Chapter 57
Even now Ling Yixin feels that it is better not to tell, and let the space become an insurance method silently.Moreover, the secret of this space is too big, too unreal, and if I tell my family members at once, I also worry about whether my family members can bear it.

"If you don't tell them, then they will practice outside?" Yichen thought that what Ling Yixin said about teaching him to practice was to come to the space, but now it seems that is not the intention.

"Of course not, and it's troublesome to come to the space, isn't it? It's better for my brother to practice outside. And didn't you say that although the spiritual power outside is not as good as the spiritual power of the space, it is also very sufficient, so there is no problem Lah!" Ling Yixin may be too used to being in the space, the spiritual power in the space is too strong, while the outside is relatively thin.So Ling Yixin didn't know what the spiritual power outside was like, she hadn't felt it, she just heard it from Yichen.

"That's fine too, but you can also teach your brother, why do you want me?" Yichen didn't understand, Ling Yixin is already very powerful now, she can teach Ling Yixuan, there is no need to bother herself.

"No, how can I teach my brother, what else can I say? How can I practice, where do I come from? I can't solve these problems. Besides, I am still so young, and I have always been by my family. It won't be so powerful! So, you can only show up, you are so old, and you have unique skills, it is normal to find an apprentice or something, as long as you show up reasonably and accept apprentices reasonably, it will be fine."

"You've thought it all over." Yichen couldn't help laughing, this Ling Yixin had thought everything through, and now she's waiting for her to leave the space.

"Yeah, of course I came to you and thought it through." Ling Yixin didn't think there was any problem with this.

"Okay, I agree, but if your brother's aptitude is not good, I won't teach you, I'm too lazy to waste that energy." Yichen is strict about accepting apprentices, Ling Yixin, there is no way, who makes Ling Yixin destined by fate Is that the person you are looking for?Even if the aptitude is poor, there is nothing to do, let alone Ling Yixin's aptitude is quite good.But Ling Yixuan was different, he was not qualified enough to accept him as an apprentice.

"No problem, my brother is smart, he will definitely be able to do it." Although Ling Yixin said it confidently, her heart was beating drums. Although Ling Yixuan was smart, he really didn't know what his cultivation qualifications were.

Just like Ling's father, although he has good knowledge in books, he just doesn't have the brains for business. Now he is studying hard, although it is effective, but when he encounters any more important problems, he can only be a fool.

"Well, remember what you said, I will find a way to appear at your house in the next few days, and your brother will wait for me to check my qualifications!"

"Thank you, master." Ling Yixin was very happy when the matter was settled. Brother Ling Yixuan's practice was not only good for himself, but also good for the whole family.

Afterwards, Ling Yixin started her daily homework——practice.

It is said that after the Wang family borrowed 100 taels, they started to buy land from the village head. They also bought all the land around their house, and told the village head that they would plant bamboo forests and sell bamboo shoots like the Ling family.

The Wang family went back after buying the land, but the village head couldn't figure it out, why did they have to sell bamboo shoots?Are so many bamboo shoots sold out?Where did the Wang family get so much money to buy the land?Although the village chief kept telling himself not to care about other people's affairs, he couldn't suppress his inner curiosity, because it was so incomprehensible.

Aunt Wang, who bought the land, came to the Liu family. She said that the land had been bought and the bamboo forest could be planted, so now she needed the help of the Liu family. To be precise, she needed the help of the Ling family's bamboo forest, and needed some small bamboo seedlings to plant.

(End of this chapter)

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