The glory of the king

Chapter 159 Delicious Food

Chapter 159 Delicious Food
Judging from the opponent's strength, this third-year student should already have the strength of around the first and second grades of silver.

However, even though Peasley was only level 17, his strength was no less than that of low-level silver warriors.Seeing the opponent's kick, Peasley finally made up his mind to use his nirvana.

I saw his other free hand firmly grasping the opponent's foot, then he took a deep breath and shouted: "Teacher, someone hit me!!!"

The third grader's face darkened suddenly, and he wanted to withdraw his hands and feet, but was tightly controlled by the other party.

Peasley's shout was mixed with Mulla, so as soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone at the bow, including Ximen Buhuo.

Seeing that Ximen Buhuo frowned, the next moment he appeared next to Peasley and the third grader.

When the third grader saw Ximen Buzhu, he immediately showed a look of horror, and quickly said: "City, Lord City Lord, I didn't hit him, it was obviously him who hit me. Then the thief shouted, "Stop the thief!"

Peasley didn't make any excuses, just smiled and said nothing.

Ximen looked at Peasley without hesitation, then at the third-year boy, suddenly kicked the third-year boy off the giant wheel.

"Fuck you, think I'm blind! I said just now that you don't want to fight and fight your motherfucker, you dare to do it. I didn't pay attention to me at all! Disqualify you from going to Mingyue Canyon!"

After saying this, he turned around and left angrily.Only a group of students were left staring at each other in bewilderment.

Peasley moved to the edge of the giant wheel and saw that the kicked student landed safely on the ground.Apparently, Ximen Buhuo's kick just now concealed a certain amount of strength, otherwise he would have been crippled if he fell from such a high place.

At this time, he noticed that many people in the third grade cast unfriendly eyes on him.Obviously, it is estimated that this group of third-year seniors who think highly of themselves don't like Peasley.Simply use one word to describe it, that is jealousy.

Jealous of his achievements, jealous of his strength, jealous of his limelight.

Maybe no one in the first and second grades can sanction him anymore, but this group of third graders feel that they can sanction him.But they didn't expect that this guy would be so shameless and use such a naive trick as calling the teacher.

It seems that the only time to find a chance to teach this kid a lesson is to go to Mingyue Canyon.

Peasley sneered, ignoring the group of guys who were not high enough or low enough, turned around and walked towards his class.

Jealousy is a very bad emotion, everyone will have some more or less.But this kind of emotion has a great impact on a person.

like "jealousy"

When this kind of emotion breeds, people will often take the self as the core in the subconscious, feel that they should be more powerful, and feel that they are more jealous. The object should be strong.

The "self" presses on the "heart", which makes people unable to think rationally, and often affects a person's cultivation process.This emotion is similar to pride, but more dangerous than pride.

A person who has been in a state of pride for a long time may be able to correct his mentality after a few blows.But a person who has been in a state of jealousy for a long time, the more he is hit, the easier his mentality will be distorted, and he will do many things that endanger society and others.

Only by being able to let go of your posture and see your life openly can you gradually get rid of this emotion.Acknowledging the excellence of others is often a manifestation of your own excellence.

But these third graders obviously don't have this understanding.

After a while, there was a slight shock from the hull.With the edge of the ship as the boundary, a transparent blue barrier rises.The crystals on the hull and the barrier complement each other, making Peasley feel like he has entered some kind of fairyland, and the whole person feels like he is in a fairyland.

Afterwards, the entire giant ship began to rise slowly.The surrounding college scene gradually sinks, becoming more and more distant as time goes by.

Until the giant ship rose to an altitude of [-] meters, there was a gentle breeze.The clusters of wind outside the hull began to rotate violently, the giant ship slowly turned in one direction, and then turned into a meteor and headed for the distance.

Although the speed was extremely fast, the people on the boat only felt a slight sway. A gust of wind came from the bow of the boat, and auspicious clouds hit the barrier and turned into countless scattered clouds like cotton candy.

Occasionally, I met a group of big birds, and naughtyly slammed a lump of poop at the bow of the ship, but was cut into countless pieces by the blue whirlwind outside the hull and disappeared.Then those big birds will make disappointed calls and gradually go away.

Then, led by Yi Xing, Peasley and the others came to the cabin.It will take three days and two nights to go to Lingyue Province.They need to live in the cabin until they reach their destination.

When he came to the cabin, Peasley's eyes lit up immediately.I saw a huge and luxurious welcome hall appearing in front of everyone.The hall is filled with dozens of sets of gorgeous tables and chairs, and each table is filled with high-end food with all kinds of color, fragrance and taste.

Even after breakfast, there were still quite a few students swallowing saliva frantically.Suddenly, a chubby boy couldn't help the desire in his heart, grabbed the fat and tender pig's trotters and gnawed on it!
"Hmm! Good time, super good time!"

His move, even uttering such a tempting sentence, immediately ignited everyone's desire.

One by one, like beggars who have been hungry for a few days, when they saw the colorful delicacies, they rushed to them, and even more exaggerated, they directly grabbed them with their hands.

Liu Qinghe pulled Lapisley's sleeve and said, "Xiaopi, let's eat too."

Pisley suddenly grabbed the hand of Liu Qinghe who was about to leave.Liu Qinghe turned her head and looked at him puzzled.

"Why, didn't you have enough for breakfast?"

Hearing the displeasure implied in Pisley's tone, Liu Qinghe was taken aback suddenly, and got out of a certain state.She looked at the crazy students around her, then at Peasley, and asked, "What's wrong with them?"

Seeing Liu Qinghe recovering, Pisley smiled and said: "This ship is weird. These people are all blinded by their desires and lost their minds."

Having said that, he looked at the people around him, except for Cao Xueling and a few people who were determined to stay where they were, the rest of the people were all flailing their teeth and claws at all kinds of food, in a state of chaos.

Looking at the teachers again, they smiled and folded their arms, looking at the group of hungry students like monkeys in a zoo.From their smiles, Peasley smelled a hint of conspiracy.

At this time, Yi Xing walked towards him with a smile, and asked, "Why don't you two eat some? It's such a delicacy, and you can't usually eat it."

(End of this chapter)

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