The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 371 Chapter 373 Night Nobility

Chapter 371 Chapter 373 Night Nobility (23)

Shen Mengdie's purpose of coming here tonight is very clear, to find out why these werewolves gathered here.But the current situation made her feel confused and confused.

There doesn't seem to be any communication between these werewolves, just fighting each other.

And now only a few characteristics of wolves are exposed, and it has not completely transformed into what is introduced in the information.For this, she could only wait silently.

In the data, the werewolf needs to be completely transformed into the legendary appearance at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.By that time, they will basically lose their human sanity.

Shen Mengdie just kept watching the chaos happening in front of her eyes, and Yi Wenwen also silently accompanied her, watching the violent battle together.

As time passed, the bright moon hanging in the sky slowly moved above everyone's heads.

Shen Mengdie looked up at the full moon in the sky, doubts flashed in her eyes.

"Could it be my illusion, why does it feel like the moon has become bigger and brighter?"

During this period, although she had observed the moon tonight, she didn't think it was as bright as it is now.


She felt as if she heard the dull bell from a distance, and at the moment when the bell rang, the werewolves who were still fighting collectively paused.The hair on the body grew rapidly, and the gradually changing body tore all the clothes.The moonlight also seemed to be brighter at this time, clearly illuminating the expression on the werewolf's cheek.

"It's time." She murmured in her heart, and then shifted her gaze from the moon to the bristling hair of the werewolf.

Just when she hadn't come to observe carefully, the werewolves started to move.They were standing on the flat ground and moved quickly to the top of the mountain, and they all started howling at the moon.




The melodious howling sound was heard far, far away on the top of the mountain, resounding in the depths of this dense forest.

Shen Mengdie looked at the werewolf who had already started howling at Yue Chang, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.After watching for so long, I still don't understand what these werewolves are doing.

Hearing the howls in her ears, she raised her hand and rubbed her cheek lightly.

Yi Wenwen watched those werewolves the whole time, and now seeing the slightly depressed expression on the person beside him, he stretched out his hand, rubbed the other person's hair lightly, and then asked softly in his ear: "Where is this?" What's the matter? You have seen the werewolf, are we going back?"

Listening to the other party's question, Shen Mengdie slowly raised her eyes to look at the other party, but shook her head lightly instead of answering.

Seeing her like this, Yi Wenwen continued to ask, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"I..." She opened her mouth, turned to look at the werewolf who was still howling, and then turned to look at the person who was asking her.

Seeing her expression, Yi Wenwen watched her quietly, waiting for her to speak.

Shen Mengdie saw the kindness of the person beside her, and felt a little warm in her heart. "I want to know why these werewolves came here. After all, this place can be said to be the territory of the blood race."

"So you want to know about this matter?" After hearing her words, Yi Wenwen chuckled lightly, and then promised, "Don't worry, I will handle this matter."


"Everything is up to me." Yi Wenwen smiled and rubbed her hair lightly, then turned his gaze to the werewolf not far away.

After the werewolves howled collectively, the thick hair on their bodies began to fade slowly, and the blood-red eyes turned into a stunning green at this time.

"Is this going to go back to normal?"

Yi Wenwen looked at everything in front of him, muttered softly, and a smile of unknown meaning slowly rose from the corner of his mouth.

Shen Mengdie was also observing the werewolf over there at the moment, so she didn't pay attention to the expressions of the people around her.

The werewolf's transformation didn't last long. After returning to normal, he straightened out his messy clothes and left the place quickly.

"How to do?"

Looking at the werewolf who was about to leave, she couldn't help feeling anxious in her heart.

"You wait for me here." At this time, Yi Wenwen threw out a sentence, and quickly ejected it.

After Shen Mengdie heard the other party's words, she only had time to see a figure going away quickly.

"Where is he going?"

Looking at the person who disappeared in a blink of an eye, she couldn't help feeling a little doubtful in her heart.

Since the man asked her to wait here, she stayed where she was, and the werewolves who were not far away had already run away without a trace.

"Hey, if I knew it earlier, I should have just grabbed one and asked about it."

Sighing in her heart, she knew very well that her strength was not very strong, so she could only sigh here.

Since she has always had no sense of belonging to her current identity, she cannot use her own abilities well.When facing ordinary people, she can still do it herself, but she is a little unsure about facing werewolves who are as famous as blood clans.

As she waited in place, various thoughts flashed through her mind, but at the last moment, she cleared all of them out of her mind.


A loud noise interrupted her contemplation, causing her to quickly come back to her senses.

Raising her eyes to look not far away beside her, she saw a struggling person lying on the ground.No, prepared to say, this is a werewolf.

"Okay, now you can ask him anything."

Yi Wenwen walked over slowly and said to her in a deep voice.

Upon hearing this, Shen Mengdie turned her eyes to the other party, with curiosity in her eyes. "Did you go to catch him just now?"

"Yeah, don't you want to ask something?"

"Thank you." At this moment, she no longer knew what to say.

Yi Wenwen looked into her eyes and chuckled. "you are welcome."

Shen Mengdie looked at the other party's gentle smile, slightly raised the corners of her mouth and pursed her lips and smiled, then turned her gaze to the werewolf lying on the ground struggling.

When she approached the werewolf, she looked at the state of the werewolf, and it was obvious that she had been seriously injured.

"Why do you werewolves come here?"

The werewolf who was struggling to get up gave up struggling after hearing her question, and looked at the person who asked him sarcastically.

"Say it quickly." Seeing the werewolf looking at her silently, but not answering, Shen Mengdie asked again in a deep voice.

"Cough..." The werewolf coughed lightly, raised his hand to wipe off the vampire from the corner of his mouth, and said angrily, "You guys, full of blood, are only worthy of living in a dark sewer with rats..."


Before the werewolf finished speaking, Yi Wenwen stepped on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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