The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 370 Chapter 372 Night Nobility

Chapter 370 Chapter 372 Night Nobility (22)

In the next two days, Shen Mengdie received four elders who came to report the progress of the matter many times in the castle belonging to the Zhuofan clan.And the four of them really adapted well from the surprise when they first entered the castle to the calmness later.

During this period, Yi Wenwen did not have any special reaction to the arrival of the four elders of the Gangelo tribe.When a group of people had a meeting, he always sat quietly and read a book.

These rare ancient books collected in the castle are very attractive to him, but I don't know if it is an illusion, I always feel familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

After Shen Mengdie listened to the reports of the four elders, she concluded that the rectification of the Gangro people went smoothly, and the most basic framework has been formed. It is only necessary to arrange the final and detailed matters. Implemented later plans.

After sending off the four elders again, she looked at the sky outside the window.

The afterglow of the setting sun has already set, night is coming, and the full moon in the sky has slowly risen, reflecting the setting sun.

"Tonight is the time to act." She looked at the full moon and pondered for a moment, knowing that tonight is the best time to go to the depths of the dense forest to check. If she misses it, she will have to wait for the next full moon night, but she But there is not much time to continue wasting on this matter.

Thinking about these things in her mind, she couldn't help turning her gaze to Yi Wenwen beside her.

Yi Wenwen, who was flipping through the books in the castle, seemed to have noticed her gaze, closed the book in his hand, and looked up at her. "Is there something wrong?"

Although he asked in this way, he knew very well in his heart that if the other party had nothing to do, he would never look at him like this.For him, it's hard to say whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.On the one hand, I feel that the other party will only seek for me if I ask him, but on the other hand, it shows that the person the other party trusts most is me, so I will seek my help at the first time.

Shen Mengdie looked at the other party's calm eyes, feeling a little uncertain for a moment.However, after considering her task, she lightly shook hands and walked over slowly.

Yi Wenwen put the ancient book in his hand on the table beside him, and looked at her calmly.

"I'm going out tonight."

Shen Mengdie narrated in a calm tone, no matter what the person in front of her decides, it can't affect her thoughts.

"Can you tell me what it is for?" Yi Wenwen asked calmly.

Facing the question of the person in front of her, Shen Mengdie lowered her eyes and said slowly: "I'm going to the depths of the dense forest to check on the werewolf."

"Oh, so you are a curious werewolf." Yi Wenwen sighed, and then turned his gaze to the sky outside the window.When he saw the round full moon, he chuckled and said, "Tonight is the night of the full moon, since you want to go out, then I will accompany you for a while."

After Shen Mengdie heard the other party's words, a little smile gradually appeared in her calm eyes.Although the person in front of him has the freedom to restrict himself, he has not done anything to hurt himself. For now, the other party can still be trusted.

After the two had finished talking, the atmosphere fell into silence again.

Shen Mengdie looked at the sky outside the window, silently counting the time in her heart.After the sky completely darkened, she and Yi Wenwen set off together.

On this full moon night, the moonlight illuminated the dense forest in front of them clearly. In addition, they were able to see things at night, so the dense forest with dense branches and leaves did not bring any hindrance to the two of them.

"Which way are you going?"

After the two kept jumping and running for a long distance, Yi Wenwen turned his head and asked Shen Mengdie beside him.

Shen Mengdie, who was communicating with the system, suddenly heard the other party's inquiry, turned his gaze over, and replied softly: "It is said that the werewolf will appear on the top of the mountain on the night of the full moon. Let's go there now."

After pondering for a while, Yi Wenwen nodded and said lightly: "Okay, if that's the case, then we'll go there now."

Although he didn't know why the other party did this, it was a trivial matter, so he didn't care much about the reason behind it.

Seeing the attitude of the people around her now, Shen Mengdie felt a lot more at ease.The most taboo thing at this time is that the other party always asks me why, after all, she can't give the reason for some things.

So in the next period of time, she kept communicating with the system in her mind, asking it to specify the destination of this mission.

When the two finally arrived at their destination and hid their whereabouts, they discovered the human beings around them by coincidence.To be precise, those are not human beings, but werewolves.

Because these humanoid creatures have revealed the external characteristics of their own group at this moment, each of them has a tendency to become a beast, and the color of their eyes has also become like a wolf, reflecting faint green light from time to time in this dark night, It makes people feel shuddering.

Shen Mengdie closed her mouth tightly, patted Yi Wenwen beside her, and raised her finger to the werewolves gathered not far away.

After feeling her movement, Yi Wenwen raised his hand to gently grab her hand, and held it tightly in his hand, but his eyes were fixed on the werewolf.

"There are so many werewolves here..."

He sighed softly, a look of amusement flashed in his eyes.

Shen Mengdie heard the murmuring of the person beside her, and quickly reached out to cover the other's mouth, and when the other person turned his gaze, he made a silent gesture.

She learned from the information that in addition to the keen sense of smell, the wolves also have very strong hearing.Therefore, I am very worried that those werewolves will discover their existence due to accidental mistakes.If that's the case, she's going to make a futile trip tonight.

Yi Wenwen seemed to have sensed her thoughts, slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, and nodded to her.

In fact, what she didn't know was that, as the third-generation blood race, it was impossible for the werewolves who appeared in front of them to easily detect their whereabouts.The werewolf's nose is very sensitive, and he can smell the bloody smell of the blood race from a long distance away, but now the two of them are so close to it, and they are still not noticed, which is not normal in itself.

Shen Mengdie didn't think too much, all her attention turned to the group of werewolves not far away.

Not long after the werewolves gathered together, they began to transform into berserk one after another, and their originally emerald green eyes turned blood red at this moment.

Because of her race, she naturally saw all this clearly.

"Is this how the transformation process of werewolves looks like?"

After sighing in her heart, she set her sights on the werewolf not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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