The glory of the king

Chapter 208 Is there a lady to play with?

Chapter 208 Is there a lady to play with?
After saying this, the squat monk turned around and walked towards the distance.

Qin Ke'er still looked unwillingly at the alley, then at the corpse on the ground, with a trace of pity in her eyes, but hurriedly followed the short and fat monk and left here.

At this moment, Peasley has helped the old man clean up the stall.The old man's house lived in this alley, and she just set up a stall in front of her house, so it was convenient to clean up.

However, an hour passed, and instead of the person he wanted to see, Peasley waited for a group of officers and soldiers with knives.

An officer and soldier headed by him was tall and straight, with outstanding temperament, he seemed to be a fast catcher.He saw the young master of the Liang family lying on the ground with an ugly face, stepped forward, and said:

"Master Liang Song, your housekeeper Shen Qiang died tragically at the entrance of the alley. What are you guys doing here? Also, what happened to your leg? Who cut it off! Tell the police all about it, This detective will make the decision for you!"

Liang Song looked at the other party with an unbelievable expression on his face: "What are you talking about! Shen Qiang is dead!? How could he die?!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help looking at Peasley who was sitting on the small bench in front of the old grandma's house.

The policeman named Su Di followed Liang Song's gaze and saw a young man shaking his legs.

"Did he do it?"

Liang Song bowed his head and said with a look of helplessness: "I don't, I don't, I don't know if it's him, or if it's because our family didn't send the money over in time, so he finally did it!"

"Send money?" Su Di frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

At that moment, he asked Liang Song to explain the whole story.Liang Song didn't dare to add fuel to the picture at this moment, because the black-haired boy was staring at him intently, just stating what happened objectively.

However, after hearing Liang Song's explanation, Su Di said in surprise, "That boy is the Glory Fighter?!"

Liang Song nodded in awe.

Su Di frowned again, and then, under the surprised eyes of Liang Song and others, he walked slowly towards Peasley.

Walking three feet in front of Peasley, Su Di bowed and clasped his fists, and respectfully said to Peasley: "Catch Su Di on Lower Liu'an Street, I have seen Lord Battle Master!"

Peasley scratched his head and asked in confusion, "Have you seen me? When have you seen me?"

Su Di was taken aback for a moment, then realized immediately, his old face darkened suddenly, thinking that this young man might not be a fool, right?
But he didn't dare to say it out of his mouth, but continued: "Master Zhanshi, I would like to ask, did you kill the man named Shen Qiang at the entrance of the alley?

You have to know that even a Glory Fighter is not allowed to kill casually.Otherwise, the Honor Law Enforcement Team will not easily let those who kill innocent people easily. "

"I'm sorry, I just ate stinky tofu here, and I haven't digested the stench in my body yet, so I don't have the time to kill an insignificant little person who has no grievances or enmities with me."

Su Di frowned, and his voice became a little more suspicious: "Do you dare to say that Shen Qiang's death has nothing to do with you!"

Peasley looked at Su Di calmly, and asked, "Why don't I dare to say it?"

Su Di saw that the other party's attitude was quite tough, and his tone was a bit colder: "Then tell me!"

Peasley stood up slowly, putting his hands behind his back.Although he was not as tall as Su Di in front of him, his aura was condescending.

He opened his mouth and said aloud:
"Shen Qiang's death has nothing to do with you!"

Su Di: "???"

Seeing Su Di's expression, Peasley asked suspiciously: "Didn't you ask me if I dared to say this? Now that I've said it, why do you show this black question mark face again?"

"What the hell..." Su Di forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a calm voice, "Master Battle Master, can you still have a good chat?"

Peasley sneered: "Have a good chat? Didn't I just say that I didn't kill that person?"

"But the thing about you taking hostages here is always true, right?" Su Di continued to ask.

Peasley nodded: "I don't deny that. But they beat my grandma, do you think I can let them go easily? Now I spare them from death and give them a chance to exchange their lives with money. What, you Any comments?"

"But you also said that if the time comes, they will be killed. And now, one person has indeed died, so how do you explain that?" Su Di stared at Peasley with burning eyes.

Peasley nodded: "It seems to make sense. Then I will explain it a little bit.

The one named Shen Qiang was originally planning to go back to get the money, but according to my estimation, he met another Glory Warrior on the way, and then lied to that Glory Warrior that I only have the strength of black iron, and asked him to help He is looking for a place.

As a result, that honorable warrior came to me and ate a turtle, and almost lost his own life.

Maybe after leaving my place, that Glory Fighter was furious, and then gave that Shen Qiang a fuck. "

Although Peasley didn't know the specific situation, he could roughly guess it.And this Shen Qiang died at the place where the short and fat monk left just now, nine out of ten it was the hands of that short and fat monk.

After listening to the boy's explanation, Su Di thought carefully.Although he would not trust the other party's one-sided words, he would not completely deny the other party's words, not to mention that what the other party said was indeed quite similar.

Su Di then asked Liang Song and the others if there really was that chunky monk, and after confirmation, he nodded to Pisley and said:

"Although this is the case, it cannot be said that you are completely innocent. How about this, why don't you go to the Yamen with us, and let us let you back after we prove your innocence. What do you think?"

Peasley smiled: "I don't think so."

Su Di seemed to guess that the other party would answer this way, and did not show a surprised expression, but continued: "Don't worry, we will never treat you badly, Master Battle Master. Big fish and meat, delicious food and drink are waiting for you!" "

When Peasley heard this, he raised his eyebrows: "Is there any young lady playing? If not, I won't go."

Su Di: " you treat the yamen as a brothel?"

Peasley shrugged indifferently: "Since there is no young lady, I will forgive you. Oh yes! I think I'd better leave my address and name to you. If you need it, you can find me there .To save you from having to accuse me of unwarranted crimes."

Su Di thought for a while, and it was really unrealistic to ask a Glory Warrior to move his lord, and it would be a nerve-wracking thing to ask them to serve a Glory Warrior.So he agreed, "Alright."

 It seems that the next chapter is late again.I'm so sorry.It's a vicious cycle...

(End of this chapter)

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