The glory of the king

Chapter 142 Thunder fart

Chapter 142 Thunder fart
Before Peasley could be happy, suddenly a piercing sound of fingernails scratching glass poured into his ears.He felt as if his scalp was going to explode, and he couldn't stop trembling.

There is no doubt that it was the sonic boy who used the sonic skill again.This skill is invisible and qualityless, although it can't cause substantial damage to Peasley's body, but his mental impact is very huge.

Now he has no effective defense against this skill, the only way is to quickly defeat the opponent!
[Zen Step] Walking up, the mula lingered all over his body, and all the muscles in Pisili's body began to beat excitedly.The next moment, three identical figures walked towards Sonic Boy.

He said he was going, but every time he took a step, he was three meters away.

Faced with such a strange movement, Sonic Boy showed vigilance.Taking a deep breath, the chest immediately swelled exaggeratedly, as if it would burst at any moment.

The next moment, the sound wave boy opened his mouth wide, and the wind was blowing in his mouth.Peasley felt that the air in front of him was distorted, and an imaginary huge lion transformed by the sound waves rushed towards Peasley.

Could this be the legendary lion's roar skill?

Peasley's hair flew back wildly, revealing his smooth forehead.The imaginary big lion opened its mouth wide, intending to swallow Pisley in one gulp.

Peasley's two false bodies had already been shattered by this sonic attack, but his main body was expressionless and gathered the mura all over his body to his right fist.

Tiger Might Fist!
Peasley let out a loud shout, and punched in the direction of the phantom lion without any fanfare.

An imaginary tiger jumped out of its fist, and rushed towards the lion with a shocking roar.


The phantom tiger raised its hand and slapped the phantom lion of Sonic Boy directly into a cloud of mist.

Since ancient times, the single-handed ability of lions has been inferior to that of tigers.After all, tigers live alone and lions live in groups.In one-on-one situations, the tiger has an absolute advantage.

What's more, who has ever seen a permed head and can get tattooed?
Seeing that his lion was easily crushed, Sonic Boy's face turned livid, and he took another breath.

But this time, before he could exhale, Peasley suddenly appeared in front of him, and the moment Sonic Boy was about to exhale, he tightly blocked his mouth.

Sonic Boy's face flushed red.Peasley then punched him again, hitting his raised chest heavily.

There was a sound of "Puff--", and the back of Sonic Boy's pants suddenly bulged, accompanied by the sound of gas spurting out.

The eyes of the boy who was using the fart skill brightened. It turned out that there was another fart master among his teammates.This way of farting is really superb.

But at this moment, he didn't have time to think too much, because the black-haired boy was already looking towards him.

"Hey, hey, you bastard, you really disgusted me just now!"

Peasley looked at this fart boy, not hiding his disgust at all.From time to time there was a burst of yellow gas with a disgusting stench, and when he smelled it, his whole body was blocked by force.

But the fart-making boy sneered and said: "360 lines, every line is the best. Farts are also a part of my body. I have achieved achievements in this area. Why do you say I am disgusting? I eat your food or use your home. fart?"

Peasley was too lazy to talk to the other party, and the [thorn] in his hand flashed a cold light, and he threw it straight at the other party.

The fart boy's eyes froze slightly, then he turned his back, pouted his butt, pointed at Peasley and shouted: "Bronze Intermediate, Thunder Fart!"

There was a bang, and the ring sounded like a thunderbolt, and everyone in the audience was shocked.

Different from the yellow gas that was different before, this time what the fart boy spewed out was a cloud of jet-black gas.It's just that there is a faint electric arc flickering and rumbling in the gas.It flew towards Peasley like a cloud of thunder, and directly bounced Peasley's [thorns] back.

Peasley put away the dagger, this time he didn't dodge again, instead he pinched his nose and rushed towards the black gas.

The moment he entered the gas, Peasley only felt a sudden electric shock-like numbness on the surface of his skin.

Peasley secretly marveled, although this fart boy's moves are disgusting, but it has to be said that he has indeed opened up a different path of cultivation.If this child grows up in the future, he will definitely be a talent with explosive AOE damage on the battlefield.

Even though Mulla wrapped his whole body, Pisley could still clearly feel the pain all over his body.It seems that the strength of his black iron mullah is still a little weak against the bronze warrior's bronze mullah.

But he didn't show any worried expression.Instead, he calmly took out a piece of golden talisman paper from his bosom.

With a flick of his finger, a pink little fox suddenly appeared in front of him.


As soon as the little fox saw its master, it immediately called out happily, threw itself into his arms, and rubbed its bright red nose against his neck, looking very intimate.

But the next moment, its two ears suddenly stood up alertly.It communicates with its master, so it naturally senses that its master is in a dangerous situation.

It couldn't help showing a fierce look in its eyes, and let out a low cry angrily.Then he opened his mouth, and a pink flame spurted out of it.

When farts meet fire, they will burn.Because it contains methane and hydrogen.

The black air mass suddenly ignited a raging fire because of the pink flame, engulfing Peasley whole.

Outside the flames, the fart boy showed surprise at first, but then he sneered and said:
"This silly boy, how dare you directly confront my thunder fart? If you get hit by my thunder fart, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die. And you dare to attack my fart with fire? Don't you know that farts are flammable? It's self-inflicted perish."

Then he turned his head, looked at Miao Xun and said, "Squad leader, our task has been completed..."

Miao Xun froze for a moment, then looked at him with sympathy, and pointed behind him with her finger.

Hearing a squeak behind him startled the fart boy and turned his head quickly.

I saw the pink flame violently churned, then shrank suddenly, and was actually sucked into the belly by a fox-like creature.


The little pink fox patted its swollen belly with its little paws contentedly, then twisted its long and slender tail, and immediately climbed onto Peasley's shoulder, staring at the fart boy.

The fart boy looked at the little fox in disbelief. For some reason, he felt an extremely dangerous aura from this fox.

In fact, this spirit beast already possessed the strength of a high-level bronze.Compared with the strength reflected on the surface of Peasley, it is stronger!

 On the last day of June, something to say...

(End of this chapter)

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