The glory of the king

Chapter 152 Glazed World

Chapter 152 Glazed World
Zhuge Liang quickly stood up and respectfully returned a glass to the other party.

Sitting down again, Ximen Buhuo went on to say: "The Kingdom of Shu and the Kingdom of Wei are hostile, but now that Cao Xueling is within the territory of our Huangquan Kingdom, I am afraid that the leader of the Wei Kingdom did not expect that my Huangquan Kingdom has already secretly formed an alliance with the Kingdom of Shu." .

Why don't we take the opportunity to hijack her, so that if we really go to war with Wei Guo in the future, we can have one more hole card in our hand. "

Zhuge Liang shook his head after thinking for a moment after hearing the words:
"Inappropriate. There is no impenetrable wall in this world. Although our two countries have secretly formed an alliance, Wei Guo may not be ignorant of this matter. But the lord still dared to send his granddaughter to Huangquan Kingdom. rely on.

You can't shoot rashly, but at critical moments, thunderous means are also needed.Since Cao Xueling has entered the territory of Huang Quanguo, it is natural that she should not return. "

Ximen Buhuo: "It's so good. By the way, there is one more thing. In the individual competition of the Glory Fighter Competition, Kong Ming has investigated the monster that suddenly mutated?"

Speaking of this topic, the smile on Zhuge Liang's face subsided slightly and said: "The investigation has been clear. That monster is a human being possessed by a demon."

Ximen was not confused when he heard the words, but was slightly taken aback, but did not show an overly surprised expression.He breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Sure enough, it's a demon species. In recent years, apart from the disputes between countries in the mainland, there is another worrying thing, which is nothing more than the rise of this demon species.

Fortunately, this monster does not seem to be too threatening at present.Although some human beings possessed by demons have become stronger, their nature has not deteriorated.But this is only temporary, and people who are not of my race will have a different heart.

I am afraid that sooner or later, a battle will break out between the mainland and the demon species. "

Zhuge Liang smiled: "Now is not the time to think about this matter. The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge. Lord City Lord, don't worry about things that haven't happened yet."

Ximen Buhuo laughed: "Yes! It is true that the old man is worrying unnecessarily. One generation manages the affairs of the next. Let the young people in the future solve the problems at that time. Come, drink and drink. Let's not get drunk tonight!"


While drinking to his heart's content here, at this moment in the first-year dormitory building of the Battle Teacher Academy.Peasley had just woke up from his practice, sweating profusely.

The training just now was carried out after taking the last forging marrow pill.Although it is still very painful, but there is good news that his mula has successfully advanced to the ninth level of black iron!Although it wasn't a huge improvement, it undoubtedly made him a bit stronger.

In addition, the task of the system was also completed, and he opened his current status bar in a happy mood:


Rating: 16
Experience: 146 (1 experience is required to upgrade to the next level)

Attack: 75 (+20)

Defense: 90 (+24)

Critical Hit Rate:

Dodge Rate: 7%

HP: 255/255
Energy: 60/60
Reputation: 557
Money: 79 Kirin Coin 1 White Tiger Coin 9 Human Ape Coin

Mission: [Soul Fierce Battle]: Enter the spiritual world when practicing, and have a virtual battle with anyone who wants to fight.Mission Completion Rewards: According to the strength of the opponent, different experience can be obtained.The stronger the opponent is, the more experience you will gain after defeating it.If you lose, you can only get one-tenth of the experience.There is no limit to the number of times. (Task remaining time: 4 days and 23 hours.)
(Other attributes are not yet enabled)

Seeing that he was only 14 points away from reaching level 17, Peasley seemed impatient.And this time the task happened to be able to quickly increase the experience value, which made him very excited.

And this mission is a bit different from the previous ones.This time, this task must be completed for five days, and there is no possibility of failure.That is to say, within these five days, he can seize the time as much as possible to increase his experience value.

After all, it is too slow to upgrade to a level now.He himself was a little anxious.But the system kindly gave him this opportunity.

After a short rest, he couldn't wait to enter the cultivation state again.

However, unlike before, after entering the cultivation state this time, he found himself in a colorful world of glazed glass.

All around are colorful crystals rising from the ground irregularly.The sky is also colorful.This virtual world looks a bit charming.

Then Peasley looked down at his body, and found that his body was transparent, and through his body, he could still see the poop-shaped crystal behind him.

However, there were no other people in this world, and the gusts of cold wind made Pisley feel a little lonely in his heart.

The first thing he thought of was not his parents, but Liu Qinghe.

"By the way, I haven't fought Xiaohe once since I met her. This is my first opponent. Let's choose her."

Thinking in the heart, immediately turned into a human being.

He saw a "Liu Qinghe" with the same illusory body in a small blue skirt appearing in front of him, and rushed towards him without saying a word.

"I'm going, so fierce?" Obviously this "Liu Qinghe" is completely different from what he remembered.Peasley dodged while talking to himself.

However, he is still very clear about Liu Qinghe's strength, so it is very easy to deal with it.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he took a certain opportunity to punch the opponent, this "Liu Qinghe" suddenly showed an extremely terrified expression, and then closed his eyes tightly, letting his fist come.

Seeing Liu Qinghe's pitiful appearance, Pisley thought it was the real Liu Qinghe for a moment, and quickly withdrew his punches.

However, just as he was closing his fist, a blue lotus was pressed against his chest.

Pisley suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and then looked at "Liu Qinghe", and found that she was staring at him expressionlessly.There was still half of the delicate and pitiful expression just now.

Peasley rubbed his chest and sighed softly: "Even if I know it's fake, I still can't do it. That's all, I admit defeat in this game!"

As soon as the word "admit defeat" was uttered, "Liu Qinghe", who was just about to attack again, suddenly emitted colorful lights, and then disappeared in front of Pisley.

Then Daji's sweet voice sounded: "Defeated, gain experience, a little. Current experience: 147. There are 13 left to the next level."

When he heard that it was only 13 o'clock, Peasley immediately lifted his spirits.

However, before calling the next opponent out, he calmed down and summed up the battle just now.

This [Boundless System] is really powerful, and it can easily expose his inner weakness.Just like Liu Qinghe just now, the system obviously knew that he couldn't bear to attack little Lolita.It took advantage of its own weakness to make this "Liu Qinghe" a successful sneak attack.

(End of this chapter)

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