The glory of the king

Chapter 154 Accidents and Surprises

Chapter 154 Accidents and Surprises

Suddenly, Cao Xueling felt something was wrong.But at this moment, behind a girl who was fighting Liu Qinghe, Pisley suddenly appeared.

I saw Pisley twirling two qi poison knives in the palm of his hand, silently but fiercely pressing into the shoulders of the girl who didn't react.

Hearing the girl yell in pain, Liu Qinghe took the opportunity to make up a lotus seal, which basically beat the girl out of combat effectiveness.

At this moment, Cao Xueling watched a teammate fall, but because the distance was too far, there was no time to rescue him.And Liu Qinghe, who is free, can help other teammates swaggeringly.

The original five-on-five situation suddenly turned into a five-on-four situation.

Cao Xueling looked at Pisley and said calmly: "Student Sipi, I think you are not only strong in combat, but also very good at tactics on the battlefield."

Peasley recalled the seven times he had watched "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and waved his hand modestly: "Low-key, low-key, basic operation."

Cao Xueling couldn't help smiling when he saw Peasley's stinky fart.But then she said sternly: "I think you are interested, you can learn some art of war, maybe you can use it sometime in the future."

Peasley didn't think much about it at first, but when he read the other party's words carefully, he immediately felt some deep meaning, and quickly asked, "You mean that war will break out in the near future?"

Cao Xueling blinked, smiled lightly and said, "Who knows."

Peasley looked at the other party, and always felt that there was something implied in the other party's words just now.But since the other party didn't want to say it clearly, he didn't want to ask more.

The battle that followed was much easier.

Pisley and the others had planned from the beginning, that Pisley would hold Cao Xueling back, and then take the time to help another person eliminate an opponent first.

The only thorny part of the opponent was Cao Xueling, as long as she was restrained, the plan would be easily carried out.Fortunately, most of Cao Xueling's attention was on Pisley.

At the beginning, Peasley also deliberately called the other party "Xue Ling", just to divert her attention to himself as much as possible.From that moment on, the layout has already begun for the implementation of the plan.

Now that the plan has been successfully implemented, Peasley's task will be much simpler next time. He will simply hold Cao Xueling back, but will not be tough with him.Every time the opponent uses a powerful move, he will subtly pull and avoid the battle.

And when the opponent wants to help other teammates, he will suddenly get close, making Cao Xueling useless.

And after Liu Qinghe helps another classmate form a two-on-one situation to solve one person, then it can become three-on-one, four-on-one...

Until only Cao Xueling was left on the stage, all five of Pisley's sides were still capable of fighting.

But at this moment, Cao Xueling still did not show any anxious expression, and was not afraid of the surprise in the number of the two parties.

The situation at this moment is more like the situation when Peasley played in the first round of the class competition.

However, not everyone can do one against five.Especially here is Peasley who has [-]v[-] strength.

Peasley said, "Student Xue Ling, I think you can admit defeat."

"Admit defeat?" Cao Xueling shook his head, "In my Cao family's dictionary, there is no such word as admit defeat."

"But you can add it today." Peasley chuckled, and immediately took out an octagonal black and white box from his bosom.

"Small gossip array?!"

Cao Xueling, who had been calm all this time, finally showed a helpless expression:

"Okay. It looks like I really have no chance of winning this game. Dean Kong Ming's gossip formation is indeed not so easy to break. Student Spie, you are really cunning, but I like it."

After saying this, there was a burst of laughter like silver bells in the arena.Then Cao Xueling turned around and walked towards the edge of the ring.

What Pisley didn't know was that when Cao Xueling said "I like it", Liu Qinghe behind him suddenly trembled...

It wasn't until Cao Xueling actually got off the ring that Pisley secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

They had just fought against Cao Xueling, and every time they fought against each other, he would not get the slightest advantage. If Cao Xueling really wanted to fight recklessly, although there was no possibility of winning, they would definitely have to go through a hard fight if they wanted to win.

If it was a one-on-one match, Pisley still hoped to have a good fight with Cao Xueling.But in this class competition, if you can win, there is no need to fight head-on with the opponent.

Subduing others without fighting is always the best way.

Peasley silently put away the [Little Eight Diagrams Formation].The reason why he didn't sacrifice it at the beginning was because he was afraid that Cao Xueling also had some magic weapon or hidden trump card, and he would unite with his teammates to destroy his [Little Eight Diagrams Formation].

That's why they took the method of defeating each other, and only showed this card to Cao Xueling after all the others were dealt with.

Peasley knew very well that Cao Xueling definitely had a hole card and didn't use it, but the opponent was also a smart person, knowing that there was no chance of winning, he would not easily take risks.

Just like fighting a battle on the battlefield, if you can't win by force and strategy, the best way is to avoid the battle and protect yourself.Retain the vitality and wait for the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

The end of this competition basically means the end of the class competition, and this Glory Fighter Competition is about to come to an end.

Because the next match is the competition between Class [-] and Class [-].And their class nine can't win yet.Because if Class Nine wins, Class Eight will have to fight Class One for the runner-up.

But if Class Nine loses, then Class One who loses to Class Nine should be no match for Class Eight.

If only the champion can go to Bright Moon Canyon, then Pisley will still fight hard, but now basically all the leaders and teachers of the academy know that both the champion and runner-up can go to Bright Moon Canyon.

So in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Class Nine and Class Eight have already discussed in private that Class Nine will deliberately lose to Class Eight.

However, to everyone's surprise, after the competition between Class [-] and Class [-], Ximen Buhuo actually announced that the champion, runner-up and third runner-up of each grade this time can all go to Mingyue Canyon for a month tour.

As soon as the news was announced, even Zhuge Liang on the side was slightly taken aback, obviously kept in the dark.Immediately, he smiled and shook his head: "This old guy, you've kept it a secret."

But in fact, Zhuge Liang understands that there may be other reasons why Ximen Buhuo did this...

Among the students, the most surprising and unexpected ones are undoubtedly the teachers and students in Class [-].

The teacher in class one was a big man with a bald head. After hearing the news, he immediately touched the top of his bald head, squinted his eyes and laughed.The funny expressions made the students in their class laugh out loud.

 The next chapter will come later.Thank you old irons for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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