were already thinking about the headlines of the news.

Yi Wenwen didn't let these people think for too long, he only made one movement, but it made them emotional.

Yi Wenwen held Shen Mengdie lightly in his arms, raised the other's left hand with his left hand, and exposed two identical rings.

Under the sunshine, Yuji saw all of this, the camera in his hand was "clicking", especially the two hands clasped, which gave a close-up.

Shen Mengdie was also stunned by the direction of the development at this moment, she raised her head, and looked at the person behind her blankly.

The ring in her hand could not be taken off, so she has been using it as a storage room.And after many experiments, she found that as long as she didn't want others to see her, others would not be able to find out.That's why Cai Qing, who lived with her, never asked about the reason for her ring, because the other party couldn't see it at all.


Yi Wenwen naturally noticed the strangeness in her eyes, but he did not immediately explain, but reached out and rubbed the same style ring on her finger, and then led her out of the crowd.

Shen Mengdie flinched from the opponent's actions, and followed obediently.

When the two got into Yi Wenwen's car, the bodyguards who maintained order also quickly left.

The vehicle slowly drove away from the scene, but Shen Mengdie didn't ask where he was going, but stroked his ring and asked in a low voice: "How can you see it?"

Yi Wenwen knew in his heart that once he made the move just now, the other party would definitely ask, so he answered without hesitation.

"Do you see any difference between them?"

As he spoke, he also exposed the one in his hand, letting the other party observe carefully.

Shen Mengdie carefully observed the other party's ring, then looked at the one in his hand, and smiled dryly.

"Your is the same as mine, what a coincidence."

Seeing her expression, Yi Wenwen sighed softly in his heart, and didn't force her, he stroked her hair and said, "Just treat it like this, don't think too much."

After Shen Mengdie heard the other party's words, she put away her smile and fell silent.

"It's not suitable for you to live there now, go back with me."

Shen Mengdie, who was thinking about something, did not respond aloud, but nodded in agreement.

This simple farce ended in such a strange way, the only change was that Shen Mengdie moved into a safer residence.

The next day, when she woke up from a strange room, Shen Mengdie was in a daze for a moment.

Caressing her ring, she remembered the look in Yi Wenwen's eyes when she told herself not to care. Pressing her slightly stinging heart, she began to doubt whether what the system told was the truth.

After taking a deep breath, she tightly closed her eyes.

Conflicted in her heart, she bit her fist and thought for a while, then sighed heavily, opened her system task interface, and checked her main task.

'Main task 800: Become a queen who is admired by everyone, with no less than tens of millions of fans.Mandatory task, can't give up. (Number of fans: [-] million)'

Staring at her fan count, a trace of hesitation flashed across her eyes.

Among them, the 500 million fans are all from Yi Wenwen. Although they are not true fans, the system also counts them in the middle.

"It's still 200 million, do you want to add fire?"

At this time, she already knew the development track of the matter very clearly in her heart.Relying on Yi Wenwen's fame, he can definitely attract a large number of fans in a short period of time. Even if they are not true fans, it doesn't matter if they are all black fans, after all, the system will count them.

What she is hesitating about now is whether to ask Yi Wenwen for help. After all, the scandal is just her own hype, and it won't be of much use.

But the thing that surprised me was because of yesterday's unconscious actions, the entertainment magazines this morning were full of stories about her getting engaged to that person, and even more exaggerated reports about what else was married and married with a son.

Ordinary people like to watch gossip news about entertainment stars, especially those who are famous but behave in a low-key manner.

And Yi Wenwen's personality fully meets this condition. He is rich, powerful, and handsome. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is tall, rich and handsome, and a real god.There has never been a scandal, but now it is spreading wantonly, which makes people have to look sideways.

(End of this chapter)

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