The glory of the king

Chapter 139 1 on 5?

Chapter 139 One hit five?

"The fairy world?!" Dugu Hanqing opened his mouth wide, with an expression of admiration on his face:
"It turns out that the teacher's power is so strong that he can challenge the sky! It's really amazing! Can history also have such power as honesty in the future?"

The old man laughed and said:

"Challenge the sky? No, no, if possible, I hope to become friends with it, not enemies. As for you kid, don't think so much. If you want to have the power of being a teacher, you must cultivate for 800 years before talking about it. .”

"Ah ~ 800 years, then I guess the bones are gone, right?" Dugu Hanqing retracted his head in disappointment.

At this time, Zhuge Liang turned his head, looked at the silver-haired boy and said, "The class competition of the Glory Fighter Competition is about to begin, Shi Qing, don't you want to see the new apprentice that the teacher will accept soon? Let's go together."

Dugu Hanqing's eyes brightened: "Wow, wow! Is she a cute girl? If it's a girl, I have to be polite to her, but if it's a dick...then I'm going to beat him up!"

Then he twisted his buttocks, pulled out his legs and left with Zhuge Liang.

Nezha watched the two leave, then turned to look at the old man and said with a smile, "What kind of genius did the teacher discover?"

With a wave of the old man's hand, the ruler in his hand disappeared.He lay down again, "Ah~ah~", let out bursts of comfortable groans, and then said slowly:
"The talent of heaven? Hehe, how can there be so many talents of heaven in this world? It's just that the kid is very interesting, I like it very much, so I want to teach him something."

Nezha shook his head: "I don't believe it, if this child has nothing special, he can fall into your eyes, teacher?

Although you advocate teaching without distinction, teach students in accordance with their aptitude.But those ordinary people who have no growth potential, I don't believe you are interested in cultivating. "

The old man waved his hand, closed his eyes and said, "Go and watch the game too, let me take a rest for the teacher."

Nezha was silent for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile.


When Zhuge Liang came to the rostrum, Zhao Yun explained the rules of the game as usual.

The competition still adopts the lottery system, and the content of the competition is a melee between two classes, and the competition is the cooperation between the teams.Whichever side knocks down all the opponent's people first or knocks them out of the ring is considered a victory.

This time, it was no longer Zhao Yun who drew lots, but Zhuge Liang himself.

Zhuge Liang and Ximen looked at each other without confusion and smiled.

Then, after the blue feather fan swayed over the lottery box, two white balls immediately floated from it.

Looking at the numbers on the white ball, Zhuge Liang solemnly announced: "The first class match, class two, against class nine!"

After a burst of intense applause from the audience, Peasley led the other four to the ring.He didn't expect that he was also the first to play in this class competition.

But it doesn't matter, if you finish playing early, you can rest early, right?

Judging from the previous individual competitions, I didn't see any particularly powerful characters in the second class.

The leader of the second class is their class monitor, a delicate-looking little girl named Miao Xun.

A red ribbon was tied on her forehead, a long supple braid was tied behind her head, and white bandages were tied on her two small arms, giving people a very belligerent feeling.

But compared to Huo Xunwu, her belligerence is obviously not worth mentioning.

"Li Sipi?" Miao Xun said, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Peasley nodded and asked back, "Why?"

"I think you are a very hypocritical person!" Miao Xun continued.

Peasley showed doubts on his face: "Why did you say that?"

When Miao Xun heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, then folded her arms and sneered:
"Do you really not know or are you pretending not to know? I don't know what kind of background you have, but you can actually let Cao Xueling give you the championship!
If this is the case, forget it, I admit that you are indeed capable of reaching the finals.There is not much difference between the champion and the runner-up.

But what's even more exaggerated is that I didn't expect you to dare to challenge the champion of the second grade.And actually defeated it lightly.You're doing it for the sake of being famous, don't you even want your face? "

Miao Xun spoke in earnest, her little face blushed with excitement, as if saying these words was quite enjoyable.

Peasley looked at the other party calmly, and said with a smile, "So that's how you see me?"

Miao Xun raised her eyebrows and said sarcastically: "It's not just me, I believe that most of the audience at that time thought so! I really don't know, won't you blush when you do such self-deceiving things?"

Pease thought for a while, nodded and said, "That makes sense. If you can't do it yourself, you think others can't do it either. This is the weak."

Miao Xun was taken aback for a moment, but when she realized that the other party was retorting, she immediately laughed angrily: "Joke! Weak? What is weak? What is strong? I think the real weak are those who are hypocritical like you.

I admit that I am not as strong as you in terms of personal strength, but I am weak and frank!Unlike you, who are immersed in false power and cannot extricate themselves! "

Peasley nodded with a smile.When the other party said something, he nodded once, but it made Miao Xun more and more angry!He was so angry that he even started talking recklessly.

"Hmph! Uneducated hypocrite! I really don't know who your parents are! They can raise a son like you!"

Peasley's smile froze suddenly, then slowly disappeared.

He looked at the girl in front of him, and said word by word: "I didn't hear what you said just now, can you say it again?"

Seeing the black-haired boy's suddenly gloomy face and the coercion emanating from him, Miao Xun felt a little shocked for some reason. After a while, she forcibly calmed down and continued:

"In short, I question your ability to beat the second-year champion. If you can prove your ability to me, I would like to apologize to you for what I just said.

But if you can't, hehe... Then I believe that this doubt will last a lifetime.Countless people, including me, will despise you, and your family! "

Pisley glanced at Miao Xun and the four people behind her, and found that they all looked at him with disdain.After a while, he raised his head, and his gloomy face was suddenly covered with a bright smile.

"Okay! Do you want to prove it? I will prove it to you!"

Afterwards, he took a step forward, and the blue mula enveloped his whole body instantly like a raging fire. He looked at the five people in front of him and said coldly, "I'm the only one who beat you five!"

"Roar?" Miao Xun looked at the black-haired boy, with a half-smile on his face, "Isn't this too unfair to you? Why don't we fight with three of us, and if you can win, the Throw us in. If you can't win..."

Speaking of this, Miao Xun's smile suddenly carried a hint of ferocity.

"Then you kneel on the spot and admit your evil deeds to everyone!"

 I have been waiting for Duxiu children's shoes for a long time!Because it's going to be a holiday, there are a lot of things today, so the update is a little late.Feel sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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