Chapter 140
Peasley smiled: "This proposal sounds good. However, what do you think of the three of you compared to Ning Yi alone?"

Miao Xun's face turned pale immediately.

The difference between a silver warrior and a bronze warrior is huge in itself.What's more, she and the group behind her are only about Bronze Level [-] or Level [-].Not to mention the three of them, even if the five of them went together, they would definitely not be an opponent of Ning Yi alone.

Of course, it was precisely because of this that Miao Xun questioned Pisley's strength more and more.Question the authenticity of yesterday's championship challenge.Because the opponent, like them, is nothing more than a bronze warrior.

"So let's go together, five of you. Otherwise, it's too much of a challenge for me." Pisley plucked his ears, looking calm as if an old god was present.

"Really... If that's the case, then we won't be polite to you." Miao Xun said with a corner of her mouth, turned around and walked towards her team.

The moment she turned around, her teammates all saw a smug smile on her face, and their eyes lit up with admiration at the same time.

As expected of being the squad leader, this aggressive technique is really amazing.Just as they had planned in advance, that fool actually dared to answer without shame, probably because he was so angry with what their squad leader said that he lost his mind.

This Lispi is undoubtedly their biggest enemy in this competition.As long as he can be the first to deal with him, then the remaining four people will be much easier to deal with.

On the other side, Liu Qinghe reached out and grabbed Pisley's arm. As a bystander, and she was also very smart, she could naturally see that there was something wrong with the negotiation just now.

She comforted her with a worried face: "Xiao Pi, isn't this good? The other party may have deliberately forced you to make this decision. Let's just ignore him."

She didn't question his strength, but just reminded him very tactfully.

Peasley looked at little Lolita's white and tender face, couldn't help but smiled and stretched out his hand to squeeze it.

During this period of time, I took her to eat and drink well, and her body has grown much better than before.The skin color has also changed from the yellowish yellow before to the moist and fair now.

Liu Qinghe's face was pinched into the shape of a big cake by him, and his voice also had some interesting changes: "Don't pinch Lu, pinch Chu Lu again!"

"Pfft—haha!" Pisley was amused by Liu Qinghe's cute appearance, but his presumptuous laughter was so harsh in the ears of Miao Xun and the others.

Miao Xun sneered: "Hmph, fight later, let's see if you can still smile!"

After laughing until he couldn't stop laughing, Peasley let go of his hand, looked seriously at the four people behind him and said, "Trust me."

Tang Si nodded slightly.

Ancini looked at his hands and ignored him completely.

Ye Dou sneered and said, "Don't be too conceited, if we see that you can't beat us, we will attack directly."


Peasley didn't care about his face. If he really couldn't beat him, he believed that he could also consume the opponent's seven or eight eight, and leave the rest to his teammates without any pressure.

Both of them have the same abacus, but in the end, only one side must get what they want.

Afterwards, Peasley turned around and walked towards the five people who had already formed their positions.

Behind Miao Xun are four boys.Peasley didn't use [Tianmu] to investigate one by one, but only saw Miao Xun.

Level 12, that is, the strength of Bronze Level [-].Those behind him should also be at the bronze level.

Peasley walked towards the opponent, and every time he took a step, the momentum of his whole body would rise a bit.

In the first step, the arrogance of Mu La on his body became stronger and stronger.

In the second step, a pair of illusory novice shoes were added to his feet, and his figure became extremely light.

The third step is [Hunyuan Cap] in the left hand, [thorns] in the right hand, and a crystal novice necklace around the neck.

In the fourth step, a green hat appears on the head.Like green bananas, the green ones make your mouth feel astringent.

At this moment, Peasley's aura had almost reached its peak state, causing the five people who were originally extremely relaxed on the opposite side to frown involuntarily.

But they will not foolishly wait for this ignorant opponent to further push their state to a higher level.

Miao Xun took the lead, and she punched Pisley in the air without any fanfare.

Just as Peasley was about to take the fifth step, he suddenly saw Miao Xun throwing a fist, but there was a strong wind behind his head.

Peasley tilted his head slightly, only to feel a gust of strong wind pass by his ear, but this invisible fist fell to nothing.

If one misses, what follows is a storm-like attack.

"Let's go together. He is no more than a bronze warrior. Can't we kill him with five people?" Miao Xun said without looking back, and then rushed towards Pisley first.

Miao Xun is good at melee boxing, but her boxing is different from that of ordinary people, which makes Pisley feel very strange.

It is obviously sent from the front, but often behind or at a certain tricky angle, there will be an invisible punch that suddenly strikes, making it hard to guard against.

But the trouble is not only these, the other four people, who use foot skills, knife skills, sound wave skills, and even one person, attacked with farts!

It was easy for Peasley to deal with the first two types, but his sonic skills made him a little helpless. Of course, the fourth type was the scariest one, the guy who attacked with farts.Sometimes if you don't grasp it well, even your teammates will be smoked.

He's in a bit of a tough spot right now, but his opponents aren't having a good time either.

With his [Zen Step], Peasley walked back and forth among the five people, and avoided the bombardment of a series of skills by virtue of his beautiful movements.

Even if there are occasional skills that are really impossible to avoid, with his defense power as high as 110 points at the moment, he only loses a few drops of blood.

After a battle with silver fighters like Ning Yi, and then going back to fight against bronze fighters, he felt that most of these people's actions were under his control, and his understanding of combat was a little higher .

Yesterday's battle really made him grow a lot.

While the ring was in full swing, at the moment in a VIP room next to the rostrum, through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, two figures, one large and one small, were looking at the black-haired boy on the ring, secretly be surprised.

Dugu Hanqing: "Is he the new disciple the teacher wants to accept?"

Nezha put his hands behind his back, nodded and said, "My name is Li Sipi. I am the same age as you. The strength should be at the bronze level."

When Dugu Hanqing heard the words, he immediately sneered: "A mere bronze girl, and she's not a cute girl, yet she can catch the teacher's attention? Hmph, I'll beat him up after the competition... Oh! Brother! Why did you beat me?"

Before Dugu Hanqing could finish his words, he was suddenly knocked violently.

(End of this chapter)

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