Chapter 87 (1)
Chapter 242 (1)
Once connected with the urgency in front of him, he couldn't get rid of the thought of the tragedy on the lake.His originally weak heart became more fragile, more confused and entangled.This event—such a clever and invisible way to let two lives be wiped out on Pass Lake so easily—was shocking to him. The girl's body was found, but—there was still a strange force pressing on him. He thought—the man hadn't been found yet.And his heart is still controlled by a mysterious force, which is: that man's body may not be at the bottom of the lake at all.Since a wicked man wants to get rid of someone else, the reason why the man went there with that girl is to get rid of her.What a terrible, ingenious, and successful plot this is!

However, to allow himself to act on such a wicked idea... that would never work! But again he hesitated, his problem became more and more urgent, and at least every two days, he always had a letter from Roberta or a letter from Sander. These two things always represent two prospects: comfort and unhappiness, joy and frustration.It made him feel gloomy and depressed about his uncertain future.

On Roberta's side, he just made a quick phone call, and the words were flickering.How is she? He knew from the letter that she was still at home in the country. The weather in the country must be much better than in the factory.Of course, it's not bad here, but a batch of orders suddenly poured in, so it's difficult to do it these two days.He was working on that project—she knew, saving money in every possible way, and besides, she didn't have to worry about him not writing, both because of work and because he didn't have time.Doing so many things every day, the most unbearable thing for him is that she can't see her shadow in her old place at this time.He missed her, was anxious to see her, and if she should come to Lycurgus, as the letter said, and, if she wanted to see him,--there would be a way, there would be, but there seemed to be no such thing at present. Necessary, he is so busy, and we will see each other soon.

Almost at the same time, he wrote to Sandra, making an appointment on the 18th, if possible, this weekend, that he would be with her.

He was thinking of Sandra now, and with the matter of Roberta there was nothing he could do about it, just kept playing tricks, finding excuses, remembering the long-planned meeting with Sandra, at least at the weekend, Finally got his wish, he had never experienced such a scene before.

When he arrived at the Sharon public pier near the No.12 Lakeside Hotel, he was greeted by Bettina, her brother, and Sandra. They took Grant's car to the foot of the mountain to pick him up. The lake in Indian Mountain was as green as Pei Cui, the pine trees stand tall and straight on both sides of the bank, as if standing upside down, the dark reflections of the trees on both sides of the lake are clearly visible, there are villas everywhere, big and small, white, pink, blue, brown,... …to dazzle, and the docks! The gazebos by the lake, the summer houses that stand out from the crowd, the Cranstons, the Finchleys, and others.In those places, a small pier protruded from the water's edge, where blue and green canoes and motorboats were moored.Pine Bay has delightful inns and gazebos where people have long enjoyed themselves.The two foxhounds Bettina had recently found were lying on the grass near the Cranstons' dock, waiting for Bettina's return. Her family was attended by half a dozen servants, one of whom was named John, just waited there, and mentioned the bag, tennis racket, and golf clubs for Clyde, but what impressed him most was this well-arranged and well-designed big house, with tencel planted on the side and sunny corridors. adequate.The balcony is spacious, standing on it, the beautiful scenery on the lake is unobstructed.There are also a variety of guests, all in different identities, as manifested in their cars.These people are all holding golf clubs or tennis rackets, or wearing suits, scattered around, looking relaxed.

After Bettina gave orders, John took Clyde into a room with a view of the lake. This was a spacious room, where he took a shower, changed into tennis clothes, and prepared to play with Sandra. , Bettina, and Grant went to play tennis together, and Sandra specially went to Bettina's house as a guest. After dinner, Sandra told him that he could go to Casino with Bettina and Grant, and everyone knew about it. and dance! And early tomorrow morning he could ride with Bettina and Stuart and her along a quiet forest path, through the woods on both sides, to Inspiration Cove, and look out over the lake.He only now knows that apart from these trails, there is almost forty miles of no road in this forest. He was told that if there is no compass or guide, the traveler may die. The direction is so confusing and strange. It's really not easy for people to find their way.Also, a little later after breakfast, Benatti was going to show off her newly acquired skills in Sandra's spinnaker.After that, lunch, tennis, or golf, and tea at Casino.In the evening, I have dinner at the Gadbrook's house on the other side of the lake, and there will be dancing after dinner.

Clyde also noticed that he had only been here for more than an hour, and this weekend was full of activities.He knew, however, that he and Sandra would find time to talk, and not just for a while, but for hours.All sorts of temperaments, what wonderful opportunities awaited him, and it seemed to him that, though the matter of Roberta weighed heavily on his mind, he might as well put it aside, at least for this weekend, It's like being in heaven.

On the Cranstons' tennis court, Sandra wore a snow-white tennis blouse over short skirts, her hair tied up in a blue-patterned handkerchief.Her graceful expression seemed to be unprecedented in the past.The smile on her lips! The laughing, loving look in her eyes every time she glanced at him! She ran up and down and hit him the ball like a cat The bird is flying, and her hand holding the racket is raised high, as if a toe is lightly touching the ground, her head is thrown back, her lips are slightly parted, and she is always smiling.When she yelled twenty-to-zero, she always smiled at the word O, and he felt hot and sad when he heard it.Because he knew how happy he was from this point of view, that is, if he could have her freely now, then she would be his, but he had built a black wall himself.

Then there's another shot of the bright sun pouring a crystalline ray of light over a meadow that stretches from the tall pines to the silvery rippling edge of a lake.In six or seven places on the lake, you can see the shining white sails and colorful hulls of small boats.Happy couple paddling a canoe and paddling across the lake in the sun! Summer is happy, warm, colorful, comfortable, beautiful, and love is what he dreamed of when he was lonely last summer.

The next morning she kept her promise and rode slowly to Inspiration Bay, and before seven o'clock, Bettina and Sandra were in bright red coats, white trousers, and black boots.Her hair fluttered beautifully against the wind.She walked forward with gusto, leading most of the time, then turned back and ran to him.Either Sandra beckoned him cheerfully to come on, or the two of them were talking and laughing a hundred yards away, deep in the woods path where she couldn't see them.Since Sandra was clearly in love with him these days, Bettina's own thought was that perhaps her infatuation would eventually lead to marriage, as long as family conflicts did not get in the way.She, Bettina, insisted so affectionately and coquettishly that he come and live here in the summer, that she would protect them, and that she left them speechless.Clyde's mind was intoxicated, and at the same time preoccupied and uneasy, sometimes it was like this, and he couldn't help thinking of the idea in the news in the newspaper, but he tried desperately to get rid of the entanglement of this idea.

Then, I came to a place where there was a steep road in the dark forest, leading to a spring surrounded by gravel and moss.As Sandra was about to go on down the road, she called to Clyde, "Come down here, Jerry knows the way, and he won't fall. Come here, give him some water. It If you drink water, you will walk faster when you go back, that's what everyone says."

(End of this chapter)

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