The glory of the king

Chapter 169 Bright Moon Canyon

Chapter 169 Bright Moon Canyon
Peasley felt the power inside the little fox, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Silver is low!

As expected, this little guy lived up to Peasley's expectations and successfully advanced to the silver level. Not to mention anything else, at least this will play a big role in his future battles.

With the help of a silver fighter, even if he meets a silver intermediate opponent now, he is confident to contend with the opponent.

Even when encountering a high-ranking silver opponent, not to mention being able to fight well, at least there should be no problem in escaping.

As for the more advanced opponents... well, I'm not considering it for the time being... In addition to poetry in the distance, there are still things to do, right?

The little fox fell asleep, and Pisley didn't continue to practice, and also curled up in Liu Qinghe's bed and fell into a deep sleep.

It took three days and two nights to go to Mingyue Canyon. On the evening of the third day, Peasley, who was standing at the bow of the ship, noticed that the speed of the giant ship began to slow down. Right in front of the giant ship, a large area of ​​thick clouds appeared on the golden sea of ​​clouds. The purple mist, up and down, left and right, can't see the edge.

The purple mist is like the walls of a giant city, blocking visitors from all directions.

However, when the giant ship reached tens of meters in front of the purple "city wall", Ximen Buhuo's figure suddenly appeared above the bow of the giant ship.

I saw Ximen Buhuo stepping through the void, without any support under his feet, and even without the fluctuation of Mula on his body, but step by step, he walked directly above the giant wheel.

Peasley looked at the figure floating in mid-air, and a tinge of admiration suddenly appeared in his heart.

Being able to fly directly in the air without the aid of any foreign objects can only be achieved by diamond fighters and above.

I saw Ximen standing in the void without confusion, slowly stretched out his right hand, and stretched forward, a fiery red token was in his palm, and suddenly released a huge "open" character. The word "kai" swelled against the wind, bumped into the purple "city wall" silently, and melted into it.

The purple "city wall" immediately reacted violently. After seeing the purple mist in front of the giant wheel churning for a while, a big "please" word suddenly came out of it.

Then the word "please" dissipated, and a large hole with a diameter of 50 meters was suddenly cracked on the purple "city wall".The moment the big hole appeared, an almost substantial spiritual energy overflowed from the hole like a dragon, and soon enveloped the giant wheel.

The rich aura suddenly spread on the giant wheel, and Peasley felt a burst of relaxation all over his body, and an unprecedented refreshing feeling sent him a congratulatory message from every cell in his body.

The cells in the whole body seemed to have their mouths wide open, greedily absorbing the rich aura in the air.Even the eyes of Mulla in his mind turned extraordinarily fast.

Peasley noticed that the countless people standing at the bow all looked ecstatically enjoying themselves.He secretly sighed in his heart, this is just a small amount of overflowing aura with such a high concentration, how rich should the aura in Mingyue Canyon be?

Previously, Peasley also thought that Ximen Qianqian said that the speed of cultivation in Mingyue Canyon was ten times faster than that outside, but he still didn't quite believe it.

Now it seems that he not only believed her words, but even felt that what she said was ten times less.Maybe twenty times, or even thirty times is possible.

When all the teachers and students were immersed in the joy of being infiltrated by the spiritual energy, Ximen Buhuo waved his hand without changing his expression.Under his command, the giant wheel slowly entered the big hole on the purple "city wall".

As soon as they entered, there was a thick white mist in the field of vision, and everyone seemed to return to the sea of ​​clouds, unable to see the scene outside clearly.However, when everyone was confused, the smoke suddenly cleared and the drums shook the sky!
Joyful music suddenly resounded from every corner of the giant ship.

Peasley looked around intently, and the first thing he saw was a green mountain and clear water!The sky is blue, the clouds are golden, and a majestic canyon stretches across the land like a giant beast, with its mouth open, and their giant wheel is slowly driving into the mouth of this giant beast.

Peasley looked towards both sides of the canyon, and saw golden buildings with a height of [-] meters, giving people an incomparably solemn and sacred atmosphere.

Although it is already evening at this moment, the buildings on both sides are decorated with colorful lights, which complement the golden light of the building itself, making it look majestic and breathtaking.

And Peasley noticed that there were countless young and strong men wearing red scarves and shirtless standing on both sides of the canyon.Everyone beats gongs, drums, trumpets, or suonas.The joyful sound when I first entered the canyon was played by these ordinary people.

Earth-shattering, the lingering sound echoed in the canyon for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, Peasley looked towards the lake between the two sides of the canyon, and saw the beautiful scenery of the two sides reflected in the lake, sparkling and magnificent.The lake seems to be flowing with gold, agate, emerald and diamonds, which are full of brilliance, making people on the giant ship dazzled and amazed.

Finally, Peasley looked towards the sky, and was surprised to find that the moon in the sky was actually different from the crescent outside.

The moon in Mingyue Canyon is actually a full moon!
"What's going on here? Although Lingyue Province and Huluo Province are far apart, they are in the same country after all. It's never so far away that the crescent moon turns into a full moon.

Why is the moon outside curved, but it turns into a fat and round shape when it comes here?Could it be that Mingyue Canyon is not within the territory of Huangquan Country? ! "

Peasley was secretly suspicious in his heart, but soon his attention was attracted by the gorgeous beauty of Mingyue Canyon.Of course, what attracted him even more was the aura in the Mingyue Canyon that was so thick that he could hardly breathe!

The aura inside the canyon was indeed as Peasley expected, at least [-] or [-] times that outside the canyon.If this is a Glorious Warrior who grew up here since he was a child, wouldn't the progress of his cultivation here be twenty or thirty times that of the people outside the canyon?
Two people with the same talent, one in the valley and the other outside, after a year of training, the people in the valley can definitely crush the people outside the valley.

It is worthy of being called a "sacred place".As a neighboring country of the Tang Kingdom, the Huangquan Kingdom is able to stand upright, and it really has its own merits.

Thinking of this, Peasley suddenly became very interested in the other two of the "Three Holy Lands" of the Underworld.If there is a chance, he will definitely go to the other two holy places to see it.

He unconsciously looked up at the moon again.It suddenly occurred to him that the moon is round, so there is naturally a mystery hidden in it.And this may also have a great relationship with the rich aura of Mingyue Canyon.

After entering the Mingyue Canyon, the speed of the giant wheel is only 10 meters per second, and the height is gradually decreasing.After going deep into the canyon for several thousand meters, the field of vision in front of him suddenly widened.

(End of this chapter)

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