Chapter 74 (1)
Chapter 235 (1)
However, the medicine he bought was not very effective.Because of nausea, because of his advice, she didn't go to the factory, but just lay on the bed, full of thoughts.When it didn't work out, she switched from one pill per hour to two per hour, at any cost, in an attempt to escape the fate that seemed to have befallen her.As a result, she was very weak, and when Clyde came at the end of six o'clock, he was also very sad to see her pale as death, her cheeks sunken, and her big frightened eyes wide open. .It was very clear that she was in emergency, and it was because of him.It made him both afraid and sorry for her.Because her condition didn't improve, he was flustered, and he thought about what to do if it didn't work? He couldn't help guessing wildly, and had to go somewhere else to ask the doctor for further advice! But where to go? How to find it? Which one? ? Besides, he wondered what to do if he needed it, where was he going to get the money?

When there is no other good way, he must immediately go to the grocery store again and ask if there is any other way, other medicine, or any other way to get something.Or, where to find a doctor who does this kind of business privately, offer a small amount of money, or guarantee regular payments, and try to eliminate this crisis.

But the current matter is so tense, it can be said to be a tragic matter, but as soon as he went out, his spirit immediately relaxed a lot, and he remembered that he had made an appointment with Sandra to go to Cranston's house.He, she, and some others had agreed to meet there at nine o'clock as usual, but at the Cranstons' house, despite Sandra's seductiveness, Roberta's illness was still on his mind.Her illness was always floating in front of him like a ghost.In case anyone here today - Nadina Harriet, Pele Haynes, Violet Taylor, Jell Durb, Bella, Bettina, Sandra, any of them What would anyone do if he heard even a little bit of what he had just witnessed? Sandra, who was playing the piano when he entered, looked back and smiled at him, but His mind remained on Roberta.After finishing here, he will definitely go to see her again to see how she is doing. As long as she is better, he will feel relieved.If not, he must write to Rattler at once to see what can be done.

In spite of the disaster he tried to look happy and carefree, dancing first with Pele Haynes, then with Nadina, and then, waiting for an opportunity to dance with Sandra, while Just walked over to a bunch of people over there.They were helping Vanda Steele with a new riddle, and he said the riddle on the slip of paper in the envelope, and he could figure it out (it was a very old-fashioned game of Scrabble, he Found an old book of family games on the Peytons bookshelf with instructions on it).Originally, he wanted to play this kind of game first, to show that he was calm and intelligent, but today, he just used this to temporarily forget his bigger concerns.He had first whispered the method to Nadine Harriet, and then made her his assistant, a game he played which blinded some of the others, but his heart was not very much attached to it.Roberta was always before his eyes.What if something really happened to her and he couldn't help her through this crisis? Maybe she even wanted him to marry her. She had always been so terrified of her parents and the public opinion of the general public. , what would he do then? He would lose beautiful Sandra, and she might even know how and why he lost her.It would be too fantastic for Roberta to have such a hope in him, and he would never do it, nor could he.

One thing was for sure, he had to help her through this crisis, he had to! But how? How?

At twelve o'clock, Sandra indicated that she was ready to go, and that he could see her to her door (or even to play for a while) if he pleased.Later, in the shadow of the cane that fringed the gate, she allowed him to kiss her, and told him that she thought him the most lovable person.When spring comes, their family plans to move to No. 12 Lake to live. Then she plans to use her brain to see if there is any way to invite him to spend the weekend.Even so, Clyde was too worried, so urgent was Roberta's business, to think fully of this gesture of love from her.For him, this can be said to be very intoxicating, and it is also a new and great success for him in terms of social status and love.

He must send the letter to Ratterer tonight.Before that, however, he must, as he had promised, go and see Roberta, and see if she was not a little better.Then, tomorrow morning, he would go to Schnackdat anyway to find the grocery store.Unless she's better tonight, she'll have to figure out a way.

So, while Sandra's kiss was still hot on his lips, he would have to part with her and go see Roberta.As soon as he entered her room, his pale face, those pained eyes told him that things were not getting better.It can also be said that her body was still weaker, and she was almost very sick.But she said she could stand anything if she could get away with it, and that she would rather die than suffer that.Clyde also understood what she meant, and was really worried about himself, pretending to be worried about her, but his attitude in the past was so cold, so he walked away like that tonight, leaving her alone Therefore, she didn't feel that he really cared about her.And it was this that made her very sad.Now she has realized that he no longer really cares about her, even though he still persuades her not to worry, and says that if these things don't work, he can probably find something more effective.He also said that early in the morning, he would go to Schnackdart to see the guy in the grocery store and see what he could do.

But Gilpin didn't have a telephone at home, and he never dared to visit her in her room during the day, and he never allowed her to visit him at Peyton's house, so now he intends to pass here before going to work tomorrow morning, if If she has something to do, she draws the front two curtains to the top; otherwise, she draws them to the middle.If so, he was going to make a phone call to Ricky, say there was some business to do outside, and then go to Schnackdart.

At any rate, they were both apprehensive that this emergency would bring great disaster to each of them, and they were both downcast and terrified.As far as Clyde was concerned, he had no certainty that he could get away without any form of compensation in the event Roberta could not escape.As for some form of compensation for her loss, it may not just be a temporary help for her, but a further step, maybe getting married, because she has already mentioned it to him, saying that he promised himself that he will be there from beginning to end help her.But now he asked himself, what did he mean when he said that at the beginning? It didn't mean marriage, that's for sure, because he never considered marrying her, but just fell in love with her. Just be happy.Even though he himself understood, she didn't understand his impatience at that time.He himself had to admit that she probably thought his thoughts were very serious at the time, otherwise she would not have obeyed him at all.

But when Clyde got home, and wrote and dispatched the letter to Ratterer, he passed the night in great misery.Early the next morning, as he was passing by, he saw Roberta's curtain hanging in the middle, and he went to Schnackdart to find the man in the grocery store.But this time, the man didn't say anything else, he just said that he might as well take a hot bath, which might make his body weaker.He forgot to mention this when he first talked about it, and he also mentioned all sorts of debilitating forms of exercise, but he noticed Clyde's uneasy look, and decided that he was worried, so he said: "When your wife skips a month, there will never be any serious problems, you know. Women are like this sometimes, anyway, before the second month, you can't judge at all. No matter what doctor it is, it will treat you That said. If she's really worried, let her try this. But if it doesn't work, there's nothing you can do about it. By next month, she might be all right."

This statement made Clyde a little bit happy when he heard it, and he was about to leave, because Roberta might have made a mistake.He and she were probably looking for trouble.However, he himself thought that he was born to be very thoughtful in all aspects, and maybe there was some real danger. If he waited until the second menstruation, it would be a waste of a month without doing anything. Cheng, this can make people shudder.He said: "In case things go wrong, do you know what doctor she can go to? This matter is very important to both of us, and I always try to do my best to save her from this emergency." .”

The way Clyde said these words, the utter absurdity of his attitude, and the way he preferred to find illicit remedies.This made the pharmacist suspicious.According to his logic, this is the same as taking medicine, although the purpose is the same, but the nature is quite different.He looked at Clyde suspiciously, and an idea could not help appearing in his mind, Clyde was never married at all.It might just be the youth kind of thing, that is to say, that life is loose, and that's a bad thing for some unsophisticated girl.In this way, his psychology changed.He was no longer as willing to help him as he was before, but just said coldly: "Well, there may be some doctor here, but if there is, I don't know at all. And I don't want to be like It is illegal to refer people to a doctor casually like this. It would be very troublesome for any random doctor here to be found doing this kind of thing. Of course, if you want, you can also go and find it yourself. he continued gravely, casting a very careful and suspicious look at Clyde.And he had made up his mind that it would be best not to have anything to do with the man.

Clyde could only dispense another dose of the medicine he bought last time and go back to Roberta.She is firmly against it, thinking that since the first box doesn't work, it won't work if she eats it again.But since he insisted, she agreed to try the medicine again. Clyde said that she was not feeling well this time, perhaps because of a cold or mental disturbance. Such words could only convince her: Taking her as an example, there was nothing he could do.Otherwise, he still doesn't know enough about how important this matter is to the two of them.What if the newly formulated medicine still doesn't work? Will he stop here and completely ignore it?

But Clyde's personality is really strange. He is worried about his future, but also thinks that being tortured like this and hindering his various interests is really uncomfortable.Therefore, if a month's delay would do no harm, he would be happy to wait until then, and only wait indifferently.Maybe Roberta was mistaken, maybe she was asking for trouble.He had to see how well she was doing after taking the newly prescribed medicine, and then make a judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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