The glory of the king

Chapter 193 Bet

Chapter 193 Bet
Because this beautiful teacher is obsessed with calligraphy and painting,

He has no job, and never accepts gifts from others, and only survives on the meager salary of Jixia Academy every month.

So Peasley, who felt sorry for that beautiful teacher, didn't mind the teachers at Jixia Academy seeking more money to improve their quality of life.

But what disappointed him was that the teacher Hei Mo in front of him, who originally liked him quite a lot, now started to slander others for profit, and the object of the slander was actually him, Peasley.

Although he was disappointed, he would not be angry because of the other party's behavior. After ten years of suffering, Peasley was no longer as irritable and impulsive as he was ten years ago.

Now his mental age is over 30 years old, although he has not experienced a lot like those uncles who are really 30 years old, and he has seen a lot,

I've played around a lot...but definitely a bit more stable than the average 20-year-old.

He looked at Hei Mo, smiled and said:

"Teacher Heimo. I am a life-saving person. I never risk my life or make jokes. Since I dare to speak, I will not be afraid of death. I will use actions to prove my innocence to you. But...


Speaking of this, Pisley turned his head to look at Zhang Zhao, and said, "Student Zhang Zhao, you question me for no reason, and let me, a classmate, feel a little disappointed."

Zhang Zhao sneered: "There must be a demon in everything that happens! If you pretend to be a little bit more like you, maybe I won't suspect you. But you are acting too abnormal, right? Under the roasting of Qingyang fire, not only Your skin hasn't changed, not even a drop of sweat, anyone will doubt you!"

"Pretending?" Peasley also laughed, "It's because I have a clear conscience that I don't need to pretend anything. Those who really have ghosts in their hearts need to deliberately pretend.

Now that you doubt me, then I can't be doubted by you in vain, so be it.Do you dare to make a bet with me? "

"Bet? Hehe, why should I bet with you?" Zhang Zhao is not a fool, and he doesn't like Peasley.

Seeing this, Peasley continued to irritate the other party: "Why? The son of Zhang Kui, a famous merchant general, dares to question others, but dare not bet with them? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at when you speak out?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhao saw the strange eyes cast on him by the people around him, his face turned red and blue.He laughed angrily and said, "Hmph, isn't it just a bet. Why don't you dare? Tell me! What are you betting on?"

Peasley intentionally showed an expression of approval on his face, and he also praised the other party by the way: "Okay! You are so courageous! Then before talking about the bet, I would like to ask Zhang Zhao a question: Do you think I entered Qingyang fire?" , will it be life or death?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhao didn't directly say that he would die as Pease had hoped.It may be that I was too confident before, which made the other party hesitate.

But Peasley will not let the other party retreat at this time.Before the other party thought about how to answer, he immediately said:
"Why, you are beginning to hesitate at this time. Does Zhang Zhao think that I can survive entering Qingyang Fire without using any armor or foreign objects? If you think so, it seems to be related to your doubts about me at the beginning. These are two completely different attitudes!
After the dignified General Zhang Kui, he spoke contradictoryly. This... is really disappointing.

Otherwise, so be it!If you feel embarrassed, why don't you tell Teacher Heimo not to doubt me, and let's just pretend that this never happened, how about it?
Otherwise, you will lose face for a while, and you will not only lose face yourself!What you will lose will be the face of your entire Zhang family! "

At this moment, Zhang Zhao was really troubled and couldn't express it. He always felt that every word this mere 15-year-old boy said implied something strange.Let him feel that the other party is playing tricks on him, an adult in his 20s.

However, after hearing the last few words of the other party, his heart suddenly moved, and he only felt that his heart suddenly became clear.It turned out that Li Spee was acting so confident in front of him on purpose. In fact, it wasn't that he really had means, but to let himself withdraw his doubts about him, so that this matter would pass.

In fact, Li Sipi should not be sure of surviving the Qingyang fire at all, and pretending to be so confident on purpose is just a trick.

Zhang Zhao was secretly proud in his heart, this little devil has a lot of ideas, but after all, it is just a child's trick, and I can see it at a glance!
In Zhang Zhao's view, the other party either died in the Qingyang fire, or knelt down and begged for mercy. There was absolutely no third possibility!

Thinking of this, he resolutely said to Pisley: "You will definitely die if you enter the Qingyang fire!"

Peasley was slightly taken aback, with a flustered expression on his face, all of which were noticed by Zhang Zhao.

Zhang Zhao sneered even more in his heart.

But in fact, Peasley also laughed in his heart, secretly laughing at the other party's ignorance.On the surface, he deliberately swallowed his saliva, pretending to be in shock, and then spoke, as if making a final struggle:

"The bet I want to make with you is whether I can walk out of Qingyanghuo alive. If I can't walk out alive, then this bet will end with my life, and I will do what you wish, even if I am real cheated.

But... If I come out alive, you need to pay me [-] unicorn coins for mental damage if you take a photo! ! "


As soon as Peasley said this, the surrounding audience was moved again.

Ten thousand unicorn coins is by no means a small amount.

That's a thousand Phoenix coins, a hundred Azure Dragon coins!

Even for a baron-level nobleman, taking out these one hundred Azure Dragon Coins is definitely equivalent to cutting a piece of flesh off his thigh.

Peasley opened his mouth so loudly that Zhang Zhao was really taken aback.

Zhang Zhao thought to himself, even if I slept with all the famous prostitutes in Chaoge City, I wouldn't need so much money.

If he really took out the hundred Qinglong coins, the old man who was always stingy in his family would have to skin him.

He looked at Peasley who was showing a smug smile, and his heart began to tangle again.At the same time, looking at this Pisley, he wanted to put him to death even more.

Naturally, this kind of resentment was not formed in a day or two. Since the boy entered Jixia Academy, he began to think of ways to expel this boy from Jixia Academy, or directly kill him.

The initial reason was nothing but the beautiful teacher on the first floor.

This photo is famous
erotic.Tired of those famous prostitutes in the capital, he turned his attention to the beautiful teacher from Jixia Academy.

The beautiful teacher has a virtuous nature, because she has been obsessed with calligraphy all the year round, she has a very simple mind in dealing with people and things, and rarely defends herself.

(End of this chapter)

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