The glory of the king

Chapter 194 Transparent Teacup

Chapter 194 Transparent Teacup
That beautiful teacher has a virtuous nature, because she has been immersed in the law all the year round, she is very simple-minded in dealing with people and things.

So one time, this picture used an excuse to say that the family had a new piece of calligraphy by a famous artist, and invited the beautiful teacher to his house to appreciate it.The beautiful teacher was very moved when she heard the words, and agreed to the other party's invitation without saying a word.

But on the way, Peasley happened to bump into him.

Seeing this photo, Peasley kept his eyes on the beautiful teacher, and in addition, Zhang Zhao was a famous playboy in Chaoge.Peasley was worried about the safety of the beautiful teacher, so he followed them secretly and sneaked into Zhang Zhao's private house together.

Sure enough, this photo lured the beautiful teacher into his room, made her a pot of tea, and secretly drugged the tea.

And the beautiful teacher wanted to see the calligraphy of the famous master, and didn't notice Zhang Zhao's plot against her, and she was not wary of the other party at all, so she took a few sips of tea.

As a result, the beautiful teacher lay down on the table and fell asleep in a daze.Then, in that photo, he walked towards the beautiful teacher with a sinister smile, and wanted to do something wrong, but Pisley, who had been hiding in the dark, suddenly jumped out, shouted back to stop him, and took the beautiful teacher away.

Since then, Peasley's relationship with this man has been settled.

This photo often troubled Peasley, and it caused some twists and turns for Pisley in the past ten years, or it was fun.

But after all, Peasley is not a child's mind, and he is backed by his master, so even though he has no power or power in the Shang Dynasty, he can still save the day and make fun of this photo.

So Zhang Zhao began to think of ways to expel Pisley from Jixia Academy. Of course, it would be best to kill him to avoid future troubles.

Although Jixia Academy is a place where money can manage everything, there is a high-voltage line that must not be touched.

And this is the death rule set by the master himself: Once found out during the assessment process or found out afterwards that cheating, they will be directly expelled from Jixia Academy, and will not be allowed to enter again for life.

There is a good saying: "Don't be afraid that hooligans will fight, but be afraid that hooligans will be educated."

Because if there is a big problem with a person's quality, let him learn more knowledge, there will be endless troubles in the future.

Therefore, a really good teacher should let students learn to be a person first, and then learn knowledge.It doesn't matter if you learn to be a good person or not.

But in the current school, in most classes, good grades are the teacher's heart, and those who don't study well are the garbage discarded by the teacher.

In fact, those who will cause great harm to society in the future are often those who have good grades but poor moral character.Because they are not only bad, but also bad with technical content.This is more difficult to solve than those who can only fight and make trouble.

It is because of this that the master ordered this high-voltage line.

Hei Mo's words just now sounded good at first glance, saying that as long as he, Pisley, admits to cheating, and then spends some money to take care of it, the matter can go ahead.

But in fact, Peasley had heard his master tell him that he would rather fail the exam forever than cheat, otherwise he would be expelled directly, and no matter how much money he spent, it would be useless.

Even if he is Master's student, he cannot be exempted from punishment, and he will end up being cast aside and losing Master's face.

So once he was forced to admit that he cheated under the threat of the other party, then his studies in Jixia Academy were over.

Pisley looked at Zhang Zhao who had been silent for a while, sneered, and said, "Why, Zhang Zhao, are you afraid? Don't you dare to gamble? Didn't you just swear that I will die if I enter the Qingyang fire? What? Showing this 'shy' look now?"

Hearing the boy's sarcasm, Zhang Zhao's face became more and more gloomy.Still, he managed to calm down.Thinking about it carefully, the other party dared to open his mouth like a lion, perhaps the purpose was to scare him away.

At this time, you must not be cowardly.If he was persuaded at this time, the other party would not have to enter Qingyanghuo, and he would lose face even more.

So he looked at Peasley, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay...I, I'll bet with you! Isn't it just [-] unicorn coins, I don't even care about this amount of money in the Earl's House!"

"Yo yo! That's amazing! But Zhang Zhao, let me ask you one last time, are you sure you want to bet with me?" Pisley stared at the other party with a half-smile.

"Don't be a motherfucker, I bet money, you bet life! Even if I lose, I won't lose!"

"it is good!"

After getting the other party's final reply, Peasley showed a comfortable smile on his face, then he looked at the other teachers and students, and said:

"There is no evidence for what we say, we sign it and put it on paper.

Please everyone present to testify for us, our bet is now settled!
Of course, if I survived, I will give a hundred unicorn coins to each person who is willing to testify for me afterwards as a token of gratitude! "

After he finished speaking, everyone in the venue was slightly moved, and someone immediately agreed to help testify.But most of the people remained silent, because they didn't think this young man was capable of surviving the Qingyang fire.

After signing the calligraphy and painting, Pisley looked at Hei Mo and said, "Teacher Hei Mo, please."

Hei Mo gave Pisley a solemn look, and in line with his duty as a teacher, he finally persuaded him: "It's too late to regret it now."

Peasley smiled: "If I have the ability, there is always time to regret it!"

Seeing what the young man said, Hei Mo stopped talking, but gave him a sympathetic look, then reached out and took out a transparent teacup and a brown teapot from the [Void].

Hei Mo casually threw the transparent teacup on the ground, and the teacup immediately turned into a huge tea set with a height of 1.5 meters and a diameter of two meters.

Because the teacup is transparent, people around can clearly see the figure of the person at the other end from the side of the teacup.

Afterwards, Hei Mo took the small teapot and poured it into it.

To everyone's surprise, what was poured out of the small teapot was not tea, but a green flame. It was the extremely hot Qingyang fire that could melt everything!
Although the teapot is small, the flames poured out quickly filled the entire huge teacup.Obviously this teacup is not a mortal thing, it can encounter Qingyang fire without any damage.

However, through the transparent exterior, everyone was secretly shocked when they saw the Qingyang fire inside the teacup, which looked like turbulent blue magma.

The entire 33rd floor, also because of the appearance of such a large-scale Qingyang fire, instantly became like a melting furnace, and waves of heat hit the people standing around like invisible walls.

However, everyone is not weak, and almost at the same time covered the body with thick wooden pulls to resist the heat wave, and at the same time several teachers took action to seal a thin barrier around the huge teacup.

(End of this chapter)

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