Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 432: Bickering

Chapter 432: Bickering (3)
This ignorant person is naturally the princess of the neighboring country, and she is the only one who is brave and doesn't care about anything.

When Yichen heard this voice, he didn't even look at him, and then began to drink tea, which was a necessary posture for Yichen.

When King Duan heard this, he looked over and saw the princess pointing at Yichen. King Duan was speechless. This princess had a lot of things to do and wanted to intervene in everything.

"Princess, this is Yixuan, Yixin's master, sitting here is a matter of course, the princess should not care so much." Duan Wang also explained helplessly, and at the same time warned the princess, stop meddling in other people's business, it is best not say.

Now everyone present knew Yichen's identity. It turned out to be the master of the Ling brothers and sisters, but they didn't know what kind of master it was.There are many people who think this way. Similarly, the princess finally asked.

"Master? I don't know what kind of master it is? Judging by his powerless appearance, he must be a gentleman or something! But if he can teach a champion, he must be knowledgeable!"

The princess is always like this, she guesses everything based on her own feelings, and she always guesses wrong, or in other words, guesses are not completely right.

At this time, Ling Yixuan stepped forward, "Princess is right, my sister and I have never been to school since we were young, and it was the master who taught us knowledge." Ling Yixuan did not take the initiative to say that Yichen still teaches martial arts. It's not something to show off, and I don't want to reveal Yichen's identity.

When the princess heard it, she became even more proud. She guessed it right, so she snorted proudly, and then turned her nostrils to the sky, with a terrible look, which made everyone really dislike it.

Seeing this, Ling Yixuan didn't say anything anymore, and didn't need to say anything. Counting the time, Mu Jin and Ling Yixin should arrive and get ready.

As Ling Yixuan thought about it, he saw servants shouting that the wedding party was approaching.

Now, King Duan was very happy, especially Lan Shi looked proudly at the princess and Zhou Xiaoxue, and then immediately sat upright, waiting for the arrival of the bride and groom.

The rest of the people are doing their duty as guests, that is, watching.There were also some servants who hurriedly prepared the brazier, saddles and so on, and when everything was ready, Mu Jin's wedding party arrived at the gate of Duanwang Mansion.

Seeing this, the princess couldn't believe it. She threw Ling Yixin to the suburbs, how could she catch up with the marriage?
Mu Jin turned over and got off the horse, then picked up the bow and arrows that had been prepared, and then began to set the world with three arrows.

The so-called three arrows will determine the universe, which is a custom before the bride gets off the sedan chair. Before the bride gets off the sedan chair, the groom will shoot three arrows at the sedan chair in front of the hall to drive away the evil spirits brought along the way. This is the custom in traditional folk weddings. Three arrows determine the universe.The three arrows shot by the groom were respectively Tiansha, Disha and Jiaosha.

I saw Mu Jin's heroic posture, and three arrows shot perfectly on the sedan chair.

Then it was time for the bride to get off the sedan chair. Mu Jin walked to the front of the sedan chair and symbolically knocked three times on the sedan chair, and then Ling Yixin knocked three times on the inside.

There is also a story to this three strokes.The south knocks three times, which means that the man in the family will be the master in the future, and the absolute husband guides, while the woman knocks three times, which means that she will not be eaten to death by the south, and she can be the master.

The louder and heavier the knock, it represents the absoluteness of power.

Mu Jin tapped three times lightly, which was also a kind of coping, a kind of respect for Ling Yixin. Ling Yixin heard it, felt it, and was also happy. This was Mu Jin's love for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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