Chapter 144

After all, this pink fox was once the pet of a silver warrior.It is normal to have such powerful strength.

Compared to the astonishment of the fart boy, Peasley had a calm smile on his face.

At the same time, the fart boy discovered that there was not a single scar on Lispi's body that was burned by the flames.Apparently the little fox's fire wouldn't hurt its owner.

From this point of view, the skills of this fart boy were naturally restrained by this little fox.As long as he farts, the little fox will burn it up with flames.Then his farts would be useless.

Even if the fart boy is not stupid, he naturally knows that he has no place to display his strength in the current situation.He had no choice but to look at the monitor of his class with the eyes of asking for help.

However, at the next moment, he was horrified to find that his squad leader's eyes were blank, and his whole body lacked a trace of fighting spirit.Like a deflated balloon, standing limply in place.

"We lost." Miao Xun said calmly with her head lowered.


The knife wielding boy hugging his shoulders, the kicking boy hugging his legs, the sound wave boy clutching his chrysanthemum, and the fart wielding boy who was in fairly good condition all looked at Miao Xun with unwilling eyes.

Miao Xun sighed softly, and there was also a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, but more reason.This black-haired boy is really too strong.

Five people on my side beat him one, but there was no way to suppress him. Instead, he was defeated by the opponent one by one...

At this point in the battle, the result is already obvious.

Although the five of them worked together, Li Sipi was seriously injured.But on their side, the situation is even worse.Seriously injured, those who lost their combat power lost their combat power, and those who were restrained were restrained.

The opponent took one against five, but they had a huge advantage.From this point of view, there is no need to continue this battle.

Peasley looked at Miao Xun and sneered, "Are you admitting defeat?"

Miao Xun was speechless, her face pale.Afterwards, she took a step forward, bowed deeply to Peasley, and said, "I apologize to you for my rude words... Yes, I'm sorry!"

Peasley was on one side and did not receive the gift from the other party.Miao Xun looked at each other with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I don't accept your apology!"

Peasley said categorically: "When you hurt someone, do you think you can solve it with a meaningless sorry? Then I will give you a stupid sentence, and then I will say sorry shamelessly, can you accept it?"

Miao Xun frowned slightly.She has always been a proud person, why has she ever bowed her head and said sorry to others?It's always been what she wants.After all, above her, there is a father who pampers her so much.

Now putting down her posture and bowing to a peer to say sorry is already the biggest concession she has made.But the other party didn't appreciate it?

"Then what do you want?" Miao Xun suddenly thought of something, and sneered, "Do you want money? You can set a price for how much you want. This lady is bad for everything, except for money!"

"Hey! So it's another rich daughter! Are all girls from rich families so arrogant?" Pisley sneered.

At this moment, when Ximen Qianqian, who was in the audience beside the stage, heard this, his expression turned ugly.This guy is pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

But Miao Xun on the stage sneered and said:

"That's really embarrassing, I have the capital of my arrogance. It was given to me by my parents. Unlike you, the son of a mere commoner, oh no, you have been promoted to an ordinary noble now!
I admit that you are indeed a bit arrogant, but your parents... tsk tsk tsk, I say they are useless to be raised by their sons, you have no objection! "

Her voice was intentionally loud enough that everyone in the audience could hear her.At this moment, Li Ting and Tao Tiantian's expressions were extremely ugly, and there was even a hint of shame in their eyes.

Because what this girl named Miao Xun said was not wrong. They had indeed enjoyed what their son had brought to them for so many years, but they felt that they had not given anything to him.

But it's not just them, most of the people on the rostrum, like Li Ting and the others, are not Glory Warriors themselves, but their children are.

It is undeniable that they are indeed enjoying the benefits brought to them by their children.

So what Miao Xun said was simply calling them all trash!How is this acceptable? !

For just a moment, everyone in the audience looked gloomy, clenched their fists, and stared angrily at the arrogant little girl on the ring.

There was even a guy who didn't suppress his temper, and directly opened his mouth to curse:
"I drafted it for grandma! How much money do you have? It's amazing! You will be a dog at a young age, and you will get it in the future?!"

Many people were ignited by this sentence, and then there was a lot of scolding one after another.

Miao Xun listened to the curses coming from all directions, with a pitiful smile on his face, he said coldly: "A bunch of bastards."

Hearing these five words, Pisley suddenly had murderous intent in his eyes!
His figure trembled, and the next moment he suddenly appeared in front of Miao Xun. He lifted his palms and dropped them, only to hear a slap, and suddenly there was a strong wind on the arena, and all the flags beside the arena roared, as if they would be blown away by the strong wind at any moment. .

The venue was suddenly quiet!Most of the people all opened their mouths wide, looking at the bright red palm print on the girl's face in amazement...

Miao Xun was covering her swollen left cheek, her eyes were full of unbelievable anger, she raised her head abruptly, just about to say something harsh, but there was another "pop", and her right cheek was also swollen stand up.

The little girl was finally stunned by the beating, and she stood there in a daze, covering her swollen cheeks with both hands, her eyes were red, and after a while, crystal clear tears rolled down from them.

Seeing Miao Xun's appearance, Pisley hesitated for a while, and didn't slap the third time.Instead, he withdrew his hand and said coldly:
"Does being the second generation rich make you so proud? Are you so proud that your parents are better than other people's parents?
Does that mean that when your parents are old and incapable, you will call them old trash and kick them away? "

Miao Xun's heart moved slightly, and the tears in her eyes couldn't stop flowing out, and she cried out.

Peasley turned a blind eye, and continued:

"Parents gave us life. This alone is enough for us to repay in our whole life. So no matter whether the parents' status is high or low, expensive or cheap, as long as they are normal parents, they will always leave the best for us. We, such parents, why do we not support them?
That's right, my parents were just ordinary civilians before yesterday.I am nothing more than a humble son of a commoner.But I have been very happy since I was a child.

I have never been ashamed of being a commoner, on the contrary, I am proud of my commoner parents.Because they not only gave me life, but also gave me happiness.I don't know if you, the daughter of a rich family, have experienced this before..."

 Thank you all for your support, especially for the reward of Fu Cong's children's shoes. I really haven't forgotten you.Really (funny face)!

  In addition, I am also very grateful for the monthly tickets that will no longer be voted in winter.This is the first time in my life that I have received such a tall ticket!Many thanks.

  This is Chapter 1 of the paid chapter. Friends who are capable, please support it. It doesn’t matter if you are not capable, you can save it first.I'll watch it later when I have spare money.

  There is another chapter today, and it will be published as soon as possible.thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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