The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 365 Chapter 367 Night Nobility

Chapter 365 Chapter 367 Night Nobility ([-])
Standing on the high platform, Shen Mengdie looked at the darkness below, and gradually relaxed her tense nerves.

These blood races who were able to come after receiving the notice had already expressed their attitude by standing here.To obey the king's order unconditionally is the memory engraved in the blood of each clansman after successful conversion.

Therefore, even if you don't know the king, after feeling some kind of coercion, you can't help but feel admiration in your heart.

"Get up."

She looked at the group of kneeling people below, raised her hand, and said in a deep voice.


After all the blood races responded in unison, they all stood in place with downcast eyes.

Seeing the current situation, Shen Mengdie knew that it was time to speak for herself.

"To recall everyone today, one is to inform me that I have awakened, and the other is that I will reorganize the clan to cope with the next actions of the Holy See."

After hearing her narration, the blood race below still kept listening, and no one objected.

"Since everyone has no objection, the time for rectification will start tomorrow." When she said this, she turned her gaze to the elder at the side, and after thinking about it with downcast eyes, she continued: "This operation still needs the help of several elders." Cooperation is."

"I will follow the king's arrangement."

Since these four people are standing here tonight, of course they will not have any objections.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you." After Shen Mengdie replied, a question suddenly flashed in his mind. Logically speaking, apart from the prince and elders, there should be a patriarch in the blood clan.

After all, the prince usually doesn't care about things, and no one has the guts to trouble the king.Minor matters are managed by the patriarch, and major matters are discussed and resolved by the patriarch and elders.When faced with the crisis of genocide, he will seek Wang's help.

"Where is the patriarch of my clan?"

She didn't know whether the man had come, so she asked the four elders.

Hearing her inquiry, the four elders couldn't help showing ugly expressions on their faces.After looking at each other, the Great Elder nodded his head lightly, and slowly took a step forward.

Seeing the Great Elder like this, Shen Mengdie probably had a guess in his heart.In this regard, she just watched the other party calmly, quietly waiting for an explanation.

After the elder walked out of the team, he bowed to her and said, "My lord, the patriarch didn't come tonight."

"Oh, can't you come or don't want to come?" She asked calmly with a flash of thought in her eyes.But he began to call the system in his heart, asking him to call up the personal information of the Gangro patriarch and quickly check it.If she wants to control power, she cannot allow herself to be passive.

Hearing the words, the Great Elder paused for a moment, and then replied, "I don't want to come."

"That's it..." She sighed softly and stroked her ring, but her eyes turned to all the vampires present.

"Wang, the reason why the patriarch didn't come is because..."

Shen Mengdie didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, raised her hand and made a silent gesture, interrupting the other party's words.In the short time just now, she has already learned the information of the former chief of the Gangelo tribe from the system.

Yes, the former patriarch.After reviewing the information, she had already decided to let the proud patriarch abdicate.Since the prince has absolute rights, she naturally won't leave such a bad person behind.And when she controlled all the rights in her own hands, the position of patriarch was already dispensable.

After seeing her gesture, the great elder looked over in silence.

Shen Mengdie raised the corners of her mouth slightly, sighed softly and said, "Since you don't want to come, then you won't use it in the future."

"Wang..." The Great Elder heard the words, although he yelled softly, he didn't know what to say.Being able to sit on the position of elder means that he is not a stupid person.Now that the king has made up his mind, he will not persuade him any more.

"Okay, that's the way it is. The four of you stay here for a while. I have something to discuss." After Shen Mengdie briefly explained, she stopped looking at the other party's expression, but turned her gaze to the other blood races in the audience.

Now that the news has been notified, these blood races have also seen her appearance, so there is no need to keep these blood races.

"Everyone, I will leave it to the elders to arrange the specific matters concerning the rectification of the clan, so you can go back now."

After she finished saying this, the blood race below collectively responded, and then slowly evacuated here in an orderly manner.

When the other blood races evacuated here, the originally crowded hall suddenly became empty.

After Shen Mengdie looked at the four people around her, she thought of her next plan and said softly, "Come with me."


After the four answered, they slowly followed behind her.

Shen Mengdie walked slowly towards the living room, she didn't care what was going on behind her.As long as these people can obey her arrangements and complete the tasks she ordered, everything will be fine.

Yi Wenwen watched the whole process from the audience, and he didn't want to ask too much about Shen Mengdie's decision.As long as that person promises to stay by his side all the time, everything is fine.

"You all go outside and wait for me." He ordered his subordinates who were standing beside him.


After the blood guards stepped down, they evacuated in an orderly manner.

After he gave this order, he stopped paying attention to his subordinates, but turned his attention to Shen Mengdie who was walking away.After thinking about it with downcast eyes, he slowly followed.

"Sit." Shen Mengdie raised her hand to signal.

The four elders responded and sat down slowly after hearing the words.

Yi Wenwen who followed was about to come over when he heard Shen Mengdie say: "I let you stay, mainly to discuss specific matters on how to rectify the clan."

"I don't know what the king thinks?"

After hearing the words, the second elder asked after thinking about it for a while.

"My family members are used to being loose, I think so, let's first..."

Shen Mengdie slowly began to narrate the plan that she had already thought up before, while asking the opinions of several people opposite in order to brainstorm and improve her thinking.

Yi Wenwen looked at the man who was talking eloquently, shook his palm lightly, sighed softly in his heart, and sat down nearby.

Now he has to give the other party enough space to do his own thing, but he can't let go too much.

On the one hand, he was worried that the other party would be hurt when he couldn't see it. After all, in his eyes, that person was still too kind.Kindness is not a bad thing, but in this context, it is easy to be underestimated.

On the other hand, he was worried that the other party would suddenly disappear out of thin air when he could not see him.After all, he has experienced this kind of thing several times, and every time he is powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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