The glory of the king

Chapter 203 Shivering

Chapter 203 Shivering
And those two people who lost their arms and legs didn't know whether it was because they were used to the pain, or they didn't dare to groan after knowing the identity of the boy, for fear of angering each other. .

For them, losing hands and feet is a trivial matter, but if they provoke the other party and lose their lives, it is a major matter.

Peasley walked towards the group of men. At the age of 15, he was already 1.7 meters tall.But standing in front of him was a group of men taller than him.

If there were pedestrians passing by at this moment, they would see a group of tall, mature-looking men trembling in front of an immature boy.

Peasley walked straight to the side of the man who was still lying on the ground holding his feet and moaning, and asked coldly:

"Did Jia give you the courage to bully an old man here?"

The man with the broken foot looked at the young man in horror but confusion, trembling all over, and dared not say anything.

At this time, behind the man with the broken foot, a middle-aged man who looked a bit smooth and had a high status, stepped forward boldly and said:
"Honorable Master Battle Master! We don't know the person you just mentioned, but our young master has been sensitive to the smell of stinky tofu since he was a child. Whenever he smells it, he will feel sick to his stomach and become extremely irritable.

I passed by here unintentionally today, and smelled this terrible smell again, and I was furious for a while, so I did this unintentional act.

We really didn't know that this old man was your grandma!If we knew, even if you lent us a hundred courage, we wouldn't dare!

The so-called 'one who doesn't know is not guilty', I hope you see that for the sake of our ignorance, there are a lot of adults, please forgive me. "

"Hmph! According to your opinion, you dare not touch those who have backers, and bully those who don't?" Peasley sneered.

The smooth middle-aged man's expression changed suddenly when he heard the words, but he continued to bite the bullet and said:

"My lord, you should also know that this world is so unrighteous. The big fish eat the small fish, and the strong bully the weak. We admit that our previous behavior was indeed a bit excessive.

But we assure you that we will never do such bad things of bullying the weak again in the future, and we will definitely rehabilitate and start a new life!

But if you are like us, bullying the weak with the strong and bullying the old with the young, then you have done the same thing as us and lowered your own value, right? "

What the middle-aged man said was quite mellow.Instead, Peasley couldn't find an excuse to refute for a while.

Peasley nodded secretly, this middle-aged man has something on his mind.

However, as the other party said just now, for this group of people at this moment, he is the strong and the master.Whether to let these people go or kill them is all in one's own mind.

With his status as a teacher's student, killing a few ordinary people here in Chaoge will not have any impact on him at all.

But it was nothing to him. To the old man behind him, it might provoke a party because of this, so that would not be a good thing.

Moreover, the master had also warned him that he should try not to kill people if he could.Unless the other party has reached the point where he must be killed, he must be forgiving and forgiving.

This is not for others, but for yourself.

Because every time you kill a person, your xinxing will be affected by a point. If you kill a lot, no matter how strong your heart is, there will be cracks, and even collapse over time, which will have a great impact on yourself.

If it is light, it becomes a murderous maniac, and it is impossible to live without killing people.If it is more serious, the cultivation base will be completely useless, and it will become a waste that cannot be cultivated for life.

As for death?That's not the scariest thing anymore.

Thinking of this, looking at the group of trembling men with frightened faces in front of him, the killing intent in Pisley's heart gradually faded.

In fact, the main reason was that the grandmother was not seriously injured.Otherwise, if something happened to the old man, Peasley would never give the group of people in front of him a chance to speak, and there would never be another way to go except death.

Now the price of this hand and leg is barely enough.

However, Peasley didn't really intend to let the other party go for nothing. He suddenly put on a greedy look, pinched his chin and said:
"You're right, if I attack you, what's the difference between me and you scumbags?"

"Yes, yes, you are so right!" A group of people all echoed in low voices.

But Peasley's next words made them stunned immediately.

"If you want me to let you go, you can, but I have to save some life money. Let me count... There are eight of you here. Well, eight hundred unicorn coins! I will let one person go for a hundred unicorn coins.

If you lose a penny, I will use the flesh of your body as a pad! "

"One hundred unicorn coins per person!?" A group of people just thought they would escape from birth soon, but they didn't expect this young killer to suddenly open his mouth like a lion!
But they didn't dare to say anything more, and they hurriedly pooled their money together, but they could only scrape together more than 100 unicorn coins.In other words, only one person can leave first.

From the little money on these people, it can be seen that these guys should only be members of a small family.Unlike Zhang Zhao, a local tyrant who carried a hundred Phoenix coins with him.

I saw the sleek middle-aged man holding a handful of unicorn coins, looking at Pisley with a bitter face, and said: "My lord, we only have so much on us. How could we bring so much money as [-] unicorn coins when we go out? Woolen cloth?"

"How is it impossible? It's not because you are poor! Those who are really rich can even bring eight thousand unicorn coins!"

What Peasley was talking about was of course a photo, but what he didn't expect was that he was actually a big guy who carried thousands of unicorn coins with him.

"Anyway, I don't care, one hundred unicorn coins per person, you guys discuss, who will go first, go back and get enough money to redeem the others!"

Seeing Peasley's irrefutable attitude, a group of people looked at each other and I looked at you, obviously they could only do what he said.

"Then, I'll go back first, I can run fast. I can get the money soon!" Dragon Armor said seriously.

"Let me go back first. I know which brothel the master is in now! He must have enough money with him!" Long Taoyi said immediately.

At this time, Longtao B suddenly stretched out his hand: "Wait!"

Everyone looked at him, only to see Long Tao Bing's expression was indifferent, and he said neither humble nor overbearing: "I'd better go back first. I want to shit."

Dragon armor: "..."

Dragon suit B: "..."

Peasley: "..."

At this time, the young man who had been lying on the ground enduring the severe pain in his legs roared with a pale face:

"What are they still arguing about! Labor and capital are almost bleeding dry, why don't you hurry up and find a doctor for us! Shen Qiang, you go first! Call the doctor first, and then get the money!"

 Starting on August [-]st, three chapters per day.Please allow me to make a tearful emoji.

(End of this chapter)

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