The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 398 400 The Miracle Comes

Chapter 398 400 The Miracle Comes ([-])
Shen Mengdie had been paying attention when the feathers slowly flew out of the brocade box.She never knew that her feathers had such uses, and the eyes hidden under the cloak flashed with surprise because of what she saw now.

Patriarch Melville raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In the following time, several people had a brief discussion about the auction.Because of Shen Mengdie's persistent insistence, the owner of Melville had no choice but to agree to her request, and put the rare angel feather in tonight's small auction.

After Shen Mengdie signed the agreement to put the item up for auction, she left the Melville Auction House with a calm expression, holding the nameplate indicating that she was the auctioneer.

The owner of the Melville family looked at the figure of the person who had gone away, and glanced back at the brocade box in his hand. After pondering for a moment, he said to the appraisal master Hodgson: "Master Hodgson, it seems that the auction tonight is destined to be unsettled." .”

Hodgson listened to the other party's words, sighed softly and said, "It's just a pity that this thing appeared at the wrong time."

"It's okay..." Patriarch Melville interrupted Hodgson's words with a chuckle, pondered over the brocade box and said, "I'll arrange someone to notify those who can come before the auction starts tonight."

"That's all." Hodgson replied with a sigh.

"Master Hodgson, then I will take my leave first."

"go Go."

After Melville's master returned home, he gave his order.The news that the Melville Auction House was going to auction off the Angel Feather tonight gradually spread among the upper echelons, and the city of Stephens was immediately ebullient, and tickets for the auction house were suddenly hard to come by.

After Shen Mengdie heard the news from the students, she just smiled and shook her head.

No matter what others think of tonight's auction, in her view, it is just an opportunity to make money.

When the sun set and night covered the land, the entrance of the Melville Family Auction House was already buzzing with people.

She tucked her cloak and walked slowly inside.

"Excuse me……"

Before the welcome guest had time to ask anything, she directly showed the nameplate that she just got today.

The welcome guest was a young and beautiful woman. After seeing the nameplate in her hand, she swallowed her questioning words, raised a professional smile and said, "This way please."

Shen Mengdie nodded slightly upon hearing this.

After walking for a while, the number of pedestrians around her gradually decreased. When she was led to a door, Yingbin stopped her pace.

"Please, we are waiting outside the house at any time. If you have anything to do, just give orders."

Seeing that the other party opened the door for her, Shen Mengdie knew in her heart that this should be the box of the auction house.After lightly raising his hand to signal that the other party could leave, he walked slowly into the room.

When Yingbin saw her movements, he lowered his eyes slightly, and slowly closed the door from the outside, and retreated to the side.

Shen Mengdie glanced at the environment in the room, and after confirming that there was no danger, she slowly pulled down her cloak, and set her gaze on the crystal ball in the center of the room.

She had done her homework before, so she naturally understood what this crystal ball was useful for.

Caressing the crystal ball, he sighed softly: "Is this the crystal ball used to watch the auction? It doesn't look like there is anything special about it."

She casually injected a little magic power into the crystal ball, and a burst of light suddenly appeared in the originally calm crystal ball, and some images appeared inside the crystal ball.

Judging from the displayed content, it should undoubtedly be the situation in the auction hall.

When she was adjusting her viewing angle at will, she suddenly saw a familiar figure flash past.Seeing this, she paused and turned her perspective back to the previous position.

The person who appeared in her line of sight was Dongfang Junqi, and it seemed that he had come alone.But beside him, a woman was glaring at him, and there seemed to be some contradiction between the two who were stalemate.

"Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like this?"

The woman snorted softly, her eyes a little irritable.

Dongfang Junxuan glanced at the woman beside him, lowered his eyes and turned around to leave directly.

"Stop, I'm the eldest lady of the Melville family, you..."

"Do you have anything to do?" Dongfang Junxuan said here, with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

After Shen Mengdie heard the conversation between the two, she raised her hand and stroked the crystal ball, and began to observe where the voice came from.

She didn't care how Dongfang Junxuan knew these people.After all, for now, all the tasks have nothing to do with the confidante around that person.

While she was observing the structure of the crystal ball, the two people over there were still arguing for some reason.


After a bell rang, everyone's eyes were focused on the high platform.

Dongfang Junxuan threw off the woman who was still holding him, and walked quickly into the crowd.

"Thank you for participating in the monthly auction of Melville Auction House. There will be surprises this time."

"Tonight's auction will officially start, please list the first item..."

Shen Mengdie looked at Hodgson in formal attire standing on the high platform presiding over the auction, her eyes flickered.Although she didn't know the identity of this old man, judging from his words and deeds, he was definitely not an ordinary auctioneer.

Those who were waiting in the hall for the auction to start stopped chatting tacitly after seeing tonight's host on stage.When they saw Master Hodgson appearing, these people clearly realized that tonight's finale was absolutely extraordinary.

Suddenly, many people began to whisper to the people around them, and then many people left one after another.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, nodded and chuckled at each other, and they all understood what the other party's current actions represented.

Shen Mengdie saw everything in her eyes, her eyes darkened.

After Hodgson's words fell, a beautiful woman came up with a tray.On top was laid soft silk, a gemstone necklace of very beautiful appearance.

"The heart of the ocean, can defend against the full blow of a high-level magician. The starting price is [-] gold coins, and each increase must not be less than [-] gold coins. Now..."

When Hodgson, who presided over the auction, introduced the use and reserve price of this jewelry, the people in the hall began to increase the price one after another.

After Shen Mengdie glanced at the necklace, she looked away bored.

"A necklace of this kind doesn't cost [-] gold coins at all in the system. With so many gold coins, you can buy better items." She shook her head lightly and turned her gaze to other places.

(End of this chapter)

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