Chapter 145
After saying these meaningful words, Pisley turned and left under Miao Xun's resentful gaze.

After Zhao Yun announced the outcome of the competition, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

What Peasley said just now made many parents in the audience feel ashamed, which shows that very few parents don't treat their children very well.But the vast majority of parents felt that what the child said reached their hearts.

The two slaps just now really relieved them!

In this battle, Peasley won the opponent with one against five.It not only eliminated the doubts in the hearts of most audiences, but also won a lot of praise.

Tao Tiantian threw himself into her husband's arms and began to cry bitterly. Li Ting comforted his wife with a smile, but his eyes were also a little red.What their son said made them feel guilty and moved at the same time.I swear in my heart that I will treat my son better in the future!

But what they don't know is that for Peasley, they have paid enough.

For Peasley, this battle was actually not as difficult as others thought.Although there are five people on the opposite side, [-]v[-] does have many advantages.

But in fact, five against one also has obvious disadvantages.

First of all, five hit one. When casting skills, it will more or less affect teammates and cause adverse effects to that fart boy;
Secondly, if five hit one, the target is too small, the skill hit rate will be greatly reduced, and it will waste a lot of energy and physical strength of five people;
In the end, five people fight one. After all, five people have five heads and five thoughts. If the cooperation is not perfect, even if the combined strength of the five of them is comparable to a silver warrior, they will definitely not be able to resemble a real silver warrior. Like a warrior, he can freely show his strength.

So it's no surprise that Peasley won this battle.What's more, he still has a hole card that he hasn't shown, which is the [Little Eight Diagrams Formation] gifted to him by Kong Ming.

.If this thing is to be taken out, the five people will be dealt with in minutes.

But the reason why he didn't do it was because he didn't think it was necessary.Secondly, I also want to use this to prove my strength to the audience.If you use this 【Little Bagua Formation】, you won't be able to achieve such an effect.

Peasley returned to the class with a winner's smile, and was greeted with admiring eyes from his classmates.

He smiled and waved to the enthusiastic students: "Sit down, sit down, basic exercises, basic exercises."

After winning the first battle, Class Nine successfully advanced to the top five.And each of the five contestants was rewarded with twenty unicorn coins.

Tang Si, Ye Dou and Ansini laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths.Because of this battle, they stood aside and didn't do anything at all.There is no reason to be unhappy when you get such a large sum of money without stealing or grabbing it.

However, the three of them looked at Peasley with much gentler eyes.In fact, they, like Miao Xun, have deep doubts about Pisley's strength.It's just that they didn't say it.

But after watching the battle so close this time, they believed in the authenticity of yesterday's championship challenge.This Lispie is really ridiculously strong.Under the silver, apart from Cao Xueling, I am afraid that there is no opponent!
Unlike them, Liu Qinghe immediately came forward to greet his relatives after the game in Peasley, with great concern.It made Peasley feel warm in his heart.In life, if you can have one or a few people who really care about you, this life is not in vain.

In the VIP room next to the rostrum, Dugu Hanqing opened his small mouth, and it took him a long time to show an admiring smile.

"This kid is a bit powerful! I don't think his mura is very strong, but why is the skill he uses so powerful, and the strength embodied in his punches and palms is extremely domineering and powerful?"

Nezha on the side shook his head, obviously not understanding the reason: "Perhaps this is what makes him extraordinary."

Dugu Hanqing nodded, and continued:
"Originally, I really didn't have a good impression of this guy. But just now he slapped that stinky girl's ears, which made me feel sour! I suddenly became interested in that guy. It's not impossible to let him be my junior brother. Well!
tnnd, my parents were also civilians back then!You can scold me, but you can never forgive me for scolding my parents!What happened to civilians, civilians are not human anymore?Without us commoners, your nobles are nothing but farts! "

Nezha listened to Dugu Shiqing's swear words, but rarely reprimanded him.Instead, she looked down at him and stroked his head pityingly.

Back then, the child and his parents were besieged in the snow-capped mountains. The parents clothed themselves and ate meat, forcing the child to live for three more days.

But his parents had long been frozen into ice corpses, and their souls and lives remained in the snow-capped mountains forever.But fortunately, their unforgettable love for their children will always remain in the heart of Dugu History...

The second competition of the class competition will be tomorrow afternoon, and what is left now is the battle between the other eight classes.

After a fierce struggle, the whole morning passed quickly, and the places for the first-grade class to advance to the next round of the competition had already been lined up.

First of all, Cao Xueling's Class [-], Yun Chacha's Class [-], Ximen Moxuan's Class [-], Pisley's Class [-], and Situ Jing's Class [-].

These five classes are indeed more prominent than the other five classes.Of course, this also has a price.Because some classes sent out the five strongest people for the first victory, so in the next competition, they will definitely lose.

After the game at noon, Peasley took his parents and Liu Qinghe to the cafeteria for dinner.This time, Liu Qinghe jumped up and down like a bird, happily saying that she would like this meal.

After all, she also benefited from Peasley's favor today, and got twenty unicorn coins for nothing.For her, this is the first time in her life that she has received so much money!
But before they reached the cafeteria, the four of them were suddenly stopped by a group of menacing people.

There are five people in this group.The leader was a middle-aged man with a faint smile and a curly mustache at the corner of his mouth.Behind him was an old man, a beautiful woman, and an extremely handsome boy about eleven or twelve years old.

Of course, the last one was Miao Xun, who had been slapped twice by Pisley in the ring before, and was staring at Pisley with resentful eyes at this moment, as if saying "you are dead".

When Pisley saw Miao Xun, and then saw the other party's posture, he naturally guessed the purpose of the other party's arrival.If his guess is correct, the middle-aged man who is the leader should be Miao Xun's father.

 Thanks to Ms. Xia Weiliang for the reward, and thanks to Dugu for the monthly ticket!thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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