The glory of the king

Chapter 202 The Bird of Fright

Chapter 202 The Bird of Fright
But at this moment, the man with the folding fan had just kicked his feet, and suddenly felt his feet lighten, as if some black shadow flew to the side.

The expected feeling of cracking the skull did not come.

How is this going?

He looked down suspiciously, huh?Why is my calf gone?

However, when he came back to his senses, his pupils shrank!In the next second, blood spurted out from under his thigh!
"Ahhh!!! leg! My leg!!"

A piercing pain suddenly came from his leg.Just now he was arrogant, but now he fell to the ground like a rooster whose head was scalded by boiling water, rolling around while hugging his legs, screaming like a pig being slaughtered!

And at the knee of his right leg, there is a flat cut surface.It was like being cut by some sharp knife soundlessly.

The black shadow that flew out just now was nothing but his right calf, which was still wearing shoes.

The other young men were also terrified by this weird scene, lying on the ground around them and howling.

The man kept shouting "Master, how are you?" Obviously, this man who lost his right calf should be the son of a rich family.

And at this moment, Peasley quietly appeared beside them.

He looked at them extremely indifferently, but he didn't say anything, but went straight to the old woman who was trembling and moaning on the ground.

"Grandma! How are you?" Seeing the soup on the old grandma's face mixed with the blood from the eyes, Peasley was heartbroken for a moment.

When the old lady heard his voice, her first reaction was not joy, but worry, she quickly pushed Peasley, and shouted:
"Child! Why are you here! Go away! There are bad people here! Go away—"

There was a tinge of warmth in Peasley's heart, but then it was filled with sadness.

As for this old lady, although she has eaten stinky tofu here for several years, in fact the old man has never known her identity as a Glory Warrior.

The old man never asked him so much, but simply treated him as an ordinary child.A good boy who is willing to come over and be with her often.

It's just that she didn't expect such a group of unexpected guests to come suddenly today. She was naturally afraid of hurting the child, so she told him to leave quickly.

Peasley held the old man's dry hand, said nothing, just raised his left hand, and gently placed it on the old granny's injured left eye.

The cyan Mulla flickered, first removing the dirt on the old man's face, and then the Mulla covered the old man's eyes softly like a clear spring.

The old man stood there blankly, without moving.Although she didn't know exactly what happened, she could feel the pain in her eyes starting to lessen.

Mula is a kind of energy that can repair body trauma. For ordinary people, as long as there is no vital injury, it can be easily healed.

Therefore, Glory Warriors in this world generally do not get sick.Ordinary diseases will be eliminated by their own mula before they start to take effect.

Only some destructive drugs, or chronic poisons that Mulla does not reject, can cause physical harm to the Glory Warrior.

While Peasley was treating the old man, the group of men surrounding the man with the broken leg obviously noticed Peasley's arrival.

At this moment, there is no one else coming and going here, but this young man appeared.

In other words, their young master's legs are probably related to this young man.

Thinking of this, anger flashed in the eyes of this group of people.The three who were the strongest among them walked straight towards the boy.He yelled directly at him:

"Boy! Yes, yes, did you make my, my, our young master's, er, feet like this!"

The one who spoke was a hulking guy with a sullen face, but he stuttered a bit.

"Don't make a fuss, didn't you see that Dad was saving someone?" Peasley ignored the other party and continued to heal the grandmother seriously.

"Brat! Who are you, dad, dad, dad, dad!"

The big man with the tiger's back was full of anger, and he directly stretched out his big hand to grab Peasley's head.

However, before his hand touched Peasley's hair, the weird scene happened again.

I saw a red line suddenly appeared on his wrist.Then, under the terrified eyes of everyone, his hand suddenly fell to the ground with a thud.

There was an uproar in the venue!
The three people who were aggressive just now took a few steps back in horror.And the stuttering man squeezed his arm and roared like mad, with a terrifying expression on his face.


The earth-shattering screams like groundhogs were even more heart-piercing than the young master who had broken his leg just now.

The painful roar of the stuttering man shook the hearts of every companion.

One of the sharp-eyed ones looked at the green Mulla made by Pisley who was crouching on the ground healing the old man's wounds, and said in a trembling voice: "Rong, Rong, Glory Warrior! He is Glory Warrior!!!"

His words came out, and the three of them sat on the ground paralyzed as if they had seen a ghost.Constantly trembling, the body slowly moved back.

Obviously, in this group of men, there is not a Glory Warrior, all of them are ordinary people.

Although glory fighters are not too rare, on average in the entire continent, there is only one in a thousand people.

For the vast majority of ordinary people living a life of basic necessities, seeing a Glory Warrior in a month is already considered too much.

However, when encountering Glory Warriors, these people are all adoring and respectful. The world of Glory Warriors is almost like the world of gods to them.

However, they never imagined that one day, they would stand opposite a glorious warrior, a god!
Just when they were terrified and overwhelmed.Peasley has finished treating the old man.

The old man slowly opened his eyes, seeing the familiar face of the young man with cloudy eyes, two lines of muddy tears flowed down immediately.

"Thank you for your hard work, child."

At this moment, the old lady naturally knew the identity of Peasley, but her eyes were as soft and kind as ever.

There was even a tinge of relief.

As if her grandson had won some honor, she, as a grandma, was also proud.

Peasley smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to wipe away the old man's tears: "You rest for a while, and I will talk to you after I clean them up."

Afterwards, the boy stood up and looked back at the group of people.

Just by taking a look, the group of people who were arrogant just now took a step back in fright like frightened birds...

(End of this chapter)

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