The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 505 507 Deep Sea Overlord

Chapter 505 Chapter 507 Deep Sea Overlord ([-])

Shen Mengdie directly rejected Yi Wenwen's proposal.

Seeing her like this, Yi Wenwen smiled and stroked her cheek lightly.

Shen Mengdie blinked, and caressed the other's silvery hair, but the soft touch in her hands was different from what she imagined.

She was shocked when she saw these thin strands of hair cutting the octopus into pieces.The crisp and quick movements of the person in front of her reminded her of the task issued by the system.

She had never understood why a mermaid like herself was the overlord of the deep sea, and the siren and the mermaid didn't notice much from the outside.But the moment the other party shot, she understood.

"Although I have a little magical power, I don't have such a powerful lethality. Not to mention that hair can be used as a weapon, and even fingernails can only cut ordinary fish."

Shen Mengdie thought about these things, and a look of sadness naturally appeared on her face.

"Didn't it scare you just now?"

Yi Wenwen asked gently.

When Shen Mengdie heard the words, she raised her eyes to look at the deep eyes of the other party.After shaking her head, she smiled and said, "You are amazing, the octopus monster is no match for you at all."


Yi Wenwen responded in a low voice, with a warm smile in his eyes.

"You..." Just as Shen Mengdie was about to continue speaking, she suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood.

She frowned slightly and turned her gaze behind her.I saw traces of blood red mixed in the sea water, gradually moving towards his position.

Shen Mengdie naturally knew that these were the blood of the octopus monster, so she gently pulled the person beside her.

"Let's go."

Yi Wenwen naturally knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, as a large amount of blood would attract other predators.So she nodded and gently took the other's palm.

"Let's go."


Shen Mengdie responded.

Then the two left here slowly.

At the corpse of the octopus monster, a sensitive tentacle protruded from the gap in the submarine canyon, and after touching the piece of meat, it quickly dragged it away.

Yi Wenwen seemed to feel something, and turned his head to look over there.

"Did you find something?"

Seeing the person beside her looking back, Shen Mengdie also turned her head in doubt.

When Yi Wenwen heard this, he smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing, let's go."


Seeing that the other party didn't intend to continue the conversation, Shen Mengdie slowly followed the other party away after answering.

"Mengdie, where do you want to go next?"

Yi Wenwen asked the people around him while guarding against possible dangers around him.

Shen Mengdie thought about her special mission, and after pondering for a moment, she responded softly: "I want to go around the deep sea area and take a closer look here."

"Okay. But we have to leave the scope of the Great Rift Valley. It's too dark here, and it's not good for your health to stay too long." Yi Wenwen sighed softly.

"Well, you can't stay here for long."

Thinking about her current situation, she nodded in agreement.

In the next few days, the two left the Great Rift Valley and returned to the bright sea.


As soon as Shen Mengdie swam out of the gully of the Great Rift Valley, a beam of sunlight shone straight down from above.

She blinked uncomfortably, raising her hands to block the sun.

When Yi Wenwen saw her like this, he quickly took out a strand of dark silk from the interspatial ring, and quickly covered her eyes.

"Thank you."

Shen Mengdie corrected the scarlet hair on her face, and thanked her with a smile.

The crocodile silk is like gauze, although it covers her eyes, she can still see the front clearly.

Yi Wenwen held each other's hand, and his silver hair wrapped around the person beside him in a protective gesture.

"Let's go to the front and rest."

"it is good."

After finally leaving the dark Great Rift Valley, both of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the next few days, the two visited most places in the deep sea.

During this period, Shen Mengdie felt very relaxed.She believes that with the protection of those around her, she is absolutely safe.

The experience of the past few days has also made her fully feel this point.

She just needs to find the way forward, and Yi Wenwen will take care of all the other things.The two also encountered a school of sharks in the deep sea on the way, and because they could not avoid it, the two faced the school of sharks directly.

However, in the face of Yi Wenwen's formidable strength, this does not constitute a crisis at all.

When Yi Wenwen released his coercion, all the sharks fled from the two in panic.

"Mengdie, where are we going now?"

Yi Wenwen looked at Shen Mengdie who was sitting beside him quietly, and asked gently.

Now the direction of the two of them is entirely up to Shen Mengdie to decide, so now he wants to ask the other party's opinion.

Shen Mengdie looked at the school of fish swimming back and forth not far away, pondered for a moment and replied: "I want to go to land to see."

There is no need to stay in the deep sea anymore, and at this moment, she especially wants to see the land of this world.

"I don't know if there is any land in this world?"

Thinking of the background of this world, she lowered her eyes and sighed.

As soon as her words fell, the system that had been silent for a long time sounded again.

'Ding, the side mission is on...'

'Sub-task seven: Find sea land and land. (undone)'

'Sub-task Eight: Observe land creatures. (undone)'

Shen Mengdie's eyes flashed with joy when she heard the task released by the system.

Originally thought that the land would not exist, but after receiving the side mission released by the system, it was confirmed that the land must exist, and there are living land creatures.

Yi Wenwen saw her good mood, and after twitching the corners of his mouth lightly, he responded softly: "Since you want to go to land, then let's go to land."

This time, he just wanted to play around with the people around him, after all, it was rare for the two of them to have such an opportunity.

Listening to the words of the person beside her, Shen Mengdie slowly retracted her eyes looking into the distance, turned around and hugged the other person's arm and said, "Thank you. Shall we start now?"

"Let's go."

When Yi Wenwen heard the words, he immediately understood what she was thinking.

Afterwards, the two slowly swam towards the sea level.

Because they were not in a hurry, the speed of the two was not fast.

After swimming slowly and resting for a while, it didn't take long to reach the shallow sea area.

"Wow, what's ahead?"

Shen Mengdie looked at a group of transparent floating objects not far ahead, and couldn't help but marvel.

In the ocean, there are countless kinds of plants, so it is not surprising to see floating objects, but the large wave of objects that appear in front of them is very beautiful.In the distance, she could see the faint light emanating from those objects.

After Yi Wenwen heard the words, he raised his eyes and stared at the objects in the distance for a while, then smiled lightly and stroked the hair of the person beside him.

"That's a swarm of jellyfish."

(End of this chapter)

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