Chapter 58
Ling Yixin was very hesitant when she found out, because the best time to grow bamboo is spring and winter, and now it is summer, and bamboo is not easy to survive.It is thanks to Lingshui that the bamboo forest at home survived. Now the Wang family wants to plant a bamboo forest, and the season is not good, but should we talk about it?

If it is said that it is not a good season, and someone asks me how my family survived and looks so good, how should I answer.But if you don't say it, do you want to watch the Wang family's bamboo forest go to destruction before it's planted?Or take out spiritual water to help?Ling Yixin couldn't make a decision.

But Mrs. Liu didn't know, so she readily agreed to Aunt Wang. Ling Yixin couldn't help it now. If she really didn't care, the bamboo plantation would fail, and that would be a big problem.Why did my own bamboo forest survive, but Wang's didn't?If you say that there is no secret in this, no one will believe it, and then your family will be different from inside and outside.

So Ling Yixin can only take care of it, and can only take out the spiritual water to help the players, but if there are other people who want to plant bamboo forests in the future, I am afraid that she will have to take out the spiritual water to help silently.So the task of helping fell on Zi Mei.

"Zi Mei, when the players want to plant bamboo forests in a few days, you can run in their bamboo forests and sprinkle some water to keep the bamboo forests alive, okay?"

Ling Yixin thought that Zi Mei would agree to what she said unconditionally, but Zi Mei refused.

"Master, I don't want to do it. It belongs to someone else's family. I don't want to take care of it. I only care about our family's."

"But Zimei, our bamboo forest has been sprinkled with water several times, and now the land has become very good, don't you need to worry about it?" Ling Yixin was still very happy when she heard Zimei talk about our family, which sounded very kind .

"But Master, why do you insist on me going? You can do it too. Before when our family planted bamboo forests by ourselves, your skills were not enough, so you couldn't spread a large area, but now your skills have increased a lot, and you can fully use them. With a wave of my sleeves, a large amount of water will be spilled, which is much better than running around in the bamboo forest."

In fact, Zimei can now sprinkle water without doing it herself, but she just doesn't want to take care of other people's affairs.If this matter has much to do with Ling Yixin, I can still help, but this is completely someone else's business.Ling Yixin actually ordered it to do things for others, Zimei was not happy.

"Okay, okay, I don't need your help, just play in my arms, I'll do it." Maybe Ling Yixin felt Zimei's reluctance and displeasure, so she gave up this idea.Anyway, I can already wave a large area, and when the time comes, I will wave my sleeves to moisten the large bamboo forest.

With the perfect resolution of this matter, both Ling Yixin and Zi Mei returned to a good mood.

And Aunt Wang got help from Mrs. Liu's face and Ling Yixin's covert help, so she started planting bamboo forest with great fanfare.When the villagers heard that the Wang family had also started planting bamboo forests, they felt envious and jealous in their hearts!

Everyone in the village has also heard that the Ling family's bubble bamboo shoot shop is very popular in the town, and it is very profitable. Now the Wang family is going to follow suit and start making money. Isn't it envious?

Some people also want to try it, but their families have no money, can't afford land, and can't grow bamboo forests, so they can only envy the Wang family for having money to buy land and grow bamboo forests.If they knew that the Wang family had borrowed money, they wondered if they would borrow money as well.

Similar to the Ling family, the Wang family also decided to repair the fence, but unlike the Ling family, the Wang family planned to repair the fence slowly by themselves without inviting anyone.As soon as this news came out, the people who had originally thought of taking this opportunity to earn wages for a period of time turned off their fire and had no money to earn.

(End of this chapter)

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