Chapter 171
Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Ximen Buzhu's words.They are all thinking that this dead old man is still a bit human... just don't know if he is among the ten people.

However, what Ximen Buhuo said next shocked them extremely.

"The ten people I'm talking about are those who quietly watched you scramble for food like a group of fat pigs when you were tempted by delicious food.

They are not like you, you are the clowns, and they are the spectators of the clowns.The gap between you determines that you will live a life with gaps in the next few days. "

"Impossible, everyone was eating at that time, how could anyone resist the temptation?"

Some of the students raised doubts, and countless people began to respond.

Ximen Buhuo glanced at the crowd coldly, and a coercion immediately filled the entire side hall.A group of students who were still arrogant just now lowered their heads like deflated balloons. Who would dare to look at the city lord?To be precise, it should be that he dare not look at a super strong man.

Ximen spoke in no confusion, his voice was cold: "Are you sure that everyone else ate it?"

Everyone dared not answer.

Ximen Buhuo then scolded: "A group of unsteady brats, when you are greedy, are you sure you can see other people or things in your eyes besides food?"

Everyone buried their heads lower.But at this moment, with a snap, Peasley killed a mosquito that landed on his thigh.

Seeing everyone looking at him, he immediately smiled and raised a black spot on his palm, and said with a smile, "Sorry, it's a mosquito, a mosquito..."

Ximen Buhuo glared at him fiercely, but did not blame him, then turned his gaze to other students, and continued:

"I want to ask you, when you eat, have you ever considered whether the food will be poisonous?"

Everyone was silent, and the answer was obvious.

"There is no guard at all! If I were more cruel and poisoned the food, you would be dead bodies now!"

Ximen Buhuo said plausibly, and the students also realized the seriousness of the problem, and they all showed remorse.

Seeing that his lesson had worked, Ximen Buhuo calmed down, took a sip of tea, and continued:

"Your willpower and vigilance are still too lacking. Although this is a trip, education can be provided anytime and anywhere. Your identity is still a student after all. So I hope that you can not only appreciate the greatness of the motherland during this trip Heshan can still grow in this process. Do you understand?"

"It's clear - clear -" the students agreed weakly.

Ximen Buhuo slammed the table down and shouted: "Got it!!"

The students were startled and shouted in unison: "Yeah! Color!"

Simon nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good. As long as you can maintain this momentum, you will definitely become the pillars of Huangquan Kingdom in the future. Next, let me tell you the names of the ten people who have been exempted from punishment.

They are Cao Xueling from Class [-], Grade [-], Ximen Moxuan from Class [-], Pisili, Liu Qinghe, Ximen Qianqian from Class [-]...Ning Yi from Grade [-]...Luo Xiang from Grade [-]..."

When Ximen Buhuo uttered the names of all ten people, a first-year girl suddenly raised her hand.



The little girl hesitated for a moment, pointed to Ximen Qianqian, and said, "I saw... Ximen Qianqian eating..."

"Hmm!" Ximen Buhuo suddenly coughed heavily.

The girl was startled immediately, and quickly said palely: "No, no, I didn't see anything, I don't know anything!"

Ximen Buhuo grinned, and laughed twice: "You girl is very spiritual, yes, your first punishment will be exempted!"

The little girl was taken aback for a moment, and then showed an expression of ecstasy, thanking Ximen Buhuo again and again, causing envious but helpless eyes from the people around her.

Ximen Buhuo Huduzi's personality is a tiger in the province, no one knows, even if Ximen Qianqian really ate it, whoever dares to say that she is wrong in front of her grandfather is simply courting death.

So no one dared to mention it again.

But Peasley smiled lightly, thinking that Ximen Buhuo would really win people's hearts, and with a few words, these little brats were subdued.Of course, he knew that it was Ximen Buhuo's incomparable strength that really frightened these children.

People with bigger and harder fists often have more weight in what they say.

... After dinner, Peasley asked Ximen Buhuo if there was any place where he could practice skills.Ximen Buhuo still thinks highly of this black-haired boy.So he ordered a disciple of the Temple of the Moon God dressed in fine clothes to take Pisley to a special training place.

Peasley noticed that the disciples here are also very respectful to Ximen Buhuo, and this kind of respect seems not only because of strength, but also because of status.

Although the Ximen City Lord is an important minister of Huangquan Kingdom, he seems to have a high status in this holy land.Fortunately, I didn't rashly kill his granddaughter, otherwise I really would have no way to escape from this extremely powerful guy.

Soon, the male disciple of the Moon God Temple brought Pisley to a grotto.The grotto is very huge, with about a dozen openings on its surface.

The male disciple turned around and smiled at Pisley: "Student, this is where my Moon God Temple specializes in cultivating skills. There should be no one in these caves now, so you can choose one to practice."

"Thank you, brother." Pisley saluted the male disciple respectfully, and only after the male disciple left did he look at the holes again.In the end, he chose a hole at the highest point and the corner. The hole is tens of meters high, and most people should not come here.

Peasley doesn't have time to do system tasks during the day, after all [Cloud Teng Technique] is too eye-catching, if someone else sees it, there may be some hidden dangers.

That's why he chose to come here to practice when everyone else had to rest.

He has already completed nearly 2000 meters of the task of [Yunteng Ten Thousand Meters], and the task of 8000 meters is not easy, so he has to hurry up.

He lifted the wooden pull up to his legs, and stepped on the protrusions on the cave wall.The grotto was not very trembling, so Peasley easily went up to the highest grotto.

The entrance of the stone cave was four to five square meters in size, and Peasley walked in directly.The cave is very bright because a sheep-headed animal bone is hung every five meters on the wall, and a bright crescent stone is inlaid on the forehead of the animal bone.

With this crescent stone, it is not a problem to illuminate the five-meter range.

The cave is very deep, and Peasley didn't gradually come to the end of the cave until he walked for about 1 minute.A bigger space is about to appear in front of Peasley.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the cave.He thought it was someone practicing in this cave, but when he stopped and listened carefully to the sound, he was surprised to find that it seemed to be the delicate panting of a woman!
 Crab Xia Weiliang's tip!

(End of this chapter)

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