Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 431: Bickering

Chapter 431: Bickering (2)
Ou Qili didn't react when he saw Duan Wang, as if he had hit the cotton with a fist, he felt very boring.

Although Duan Wang endured it, Lan's might not. The main reason was that he couldn't bear it after so long.Usually, Lan's still pays attention to imagination in public places, but today...

"Ou Qili, you fart, let me tell you, my daughter-in-law will definitely be back today." Lan pointed at Ou Qili and began to scold, totally disregarding her image.

This time, Lan's accumulated image in front of everyone can be regarded as collapsed.However, Lan's doesn't care, he just hopes that today will go smoothly, this is the happiest thing.

Seeing Lan's anger, the others stopped talking. If someone accidentally angered Lan's, the consequences would be uncomfortable.

However, there was one person who was afraid of Lan's family, or in other words, even if he angered Lan's family, the consequences would not be a big deal, and that person was Zhou Xiaoxue.

If Zhou Xiaoxue angered the Lan family, depending on the relationship between them, at most they would be said a few words, and then they would not be seen. It was no big deal. Zhou Xiaoxue knew this, so she dared to speak.

"Aunt Wangfei, although we all don't want this to happen, it's not impossible, isn't it? So it's necessary to be mentally prepared."

When Lan heard Zhou Xiaoxue's words, he immediately threw the knife at him. Obviously, Lan should pay attention to Zhou Xiaoxue's identity, after all, they are all a family.

Zhou Xiaoxue felt Lan's forbearance, so she became more courageous, "Auntie, if Yixin really can't come, it's better for you to make two preparations. Anyway, everything is ready-made today. If there is an accident, change it. The bride will be fine."

Zhou Xiaoxue definitely came up with a bad idea, and she still came up with a bad idea in front of everyone, so that everyone would know what was going on, and both Duanwang's Mansion and Ling's Mansion would become a joke.

Lan couldn't bear it anymore, so she said: "Xiaoxue, you are Yixin's good sister, how can you say such a thing? Do you want something to happen to Yixin?"

Lan felt that this Zhou Xiaoxue was really vicious, and felt ashamed to belong to the same clan as such a person.

Zhou Xiaoxue was about to say something, and then heard a servant report that Father Ling and others had come. When Duan Wang heard this, he felt relieved. They are all here, so Mu Jin and Ling Yixin are about the same. Far.

When King Duan went out, he saw Father Ling walking in with his family. King Duan happily held Father Ling's hand. The two brothers felt good. "Oh, you are finally here, come on, come in and sit down."

Duan Wang and Ling's father were exchanging greetings, and Lan Shi also held Liu Shi's hand very enthusiastically. Hello, sister.

The rest of Ling Yixuan and Nie Xiaoqian found a place to stand by themselves, while Yichen took the initiative to sit beside Ling's father without saying a word.Duan Wang and Lan's both knew that this was the master of the Ling brothers and sisters, and they also knew that they were not talkative, so they were not too enthusiastic.

And Yichen's immortal appearance appeared in the public's sight again, and everyone was surprised again. Some people only saw Yichen once, which was when Ling Yixuan got married.Some people met twice, at Ling Yixuan's number one scholar banquet.Most of the people didn't know that there was such a person in the Ling family until they saw Yichen for the first time.

But they didn't know Yichen's identity, and when they saw Yichen sitting next to Ling's father, they felt that this child was really ignorant.There was no way, Yichen looked very young, so he thought he was a junior of the Ling family.

Who would have thought that this was actually the master of the Ling family brothers and sisters?
Thinking of this, someone asked, "My lord, who is this person? Why is he still standing next to you? Could it be that he still regards himself as Mu Jin's elder?"

(End of this chapter)

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