The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 504 506 Deep Sea Overlord

Chapter 504 Chapter 506 Deep Sea Overlord (Seventeen)
"Damn, damn..."

The octopus monster's emotions began to get out of control. While attacking Yi Wenwen, it also slapped the surrounding reefs everywhere.


Shen Mengdie watched the reef in front of her roll down, and quickly swung the fish's tail away from where it was originally staying.

The violent octopus looked very dangerous, but even so, it was still suppressed by Yi Wenwen.


Shen Mengdie lightly shook her suddenly dizzy head, and looked at the two sides who were fighting in a daze.

When she looked up, she found that the slightly turbid sea water began to fluctuate regularly.

"Is this a sound wave?"

She murmured a little uncertainly.

The octopus monster opened its mouth, and the surrounding sea water began to fluctuate and spread regularly with its movements.

After Yi Wenwen was attacked by the sound wave, although he didn't feel dizzy, his movements became slower.


In the frenzied beating of the octopus monster, he was slapped head-on after slowing down for a while.

After Shen Mengdie saw the person who hit the rock, her pupils shrank, and she subconsciously ran two steps there.

But when he thought about his past, it would bring trouble instead, so he stopped abruptly.

When she looked worriedly at the turbid sea over there, a figure suddenly shot out.


When she saw the appearance of the person who appeared, she was stunned.

Yi Wenwen's silver-white fish tail became more beautiful and powerful, but what attracted her most attention was the other's silver-white hair.

I saw that the originally dark short hair soared to the ankle in an instant, and the silver-white hair stretched out in the water, as if alive, swaying back and forth.

Because the man turned his back to her, he could only see these differences.As for the other party's other changes, she doesn't know for the time being.


Yi Wenwen looked at the octopus squarely again, with a slight smile on his lips.

Seeing that Yi Wenwen was safe and sound, Shen Mengdie couldn't help shouting softly: "How do you feel now?"

Yi Wenwen turned his head slowly when he heard the voice behind him.

At this moment, Shen Mengdie could finally see the other side's face.But after seeing the other party's evil face, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Seeing her gaze, Yi Wenwen lowered his pupils slightly to cover up the thoughtful expression hidden in his eyes.

"I'm fine, you protect yourself."

Shen Mengdie nodded upon hearing this.

Naturally, the octopus monster would not give the two of them time to chat. The moment he saw the prey turned his head, he left and launched an attack.Although it doesn't have a clear brain, it still analyzes the situation at the moment.


Seeing the attack of the octopus monster, Shen Mengdie yelled.

Yi Wenwen looked indifferent about this.Before he moved his body even the slightest bit, the silver-white hair floating in the sea water suddenly started to attack.

That's right, the hair is attacking.

Strands of hair are given life at this moment.

Under the control of their master, they began to attack the huge octopus ahead, and as the attack started, they became longer and longer.


"Bang bang bang..."

Shen Mengdie's conjecture is somewhat different from the reality. In her mind, those hairs endowed with life will be like the tentacles of an octopus, quickly and sensitively entangle them, and use strangulation to deal with the enemy.

Therefore, before she finished speaking, the octopus monster with its teeth and claws was cut into pieces before it had time to react.

A large amount of blood spread in the sea water, making the water in this deep sea very bloody.

Yi Wenwen didn't seem to care about the changes behind him.All his attention at the moment was turned to the amazed Shen Mengdie.

From beginning to end, this battle was just for show.And the reason why it ends so neatly now is because of the obvious worry on that person's face.

"Brother Yi..."

Seeing Yi Wenwen staying in the distance, Shen Mengdie looked at him intently, and gave a soft cry with doubt in his eyes.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen let out a long breath.

Seeing that the other party couldn't come over, Shen Mengdie swam over slowly, waving the tail of the fish.

When she was two meters away from the other party, she stopped abruptly.

"Brother Yi..."

She looked at the other party's evil and fatally attractive face, her heart jumped for joy, but her face became cautious.

Seeing that she was two meters away from him, Yi Wenwen didn't want to approach her, so he glanced sadly.The smile on his face faded away in an instant, and he thought to himself with a little disappointment: "Could it be that my appearance just now scared her?"

After drooping his eyes for a moment, he slowly opened his arms and said, "Mengdie, come here..."

When Shen Mengdie saw that the other party was calling him, a smile immediately appeared on his face, and he jumped at the other party excitedly.

Yi Wenwen was annoyed by his previous behavior, and after feeling the body in his arms, he quickly tightened his arms.

"You hurt me."

Sensing the strength of the opponent's arm, Shen Mengdie struggled slightly, but what she got in return was an even hotter hug from the person in front of her.Therefore, he had no choice but to pat the other party lightly, and let out a coquettish sound.

At this moment, Yi Wenwen wished he could rub the person in his arms into his body, and never separate him again.Although he knew in his heart that Shen Mengdie must also like him, but because of some previous experiences of the two of them, he became worried about gains and losses.

After he let go of the other party slowly, his mood suddenly became depressed.

Seeing that Shen Mengdie had a wrong expression before her eyes, she thought of a good way when she rolled her eyes.

So when Yi Wenwen was tidying up her messy hair, she grabbed the other man's neck and bit his lips very forcefully.


In order to get the attention of the people in front of her to focus on herself, she adopted such a unique method.

Sure enough, her move was quite effective.Yi Wenwen couldn't help but come back to his senses, and when she was about to back away, he grabbed her head and deepened the kiss.


Shen Mengdie patted Yi Wenwen's chest, signaling him to let go of her.

Yi Wenwen's reaction to this was to take the man into his arms with the other hand.How could he just let go of the rare initiative of the person in front of him.

So, when the deep kiss was over, Shen Mengdie began to gasp for breath.

Seeing her like this, Yi Wenwen patted her on the back to help her breathe, and said with a chuckle, "Little idiot, why can't you learn to breathe through your nose?"

When Shen Mengdie heard the words, she raised her eyes and glared at the speaker.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen frowned lightly, and with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he said meaningfully: "It seems that you still have to practice more, why don't we continue?"

(End of this chapter)

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