Chapter 158

Of course, among these arranged students, there are only nine classes of students.They are all the top three in this class competition in each grade.

As for the students in other classes, as compensation, let them take an extra morning off.But it's compensation, but it's just an excuse to prevent bad things from happening.

Just as Peasley was about to walk towards his class, he suddenly heard the sound of a wheelchair moving. He turned around and saw Cao Xueling walking towards them with a smile.

"Good morning, Xueling children's shoes." Pisley greeted first with a smile.

"Xue Ling's children's shoes..." Cao Xueling stared at Pisley and said angrily, "I knew that last time I was called Xue Ling to deceive me."

Peasley rubbed the back of his head and laughed, "If you don't mind, it's okay to call you Xue Ling."

"Of course I don't mind." Said, Cao Xueling glanced at Liu Qinghe at the side.

Liu Qinghe was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled a little forcedly at her.

"The strong should be with the strong. If you don't hurry up and become strong, maybe one day in the future, you won't be the one who stays by his side." After saying this, Cao Xueling smiled at the two, and immediately Turning around and leaving, leaving Liu Qinghe standing there with her mouth slightly open, her eyes flickering...

When he came to his class, many people looked at Peasley and nodded kindly.

Peasley smiled back at these people.In this class competition, Peasley was undoubtedly the most outstanding performer.It can be said that without him, the possibility of their ninth class being able to get the qualification to go to Mingyue Canyon will be reduced by at least half.

Therefore, most of the students in the previous class looked forward to Ximen Qianqian, and they were more repulsive to Peasley.But seeing him now, they all treated him politely.

And this is undoubtedly because Peasley conquered them with his strength.In this world that speaks with fists, especially in the eyes of a group of little kids, whoever has bigger fists is more worthy of respect.

At about eight o'clock, all classes have come together.Ximen Buhuo also landed steadily on the side of the giant ship, and the people below saw him as small as a thumb.

Only when Ximen Buhuo spoke, his voice was like thunder:

"This trip to Mingyue Canyon is considered a trip to the academy. Everyone can have fun. But! You can't do anything against the rules. Martial arts competitions are allowed, but fighting is not allowed. To compete, you need to apply to the teacher, and the teacher will be by your side Supervision can...

All in all, as long as you behave well, this trip to Mingyue Canyon will definitely make you unforgettable! "

"Oh!!" The students erupted, obviously full of anticipation for this trip to the Holy Land.

Then, starting from the first grade, the teachers of the three classes let the students walk into the radiant circle one by one according to the order of the class.

When Peasley walked into the magic circle, he felt that his body became extremely light, and the scene around him changed for a while, and the next moment, he appeared in the giant wheel.At a glance, he saw Liu Qinghe who was giggling at him.

Peasley looked around, and saw that this place should be the bow splint of the giant ship.All the people sent up by the magic circle will gather here first.

Peasley leaned over to the edge of the giant wheel and looked down, but saw that half of the scenery of the entire college could be seen clearly.A sense of grandeur came to my heart immediately.And those people on the ground, like ants, can only see the general body, but can't see the face, and can't hear what they are saying.

Peasley was delighted. Even in his previous life, he had never built such a big boat. In this life, he has seen many novelties in the Glory Continent.Regardless of the dangers of the mainland, this life can be regarded as a brand new manifestation.Regardless of whether he can reach the peak of the strong in the end, the top of the world, it's worth it!

Afterwards, Peasley began to look at the giant ship.

The giant ship looked blue from below, but it was crystal clear when seen from the boat.The hull appears to be made of a special type of wood.Peasley tapped on his feet, but almost couldn't make a sound.Then he transported Mu La to his right fist and punched the ground.

Except for the vibration of some fine dust and a dull sound, it did not leave a trace on the hull at all.

From this point of view, the material used to build this ship is definitely extremely tough, and it has sound insulation and super resistance to blows.

If such a huge ship is mass-produced and used on the battlefield, it must be an extremely terrifying existence.

Soon, all the students and teachers were sent up.Peasley was about to walk towards his class.At this moment, a third-grader seemed to pass by Peasley casually.

However, the moment Peasley missed him, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing from his right side.Peasley's eyes were slightly cold, and he also pushed out with a palm casually.

Apart from being with his parents at home these few days, he seized all the time to practice.Because this time the task is equivalent to a reward, greatly increasing the experience value, and the time is only five days.

In the past few days, his experience point has risen from 1 to 113. He believes that with a little more effort, he will be able to advance to another level before the end of this mission.

Although he has not upgraded at the moment, what he has gained is not only experience points, but also valuable experience in fighting people.

That's why he was able to respond in a timely manner when the third grader suddenly got into trouble.

Although his palm was simple, he learned something from the battle with Cao Xueling.At that time, he punched Cao Xueling, but was restrained by a girl, which was a bit embarrassing.

But when he thought about it carefully afterwards, he felt that it wasn't that Cao Xueling's strength was greater than his, but that the other party's use of strength was in place.

As the saying goes, four or two strokes of a thousand catties, in fact, the opponent borrowed the strength of his fist and controlled his own fist in turn.At that time, her palm was like a sponge, and his strength was like water. When the water was absorbed by the sponge, her strength would always be stronger than his fist.

So at this moment, Peasley also used this principle to hold the opponent's sneak attacking fist with his fingers.And absorb the opponent's power into the palm of your hand and turn it into your own power.

Of course it's impossible to do it the first time.But during the training in the Glazed World these days, he was consciously training this ability.It is naturally handy to use it at this moment.

Peasley held back the opponent's hand, causing the third-year boy's face to change suddenly. He wanted to break free but found that he couldn't break free no matter what.Then he seemed to be angry, and stopped struggling. Instead, he raised one foot and kicked Peasley hard on the head.

(End of this chapter)

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