The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 366 Chapter 368 Night Nobility

Chapter 366 Chapter 368 Night Nobility ([-])
When Shen Mengdie was discussing with the elders, she looked up and saw the person who was silently watching her.Seeing this, she hugged a gentle smile, and then continued to discuss things with the elder with lowered eyes.

The four elders naturally noticed her movements, so when they followed her gaze, they were all taken aback.

Although they didn't know who the blood clan in front of them was, they felt the same coercion from the prince of the Gangro tribe, Shen Mengdie.

As blood clan elders who have lived for countless years, they naturally understand what the coercion on Yi Wenwen represents.But seeing his prince's eloquent talk, after thinking about it in his heart, he chose to remain silent.

"That's the way it is, do you have any other suggestions?"

After Shen Mengdie finished telling her thoughts, she fixedly looked at the elders opposite her.

"We have no objection, everything should be done according to the king's order."

"In that case, from tomorrow on, just do as I said. This matter will trouble a few of you."

When she heard the decisions of these people, her face was calm and composed, but her heart was already filled with a touch of joy.

"We will do our best." The four elders replied in unison.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Shen Mengdie felt a lot more at ease in an instant.Just as she was about to tell the others to go back, the fourth elder, who was the only woman, took a cautious look at Yi Wenwen who was sitting aside as if waiting.

"Wang, who is that?"

Hearing this, Shen Mengdie followed the other person's gaze, and happened to see that person nodding his forehead to her.So after pondering for a while, she stood up slowly, walked to the other party's side, and replied indifferently: "This is the prince of the Fanzhuo clan."

After the four elders learned of Yi Wenwen's identity, they hurriedly bowed and said, "Prince of the Fanzhuo clan."

"En." Yi Wenwen only responded in a low voice to the greetings of these people, and then turned his gaze to Shen Mengdie who was standing beside him.

The four of them were not angry with him for such an attitude, but rather flattered.

The existence of the three generations of blood clan has long been mythical by the clansmen, and the number of times they can see their own king is also one of the few.Therefore, after seeing the prince of another clan suddenly, he couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Shen Mengdie naturally saw the expressions of several people in his eyes, seeing the looks of the handsome men and women in front of him that could be regarded as losing their composure, she couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth, and chuckled in her heart.

After the initial surprise, the four elders quickly adjusted their facial expressions.The respect for the strong is their heartfelt emotion, and they can't do it in the slightest.Now seeing that the prince of the Fanzhuo clan seems to have a close relationship with the prince of his own clan, while he is relieved, he also knows that it doesn't make much sense to stay now.

After examining the current situation, the Great Elder took the lead and said: "King, we will go back first, and if you have any orders, please arrange them directly."

Shen Mengdie looked at the people in front of her and nodded her head lightly. "Well, you guys go back first."

After hearing her words, the four elders responded lightly and left the castle quickly.

When all the irrelevant personnel left, it was almost dawn.

Yi Wenwen raised his hand and stroked Shen Mengdie's hair, sighed softly and said, "Let's go back too."

After Shen Mengdie heard his words, hesitation flashed in her eyes. "I'll stay here, you go back by yourself."

When she said this, she seemed a little unconfident.

Sure enough, when Yi Wenwen heard her words, he couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly. "I said, you can't leave my side."


"No, but, are you going back with me voluntarily, or do you want me to take you back?"

Listening to the other party's words, Shen Mengdie could hear that the person in front of her was probably angry.Seeing this, she who knew what she was doing had a calm expression on her face, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Seeing that she was silent, Yi Wenwen turned his gaze to her thinking eyes.Seemingly seeing her helplessness, he couldn't help chuckling.

Shen Mengdie, who was thinking about how to solve the matter in front of her, suddenly heard the other party's chuckle, and couldn't help looking at the other party in surprise.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen felt a lot more at ease, and said leisurely, "Since you don't want to go back with me, then I'll stay here with you."

"Don't you need to go back and deal with things?" Thinking about the identity of the other party, she couldn't help asking.

"They can handle it. What's the use of them if the little things can't be handled well?"

Listening to the other party's explanation, Shen Mengdie knew in her heart that the person in front of her was talking about her subordinates.

"He has so many people who help with things, but I don't have them here. It's really a loss of talent." She sighed silently in her heart, and she couldn't help being a little envious of this, and when she thought about her current situation, she felt a little depressed.

Although she is the highest authority of the Gangro tribe, she has no effective assistants.And when she talked with those four elders just now, she already understood the current situation from the words of those four elders.

Due to their nature, the Gangro people can be said to be spread all over the world.And the clansmen who were able to come tonight were just because they happened to be nearby. If they wanted to hold a real clan meeting, even if only high-ranking blood clans participated, there would still be a lot of people.

Although there is a management organization in the clan, those people cannot be used by her because of the patriarch. As for how to build her own power from scratch, she can only imitate the model of a commercial company.

She will be the highest authority, and the four elders will be the second power center, and various institutions will be set up below to unite all the clansmen.

She has arranged all the things that can be arranged, and explained all the things that can be explained clearly. What will happen in the later period, she can only wait patiently.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Yi Wenwen looked at the man who was slightly distracted, and naturally put his chin on the top of the opponent's head, and asked with a soft sigh.

From the initial sigh, Shen Mengdie actually started to think about her own affairs in the end, it can be said that she was not heartless.Although the people behind her put a lot of pressure on her, she couldn't help but relax because of the trust from the bottom of her heart.

When she heard the other party's question, her eyes darkened, and she really began to think about the feasibility of the other party's question.After pondering for a while, she slowly replied: "I'm worried that someone will come to me these two days, so..."

"Okay, I see." Yi Wenwen replied quickly before she could finish speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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