The glory of the king

Chapter 170 Punishment

Chapter 170 Punishment
A mountain that was much higher than the surrounding valley banks suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This mountain is in the shape of a cylinder, and the diameter of the top of the cylinder is more than a thousand meters.

And on the top of the mountain, a majestic golden palace was built.

If someone looks down from the top of the mountain, they will find that the scope of the Golden Temple is a flawless perfect circle.It seems to echo the bright moon in the sky.

Peasley heard people talking on the side mention that this golden temple is called "Moon God Temple".Although the name is somewhat fanciful, Peasley did feel a gentle and ethereal feeling like a bright moon from the Moon Temple.

In front of the Temple of the Moon God, there was a square [-] meters long and wide. Under someone's driving, the giant ship stopped firmly in the middle of the square.Then Ximen Buhuo rolled up his sleeves, causing a gust of wind.

Peasley felt light all over his body, and then in the strong wind, led by a group of teachers, a group of students jumped down from the bow of the [-]-meter-high boat like falling leaves.

After Piao Piaohu experienced the feeling of flying, they all landed on the ground steadily.The gust of wind also subsides.

Peasley looked towards the Moon God Temple, and saw a group of people in white costumes standing in front of the Moon God Temple.

Among these people, the male is handsome, the female is beautiful, and the first is a mature woman, who has a natural beauty, which makes people's hearts flutter when they see it.

"Haha, sister Chanyu, long time no see! You are still as beautiful and charming as ever!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Ximen Buhuo praised without any concealment, and at the same time opened his arms to the beautiful man, as if to hug him.

The gorgeously dressed woman called Chanyu flicked her sleeves, and an invisible wall immediately blocked between her and Ximen Buhuo.Ximen Buhuo felt ashamed, but uncharacteristically, he didn't show any anger.

But seeing Chanyu salute to Ximen Buhuo respectfully, she chuckled lightly, her voice was intoxicating: "Moon God Palace Chanyu, I have met Lord Ximen."

"What's the difference between grown-ups and not grown-ups?" Ximen Buzhu lingered for a moment on Chanyu's white jade-necked slender legs, and said with a smile, "This time, Miss Chanyu invited me to visit Mingyue Canyon. It made the old man very happy. Since the last farewell, the old man has missed..."

"Master Ximen, please respect yourself, and don't say any more worthless words."

Chanyu's tone became a bit colder, and then she glanced at the group of students and teachers behind Ximen Buhuo, and said with a moving smile again:
"It's getting late today, everyone has worked hard on the journey, and let them enter the Moon God Temple to rest for the night. Tomorrow, I will send someone to take the teachers and students to the famous places in the canyon."

After saying this, Chanyu gave another salute to Ximen Buhuoying, then turned around, behind her were a group of disciples who were dressed in Chinese clothes and immediately lined up on both sides, letting the woman in Chinese clothes with an overwhelming look walk away slowly Pass.

Seeing the back that was getting further and further away, Ximen couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Not only him, the male teachers of the three grades behind Ximen Buhuo all showed fascinated expressions.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a stunning beauty! Presumably the smell on her body must also be very good..."

Just as Yi Xing smacked his lips and said this, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist, and the pain was still increasing gradually. He didn't dare to take a look, so he quickly changed his words and continued, "But the beauty I already have, the taste should be It's a thousand times better than that, such rotten street stuff really doesn't attract my interest..."

After saying this, Yi Xing suddenly felt the pain in his waist decrease sharply, so he dared to turn his head and look to the right, and what he saw was a pretty face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Yixing smiled slightly: "Honey, let's go, let's find a small hotel to sleep for a while..."

"Huh!" Dong Shi shook off Yi Xing's hand, with a sullen expression on his face, and walked towards the Moon God Temple with the large army.

Yixing shook his head helplessly, recalling that when he was single before, countless beautiful girls gave him captivating winks, and he could flirt with any girl at will without anyone saying anything about you.

But since he established a relationship with Dong Shi, he can no longer be as romantic and happy as before... Sigh~ Sometimes he thinks, why should he fall in love?Why do you want to get married?Why do you have to work so hard to support an ancestor?

Maybe the so-called love is so incomprehensible...

Under the leadership of a group of men and women in fine clothes, Peasley followed the crowd into the Temple of the Moon God.The Moon God Temple is divided into the main hall and the side hall.

Ximen Buhuo led the crowd into the main hall first, and after worshiping a lifelike statue of the moon goddess, they went to the side hall where dinner had already been prepared.

But before the meal, Ximen Buhuo announced a message to everyone:
"Students, stop the trotters in your hands first. I have good news to announce to everyone."

There are more than 270 students in the nine classes, except for a very small number, almost all looked at Ximen Buzhu with twinkling eyes, showing a look of great anticipation.

"The good news is that those of you who ate in the cabin hall when you first got on the giant ship are only allowed to eat one meal a day after the three-day tour ends, and until the end of our vacation, and you must eat tightly. Stare at meals for an hour before eating.

In addition, you need to climb from the top to the bottom of the Moon God Peak where the Moon God Temple is located, and then from the bottom to the top every day.After going back and forth like this, you can then do what you want to do. "

Ximen Buhuo said these words with a smile, but made a group of students quiet down.

It's fine if you just don't eat.Practice can replace sleep, why can't it replace eating?One meal a day, a group of Glory Warriors who can't die of starvation.

But the latter one made a group of students feel ashamed.You must know that this Luna Peak is a thousand meters high, and it might be better to go down, but to climb... such a steep mountain, even a Glory Warrior, it is absolutely difficult to climb it.

When everyone was silent, Peasley suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "Okay!"

Opening his mouth broke the silence of the crowd, and attracted countless people's hateful eyes.

One of the third-year students snorted coldly: "You brat, why are you pretending? Don't you want to be punished? Hmph, you can say flattering things, you think you don't have to suffer, it's ridiculous!"

Peasley looked at him, and naturally shifted his gaze from him to a beautiful senior, perfectly ignoring the sand sculpture.

Seeing this, the boy snorted again in anger, and then winked at a few classmates around him.

"Next, I will announce that there are ten people who will not be punished this time."

Ximen Buhuo glanced at the crowd, and continued to speak with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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