The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 397 399 The Miracle Comes

Chapter 397 Chapter 399 The Miracle Comes ([-])

The old man's name is Hodgson, and he is a senior appraiser for the Melville family's auction. Originally, he was not required to appraise items at this small and medium-sized auction.But out of the mentality that he has not been active for too long recently, he came to the auction house, hoping to be lucky enough to meet one or two valuable items.

He glanced at the nondescript brocade box on the table, and already began to sigh in his heart.Looking at the very ordinary material and style of this brocade box, he can already conclude that there is nothing special in the box.

Thinking of this, he raised his eyes and glanced at the person who had been standing quietly at the side from the beginning until now.Looking at his behavior, he doesn't look like someone with background.

So, he shook his head lightly, took the brocade box slowly, and opened it casually.Suddenly, a strong light burst out from his calm and unwavering eyes, and with a pair of well-maintained hands, tremblingly picked up the seemingly ordinary feather in the box.

"This, this is..."

Seeing the excited expression of the old man, Shen Mengdie felt determined. "It seems that a person who knows the goods has come, but there is no need to be so excited, right?"

In her opinion, there are not tens of thousands of feathers on her wings, but there are still several thousand. She can't understand people who are so excited when they see three feathers.

But how did she know that although angel feathers were precious thousands of years ago, there were a lot of them, but with the passage of time, until today, only the Holy See of Light still has a few angel feathers in their collections. extinct.

"Angel feathers, really angel feathers..."

Hodgson raised his hand to caress the feather, moving carefully, for fear that someone would accidentally damage the pure white feather.

Shen Mengdie watched the old man muttering to himself after being excited for a moment, a look of puzzlement flashed in his eyes, and was about to step forward to ask about the appraisal result and how much it was worth, when the old man suddenly yelled out the door.

"Come on, let the owner know."

"Yes." The person waiting outside the door quickly left after a quick reply.

"You..." After calming down his excitement, Hodgson raised his eyes to look at the person standing still.

Shen Mengdie saw that the other party had something to say to herself, but she didn't really want to answer, but asked first, "Is this thing eligible to be auctioned here?"

"Yes, of course I have the qualifications. But have you thought about putting this in the annual auction of the Melville family?"

After confirming that the person in front of him was a woman, Hodgson asked in a deep voice.

Shen Mengdie shook her head lightly when she heard the words. "No, it will be auctioned tonight."

"But if this is the case, I'm afraid this thing won't be able to sell at a high price."

Hodgson spoke bluntly about what might happen, hoping that the woman in front of him could change her mind.

Of course, Shen Mengdie understood that tonight's small auction was not as good as that annual large auction, but she was not sure that she would stay here at that time, and she could rest assured only when she had the money in her hands.

If she had the opportunity to wait until the annual large-scale auction of the Melville family, she would take out the angel feather to participate in the auction again.Who made this kind of rare item in the eyes of the world not very precious in her opinion.

After thinking clearly, she still shook her head and rejected the other party's kindness. "Thanks for the reminder, but I don't want to wait until that day."

"Since that's the case, then our Melville Family Auction House will bid to buy it directly. After the auction at the end of this year is over, it will still give you the corresponding profit."

Hodgson wants to use the Angel Feather gimmick to attract more people to this year's annual auction.

Shen Mengdie heard the words, but declined the other party's kindness. "Needless to say, if you feel that you cannot cooperate, then I will leave."

She was not at all worried that she would encounter the so-called murder and robbery. After all, the Melville Family Auction House had a very good reputation, and such a thing had never happened before.Even if she took ten thousand steps back, even if she encountered such a thing, she still believed that she had the absolute ability to protect herself.

After hearing the words of the person in front of him, Hodgson sighed and shook his head.Since the other party has insisted on this, he will no longer force it.

"Dong dong dong..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, followed by the voice of the departing person.

"Lord Hodgson, the head of the house has arrived."

"So he is Hodgson?" Shen Mengdie's eyes hidden under the cloak couldn't help but darken when he heard the whispers from the people outside.This appraisal master will be another helper of Destiny's Child, so she has to pay attention to it.

"Quickly invite the owner to come in."

After hearing the message, Hodgson quickly stood up and gave instructions to the people outside the door.


There was a soft knock on the door.

"Master Hodgson, you hurried to find me, what happened?"

The visitor had taupe curly hair and a slight smile in his green eyes.

"Master..." Hodgson called softly, and then waved to the servant guarding the door, motioning to close the door.


After the faint sound of closing the door, there were only three of them left in the room.

After confirming that there were no other people around, Hodgson showed the brocade box in his hand to the owner for inspection.

"This is……"

The head of the family narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of uncertainty flashed in his eyes.

He was invited to the Holy See as a guest, so he had the honor to see the angel feathers in the Holy See's collection.

This kind of feather looks the same as other feathers, and there is nothing special about it, but when it is blessed with magic power, it will emit a faint light, as if it has come to life.

The reason why people in the world admire angel feathers so much is that on the one hand, it is a reflection of the real existence of God. People who believe in the God of Light are honored to collect such an angel feather; , have many uses, it can be used not only for healing, but also for alchemy and alchemy.

Therefore, under the hype of many parties, this kind of scarce item can make people crazy.

"Patriarch, this is the feather of an angel."

Hodgson has been in the Melville family for many years, so he naturally understands the meaning of the owner's unfinished words.

The owner of the Melville family took the brocade box handed to him by the other party, and raised his hand to caress the feather that was lying quietly, with a little bit of magic on his fingertips.

The moment his fingertips touched the feathers, the originally featureless white feathers rose slowly from the box, emitting a faint white light.

Seeing this, Melville's master lightly scratched a wound on his palm.Suddenly, the feather emitting a faint white light spun spontaneously, and dots of white light radiated from it, covering the wound on his palm.

The white light dissipated, and there was still a little wound on the palm.

(End of this chapter)

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