The glory of the king

Chapter 207 The 5-year-old Golden Warrior!

Chapter 207 The 15-year-old Golden Warrior!

The pupils in the short and fat monk's eyes suddenly became dilated, but he did not die immediately.

After all, Peasley kept his hand.

Because the person in front of him has not reached the level that the Master said he must die.

If he could not kill someone, he would definitely not destroy a life on his own to affect his xinxing.

"You... you... who are you?" The short and fat monk's grimace gradually disappeared, and finally a face that looked much more normal was revealed.

Because his throat was pierced, he could only look at Peasley and asked tremblingly in an extremely hoarse voice.

Peasley smiled and said, "I'm nothing special, just an ordinary handsome guy.

Go back and tell the person who asked you to come, this handsome guy is very upset now!
I have already given them a chance, since they don't appreciate it, they still find a little silver warrior to deal with me...

snort!Now if you want to redeem someone from me, you need 200 Kirin coins!As for them wanting to redeem their young master, they need this number! ! "

Peasley pointed two fingers at the chunky monk.

"Two, twenty?"

The dumpy monk asked tentatively.

"Twenty your sister! It's [-]! If you don't send me [-] unicorn coins within an hour, none of these people will live!"

The chunky monk opened his mouth and didn't speak any more. Instead, he held his throat and ran out of the alley.

Seeing the other party's leaving figure, Peasley turned his head to look at the old man, and said lightly: "Grandma, it's not suitable for setting up a stall today, let's close the stall early."

The old man recovered from the fright just now, nodded quickly after hearing what the young man said, and immediately started to clean up the stall.

At the same time, at the corner of the alley, Shen Qiang was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground when he saw the short and fat monk coming in a panic with an angry expression on his face.

"My lord! What's the matter with you? Did you fall while walking?"

"I'll throw you, old man!" The short and fat monk saw Shen Qiang, his heart burst into flames, and he kicked Shen Qiang's chest in anger.

However, he may have forgotten to control the strength, and actually kicked Shen Qiang's chest directly.Bloody legs, directly from his chest to his back!

All of a sudden, the bones shattered and blood splattered everywhere!

Shen Qiang lowered his head and looked at his chest in disbelief, and suddenly let out a strange cry of "woo woo", the voice was extremely frightening.

But he just let out a sudden cry, suddenly tilted his head, and swallowed his last breath.

If he knew that he would end up like this in the end, even if he just ran away, he would no longer want to have anything to do with this group of Glorious Warriors.

However, in this world, there is no such thing as regret medicine.Even if there is, it is not an ordinary person like him who is qualified to use it...

Along with her was Qin Keer, who was about to watch a good show, but how could she have thought that she didn't see the good show, but instead saw such a bloody scene, she felt something rushing up in her chest, and bent over to the side to vomit, I'm afraid I'm going to spit out my stomach acid.

The chunky monk kicked Shen Qiang's body away, and then directly grabbed Qin Ke'er's jade neck with a sinister expression. The strong force almost made her die directly.

"You two are quite courageous! How dare you set a trick on me? Do you want to kill me!?

Is that boy a black iron warrior?That's at least a gold-rank boss!You actually let me die? !Tell me, who instigated you! "

Listening to the angry roar of the short and fat monk, Qin Ke'er was in great pain, but she knew that if she couldn't explain it well, she might end up like Shen Qiang!

So she desperately said in a hoarse voice:

"My lord! You misunderstood! We have no grievances with you, how could we murder you? Besides, if we really want to kill you, do you think you can walk out of this alley alive now?"

The short and fat monk was slightly taken aback when he heard this.He closed his eyes and thought about it carefully.

What Qin Keer said was indeed reasonable. If the two of them really wanted to murder themselves, how could they wait for him here?

It should not be false that they begged him before. If everything is normal, he should have solved the matter by now.The only thing that got it wrong was the boy's strength.

It's a pity that he himself was impulsive just now, anxious to end this matter and then spend money to have fun, listening to the young man's nonsense, thinking that the other party is really just a black iron warrior!But he didn't try it out first.

If he tried it first and found something bad, he could explain it in the name of a discussion, so that he would not end up in such a miserable end.

Thinking of this, and having killed Shen Qiang, he gradually calmed down.

As for this woman, even killing her won't make up for his loss, but this little coquettish bitch is really good at bedtime, so it's still useful to keep it!
The chunky monk let go.Qin Ke'er suddenly coughed violently, but the heart that was raised finally fell slightly.

"My lord, my lord... I'm really sorry. If Ke'er knew that the other party was a golden fighter, why would I let you do such a thing.

Alas, it's all Shen Qiang's fault!It was he who kept saying that the other party only had this black iron strength.Who would have thought that...there is more than enough time for death! "

After saying this, Qin Ke'er showed a charming and charming posture, blinking her eyes and looking pitifully at the short and fat monk.

The chunky monk snorted coldly. Didn't he know that this woman wanted to push all the sins on a dead person?
But seeing that the other party's body was still useful, he didn't expose it, but said:

"This is the end of the matter, we don't care about the Liang family's affairs! I will continue to go back to be my master, and you will continue to open your chicken coop.

Next time if you don't have any reliable news, don't try to ask me to do business again.Otherwise, I will make you unable to get out of bed for a month! "

Qin Ke'er couldn't help trembling, she lowered her head and said softly: "Could it be that my lord can swallow this breath?"

The short and fat monk frowned, and said coldly: "In front of someone who is stronger than yourself, you have to swallow your breath, otherwise, you will end up just like this guy!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Shen Qiang's body with great disdain.

Because of Shen Qiang's death and what she just suffered, Qin Ke'er was still a little unwilling, and asked: "Is there no master or brother who can avenge you?"

"Master and brother? Revenge?" The short fat monk was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed at himself, "I am a monk of wine and meat, and I have already become independent from Buddhism, so how can I have any master and brother!
As for this enmity... Hmph, I advise you to avoid messing with that young man, the 15-year-old Golden Warrior, there might be a colossus behind him.If you don't want to die too early, stop here! "

 Thanks to GY Xiaohui for staying up all night waiting.

  The reason why the last chapter of the day is not corrected and published first is not to fool everyone, but for the meager subsistence allowance.If it is sent after 12 o'clock in the evening, it will be gone.So I usually fix it after sending it out
  Change the additions and deletions to two or three points.

  In the future, I will try my best to complete the revision before 12 o'clock, so as not to affect everyone's reading!I hope everyone understands.

  Bow and thank you! OTZ.

(End of this chapter)

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