The glory of the king

Chapter 143 Listing Notice and Testimonials

Chapter 143 Listing Notice and Testimonials
1. Notification of listing
Time flies so fast, and before you know it, it's the last day of June.Should be out tomorrow.

Well, that's right, it finally decided to put it on the shelves.

But first of all, I want to say sorry to Milk Ming Children's Shoes and all the friends who often vote for me and hope that I will always be free!

Forced by life, it is really helpless!If I can live without worrying about food and clothing, I also hope that I can always write stories for you for free.

Maybe you are still young, growing up under the blessing of your parents, and you should spend the money given by your parents as a matter of course.But at my age, 22 years old, when I am about to graduate from university, it is really a shameful thing to ask my parents for living expenses.At least I think so.

So I hope to put it on the shelves, hope to get the support of readers and friends, and hope to support myself.I hope that one day, I can smile and push away the money given by my parents, and say: "I don't need my parents, my son can be self-reliant."

... Regarding the charging issue, in fact, it is not as scary as imagined.

For Koukou Reading, 0.05 yuan/thousand words, that is, five cents for a thousand words, and if a chapter is 2000 words, readers only need to pay a dime, that is, the money for a spicy bar to read a chapter. (Right now, you can’t even buy a single spicy bar for a dime.)
As for the author, after deducting various channel fees, in fact, the author can only get a quarter of a chapter that readers pay a dime for, which is about 2.5 cents (I usually grab a red envelope at random. There is a dime ah there is wood there).

If the author writes two chapters a day, the reader only needs to spend 0.5 cents a day.The author earns [-] gross.

Two cents a day, maybe you don’t even bother to pick up a dollar on the road, but reading two chapters of a novel only needs a negligible twenty cents.What is even more uncomfortable is that the two chapters written by the author in a day may be read by readers in 2 minutes.

The road of web writing is actually really difficult.If you don't have great talent or are not prepared to endure hardships, it is really not suitable for you to take this path.

I may not have great talent, but I am prepared to suffer.So I hope that everyone who is willing to support me and has the ability to support me can support me and accompany me to go on.

Gou Fugui, never forget each other!If one day I succeed and become a god, I will definitely not forget all the brothers and sisters who have been supporting me today!
Of course, no matter whether everyone is willing to support it in the future, or turn around and leave since then.The author hereby expresses his most sincere thanks to you.

No matter what the future holds, at least we have walked together.If you don't dislike it, I hope you can continue to walk side by side with you tomorrow.

2. Testimonials on the shelves
Judging from the results of the starting point, this book is undoubtedly a hit.From the point of view of buckle reading, this book belongs to the lower class with a little grade.

In fact, it is quite normal for a newcomer author to rush to the street. To be honest, I am still somewhat satisfied.At least I also have some friends who support me, such as Comrade Duxiu, such as Yongyule children's shoes, such as the worldly beauty children's shoes, such as little brother seaside, such as Miss Xia Weiliang and so on.

I don't want to worry about so much. This book has made me grow a lot and understand a lot.No matter what the final score is, I think it's worth it.The next book, I believe it will be better.

Here, I would like to thank the starting point, thank you for your great editorial pointers, and start my way of making money from then on.At the same time, I also thank myself for persevering when I most wanted to give up.

Of course, the most grateful thing is naturally a group of lovely readers who support me! !Without your support, I would not have made it this far.

Thank you Xia Weiliang^You ruined her innocence, the world is too stupid, we are too fake, speechless.Shuai's loneliness, 136******31,, and finally Comrade Duxiu and others' rewards.

Thank you to all the children's shoes who often vote for me.Every ounce of support from you is the driving force for me to move forward!

Charges will start on July [-]st, two chapters will be updated every day starting tomorrow, and three chapters will be updated every day starting in August.

The update time may vary, but I will update as soon as possible.Don't stay up late and wait, you can watch it the next day.Another point is that, in fact, if readers are willing, it is better to download a "Starting Reading" App to read.

Spend the same amount of money, see the same amount, but the author can earn twice as much.Because this book belongs to the starting point after all.The author takes more from the starting point than from the button.

Of course, this is just a small suggestion. If readers and friends find it troublesome or not used to it, you can ignore this paragraph.

Finally, I still want to say sorry to milk Ming and other children's shoes, I can't go on for free forever.I hope you can forgive me.For other authors, it may be a matter of course to be listed.But for me, I am really sorry for many readers...

I hope you can understand!The author hereby bows and apologizes!

Last but not least, I wish you all a happy summer vacation, win consecutive rankings, and find your own little sister or little brother as soon as possible!


(End of this chapter)

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