The glory of the king

Chapter 153 Bold Ideas

Chapter 153 Bold Ideas

Pisley thought to himself, what would he do if this girl really became his enemy one day in the future.

But first, Peaslee will try to keep that from happening as much as possible.But if it really happened, maybe he would give up the whole world for her...

But now, he doesn't think so much about what he has.

Tomorrow morning will be the third round of the class competition, and Peasley has a vague feeling that their Class Nine might be drawn.It's just that I don't know if I meet Cao Xueling again this time, will the other party show mercy like Situ Jing did.

Without thinking about it, Peasley seized the time to summon one opponent after another.And these opponents are similar to Liu Qinghe, not very strong.In this way, you can easily defeat and gain a lot of experience points for victory.

It's not that he can't summon powerful people such as Cao Xueling, but in case of a defeat, at least one point, but at most he can only get one-tenth of the experience points of the victory.It's better to find a few relatively weaker ones that are more cost-effective.

The illusory person that appeared in this glazed world perfectly reproduced the strength of the deity.Fortunately, Peasley himself can use all the means of the deity, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with them.

Finally, after killing the third person, Peasley ushered in his most anticipated upgrade moment.


Rating: 17
Experience: 1 (1 experience is required to upgrade to the next level)

Attack: 90 (+20)

Defense: 110 (+24)

Critical Hit Rate:

Dodge Rate: 7%

HP: 270/270
Energy: 70/70
Reputation: 557

Looking at his skyrocketing attributes, Peasley felt a sense of comfort all over his body, like eating a spicy stick after being hungry for a long time.

Now that his strength has increased greatly, he will be more confident in facing Cao Xueling tomorrow.

It's getting late to withdraw from the cultivation state.Although not very tired, but the necessary sleep is indispensable.

... The morning is the third round of the class competition.

Peasley, who was sitting on the chair at the moment, was in a very good state of mind.After being promoted to a level, the temperament of the whole person has been sublimated to a certain extent.

When Zhuge Liang got into their class by lottery, there was a flash of eagerness in his eyes.Then he stood up and walked onto the ring with the four little kids.

And a group of five people headed by Cao Xueling had already been ready in the ring.

Peasley looked at the girl in the wheelchair and smiled, "Hello, Xue Ling."

Cao Xueling was taken aback for a moment, then blinked and asked, "What did you call me just now?"

"Uh... shouldn't be called that." Peasley scratched his head embarrassingly, "I'm sorry."

Cao Xueling shook her head shyly: "It's been a long time since I've been called that. I like this name."

"Really? I thought this title offended you." Peasley chuckled, "By the way, you should have a good fight with me this time. Last time you let me win without a fight, but It caused a lot of criticism for me."

Cao Xueling covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "If you want to become a strong person, why should you care about other people's eyes. You don't need to justify, you don't need to explain, just use your actions to prove to them, just give them a slap in the face."

Peasley nodded thoughtfully: "That's true, but I still can't completely ignore other people's opinions like you do."

"That means you're not strong enough."

Cao Xueling said unceremoniously, but Pisley didn't hear any contempt from the other party's tone.For the other party, it is just stating a fact.

Peasley nodded, and made a gesture of invitation to Cao Xueling: "I hope this competition can make me stronger."

After saying this, Peasley winked at the four people behind him: "According to the plan!"

Then he rushed towards Cao Xueling first.Liu Qinghe and the others also quickly rushed towards the four people behind Cao Xueling.

The reaction of the four people behind Cao Xueling was obviously a beat slower, apparently they did not expect this group of guys to attack suddenly.But Cao Xueling, with a faint smile, calmly blocked Pisley's fist with her slender palm.

Peasley only felt like he was being hit on cotton, and most of his strength was taken away.However, this "cotton" suddenly turned into an octopus and controlled his fist with a backhand.

At the same time, Cao Xueling's other hand drew out the soft sword at his waist like lightning and swung it towards Pisley's chest.

Pisley's eyes were slightly trembling, and the mura gushed out from his whole body, forming a thick mura shield on his chest.Then his left hand smashed towards the opponent's right hand that was controlling him.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard a chi-chi sound coming from his chest.It turned out that Cao Xueling's soft sword was about to pierce through his mula shield.

In desperation, he suddenly remembered the sword that Dugu Hanqing used when he saw that he was injured that day—abandoning all defenses and fully focusing on attacking.Although the target of that sword wasn't him at the time, he could still feel the powerful power contained in it.

If Yu Baiyincheng had received that sword at that time, he would have died without a doubt.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he also gave up his defense, and at the same time, he quickly changed his left hand and threw a [Qi Poison Blade] towards the opponent's chest.

The enemy will be rescued!

Cao Xueling's expression changed, and he immediately withdrew his soft sword and right hand, moved his figure, and dodged the blow with a wheelchair.

The gas poison blade hit Cao Xueling's feet. She looked at Pisley and smiled approvingly: "It's a bold idea. But I know you have healing skills, so I don't dare to exchange blood with you easily."

Peasley shook his head with a wry smile. It was obvious that he was inferior in the competition just now.Of course, the main reason is that his mura strength is much different than Fang's.Moreover, the mula gathered on the soft sword by the opponent was extremely sharp, breaking through his defense almost like cutting tofu.

Fortunately, he is strong enough in terms of the abilities given by the system, which is not in vain for Cao Xueling.

"Zen steps!" Pisley didn't say much to the other party, and took a step forward with a low shout.The next moment, two figures rushed towards Cao Xueling from two directions at high speed.

Cao Xueling held a soft sword in his left hand, and waved his sleeve with his right hand.A beam of seven-colored beams hit "Pisley" on the right like a rainbow.

As for "Pisili" on the left, Cao Xueling's soft sword in his left hand waved like a silver snake, seemingly attacking from the right side of "Pisili", but the tip of the sword suddenly turned around like a snake's head, and attacked Pisili from the left. Siri's armpit.

Although these two attacks were extremely subtle, Cao Xueling actually guessed that these two attacks should be fake bodies.She still has a third move, waiting for Peasley's real body to arrive.

Only two puffs were heard, and the two "Pisleys" on the left and right were indeed shattered into thousands of powders.However, Peasley's real body has yet to come.

(End of this chapter)

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