The glory of the king

Chapter 146 Silver Success

Chapter 146 Silver Success
"My lord Miao Sihai, knight of Huangquan Kingdom. Little brother Li Sipi, how are you!" Miao Sihai said, his voice was somewhat sinister, coupled with his indeterminate smile, made Pisley feel vigilant.


Peasley knew that the nobles were divided into males, marquises, uncles, sons, males, cavalry, and ordinary nobles from high to low.And the middle-aged man in front of him is only one level higher than him, but not as high as his roommate Bai Sichong's family status.

But this man named Miao Sihai gave Pisley a very dangerous feeling.Judging from the powerful fluctuations faintly revealed by the other party, the other party is at least a silver-level high-level, or even a gold-level glory warrior.

Although Peasley is conceited that he can fight against lower-level and even middle-level people in Silver, but facing this kind of high-ranking Silver like Luo Xiang, or even stronger than Luo Xiang, Peasley's chances of winning are almost zero.

But at this moment, he is not afraid, because Li Ting has a [Thousand Silk Puppet] that is comparable to a golden warrior.With it, plus this is in the academy, he doesn't need to be afraid of the other party at all.

But after all, he beat his daughter, out of politeness, he took a step forward, cupped his hands at Miao Sihai and said, "Hi, what can I do for you?"

Miao Sihai smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just watched the little brother's game this morning, and I was really surprised. Such a heaven-defying strength at such an age, it's really a genius. I don't know where the little brother learned from?"

Peasley said indifferently: "You can learn by yourself without a teacher."


The smile on Miao Sihai's face was wider, and he said:
"The talent of that little brother is even more amazing! He who can learn without a teacher is his own teacher. Countless great sages throughout the ages, didn't they all comprehend the truth of life by themselves, and then became a giant.

Such a person must be a great talent in the future!But... I wonder if the little brother is interested in joining my Miao family?Don't rush to refuse. Although my Miao family is only a knight, my Miao family's industry in Huangquan country is at home and abroad.

As long as you join my Miao family, I am willing to give you the best cultivation resources, help you eradicate all obstructive people, and protect your parents properly.If you like it, even in the future, you can marry my daughter to you! "

Miao Sihai did not hide his love for talents at all, even his daughter who was usually on his mind was willing to use it as a bargaining chip.

"Father! What are you talking about!" Miao Xun angrily hammered Miao Sihai's waist with her small fist. Although she didn't know much about marriage, it must be something that is good for the other party but not for her.Otherwise, her father wouldn't make this a condition.

Peasley was just about to speak, but Miao Sihai went on to say: "Of course, the most important thing is that as long as you join my Miao family, you slapped my precious daughter twice this morning, and I can forget the past. Otherwise, hum!"

Just now he was looking for talent, but now he suddenly turned into a threatening face, and Pisley, who was a little cautious because of the other party's words, suddenly lost any thoughts.

He looked at the other party and said indifferently: "I'm sorry, Sir Knight, I'm not interested in your Miao family, let alone your daughter, and sexual interest."

After listening to Peasley's words, the smile on Miao Sihai's face became more intense.He smiled and nodded, and said three "good" words: "Since the little brother doesn't give me face, then I won't be polite to the little brother!"

Peasley's eyes froze slightly: "This is the Warrior Academy, don't you want to fight here, as if the guards here are nothing?!"

Miao Sihai looked around, although he didn't see anyone, but he could feel a few tyrannical auras staring at him secretly.Obviously, if he made a move against the junior, he would definitely be attacked by those auras that were no weaker than him.

He sneered and said, "Since that's the case, the old man won't make a move. Yincheng, come and teach this kid a lesson for me."

"Yes, adoptive father!" It was the handsome young man behind Miao Sihai who spoke, named Yu Bai Yincheng.

The young man was dressed in a long white dress with fluttering sleeves, and he was graceful.Although this boy is only twelve or thirteen years old, but when he grows up, he must be an elegant man who will fascinate thousands of young girls.

Yu Baiyincheng turned his head and glanced at Li Sipi.

He suddenly opened his mouth and murmured: "Baiyin Intermediate, hide the sky!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.Peasley felt a gust of wind blowing in front of his eyes, and the next moment a dark red dagger with a bloody smell suddenly appeared on his chest.The speed is so fast that it has exceeded Peasley's comprehension.

This Yu Baiyincheng is an assassin!
Moreover, it is still the kind of extremely powerful assassin.Judging from the faint aura emanating from the other party, it is likely that he is already at the middle level of silver.It's not much worse than that Miao Sihai!

These thoughts are only in the blink of an eye, and the opponent's dagger is about to penetrate his body.At this moment, there was a sudden burst of wind from the sky, and with a ding, a small sword no bigger than a palm bounced away Yu Baiyincheng's dark red dagger.

Peasley took advantage of this opportunity to quickly use [Zen Step] to distance himself from the opponent.

At this time, a thin and small figure suddenly appeared between Pisili and Yu Baiyincheng.The palm-sized sword circled around his body a few times before returning to his hand.

Peasley looked at the man curiously, and found that it was a child about his own age.She was wearing black clothes, and her short silver hair was shining brightly in the sunlight.

Although he has an immature face, there is a hint of stability in those eyes.

Although he didn't know why this guy wanted to save himself, it made him feel a little fond of this guy he had never met before.

Peasley was about to thank you, but the silver-haired boy suddenly turned his head and grinned at him: "Little brother, are you alright?"

"Little brother?" Pisley was confused, "Dude, did you recognize the wrong person?"

The silver-haired boy waved his hand: "It's not convenient to explain now. I'll talk to you after I get rid of this guy first."

After finishing speaking, the silver-haired boy looked at the white-clothed boy and said, "You are so brave, you dare to touch even my little brother of Dugu History?"

Yu Baiyincheng looked indifferently at Cheng Yaojin who suddenly came out, and said, "I will kill whoever my foster father wants me to kill."

"Hmph! What a running dog!" Dugu Hanqing sneered, and then clamped the small sword in his hands with both hands, and then folded his hands together, muttering something in his mouth:

"The way of heaven revives, and the way of earth resonates with spirits. The sea is cold and the moon is cold, and there is only history!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a three-foot blue light suddenly extended from the gap between the closed palms.In the flashing light, a sharp ancient bronze sword was slowly turning.

As soon as the sword was released, a majestic aura from ancient times immediately permeated the scene, making the old man behind Miao Sihai frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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