The glory of the king

Chapter 192 Qingyang Fire

Chapter 192 Qingyang Fire

"I suspect Lispie cheated!"

As soon as this remark came out, some students who were about to leave immediately stopped and turned around, looking at the speaker with interest as if they were watching a play.

It was none other than the young man who drove the beggar away just now, named Zhang Zhao.It is said that he is the heir of a certain official in Chaoge.

Peasley stopped, looked back at the young man, and then at Hei Mo.

Hei Mo frowned, looked at Zhang Zhao and said, "Student Zhang Zhao, I'm not the only invigilator here, we all feel that there are no questions in this exam..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Zhao suddenly leaned close to Hei Mo's ear, said something, and at the same time very cryptically pointed at Hei Mo's sleeve and shot something into it.

Hei Mo touched the thing in his sleeve, his expression changed suddenly, then he touched the mustache on his chin, and said, "Actually, I also think there may be some problems with Li Sipi's assessment this time."

Peasley was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting such a sudden change in Hei Mo's attitude, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and asked, "Teacher Hei Mo thinks there is something wrong?"

Hei Mo thought for a while and said: "From the performance just now, the other students are not inferior to you in strength, but they are all sweating profusely from the high temperature on the steel plate, and their skin is flushed, but you and the beggar old man are the only ones who No sweat, not even the slightest change in the skin.

The old man is old and unfathomable, and I dare not doubt him.But you're only 15 years old, and you're nothing more than a golden warrior.The power of this Qingyang fire, even a platinum fighter cannot resist, you a gold fighter... tsk tsk tsk. "

Hei Mo deliberately didn't finish his sentence, but the questioning tone in it was self-evident.

Peasley glanced at the photo on the side, then smiled at Hei Mo and said:

"Since the teacher is suspicious, let me explain to the students. The reason why I can not be affected by the Qingyang fire is because I have some kind of ability myself, and I don't rely on external objects.

This assessment stipulates that you cannot use any equipment other than your own strength, otherwise it will be considered cheating.

But did I use any fire-resistant and temperature-resistant equipment? Don't you have any... count? "

Having said that, Peasley pointed to the steel plate they used for the assessment just now, and continued:

"Those steel plates are actually not ordinary steel plates. How could ordinary steel plates withstand the baking of Qingyang Fire without melting? And when I sat on them, I clearly felt an invisible wave of energy sweeping across my body .

If I was equipped with something, you must have noticed it a long time ago, so why wait until now to question me? "

What Peasley said was well-founded, but Zhang Zhao was a little speechless.However, what started to be pursued at this moment turned out to be Heimo.

Hei Mo looked at Pisley, and said with a smile: "Although what you said is reasonable, but I want to ask, what ability do you have to not be afraid of the high temperature of Qingyang Fire? If you can't explain it clearly, it will still be difficult to get rid of it." My suspicion."

At this time, some of the onlookers also began to have doubts, and each of them looked aggrieved, as if they were thinking that they were so much older than this boy and failed the examination, how can a mere doll pass the test?

One by one whispered:

"That's right! How could he be able to resist Qingyanghuo even though he's just a golden fighter? He thought he was Vulcan?"

"Who knows? I'm not sure if this guy used some new cheating method, or practiced some new skills similar to using chrysanthemums to absorb heat?"

"I'll go, your idea is really weird. However, it's not impossible... If that's the case, wouldn't his chrysanthemum be burning and painful right now?"

"Pfft—who knows! Anyway, the more I think about it now, the more I feel that he is abnormal!"

The people around did not hide their voices at all, and no one stood up to speak for Peasley.Even some people who usually talked and laughed with Peasley were silent at the moment, standing aside, as if they were vaguely expecting something.

Sometimes the world is so indifferent to Peasley.

So at this time, he needs to be strong enough.

Pisley looked at Hei Mo, smiled and said: "Since the teacher is suspicious, how about this? You release the Qingyang Fire, and I will walk directly into the Qingyang Fire in front of you. And I will never use any equipment props!"


As soon as these words were said, the surrounding teachers and students suddenly gasped.

Walk directly into the Qingyang fire?Did you hear me right?
The temperature of Qingyang Fire is definitely not something that any mortal body can directly touch.Not to mention the platinum fighters, even the diamond fighters would never dare to contact them directly.

Because it is said that this Qingyang fire was once the strongest king who accidentally farted on the fire. As a result, the king's fart caused a qualitative change in the flame, and it was upgraded from the ordinary fire to the current Qingyang fire.

Later, the flame was accepted by the disciple of the strongest king, and it has been passed down to this day.

Although this legend sounds a little bit of a joke, but no matter how you say it, anything that is linked to the words "the strongest king" is generally not that simple.

But at this moment, this young man actually said that he wanted to directly enter Qingyang Fire. Could it be that he is crazy? !

Hei Mo was also surprised by the other party's words. He said with a slow tone, with a smile: "Student Si Pi, it's fine to admit that you cheated. At most, you will be expelled from Jixia Academy, and you won't be risking your life. Of course, If you are willing to spend some more money to take care of it, maybe we can still treat it as if it didn't happen. It's just that your results in this assessment..."

When Hei Mo said this, he didn't deliberately lower his voice, and the other teachers didn't show any surprise when they heard it.

In fact, this is nothing to their Jixia Academy.Maintaining such a large Jixia Academy naturally requires a huge amount of financial resources.If self-sufficiency can be achieved, it will naturally reduce the economic pressure on the master and the Shang country.

So if any student has money, he can definitely live a very happy life in Jixia Academy.You can even find some teachers or students to buy green tokens at a high price in private, so that you can go directly to the next level.

Although Peasley didn't know that Zhang Zhao stuffed Hei Mo with something.But he still saw what he secretly said to Hei Mo just now.Maybe this guy promised to give Hei Mo a lot of money to make Hei Mo embarrass himself.

It's not easy for them to be teachers, and Peasley can actually understand it.

The beautiful teacher on the first floor usually wears plain clothes and no decorations. Although she looks good, she has never worn any fancy clothes or expensive jewelry.

(End of this chapter)

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