Chapter 209

Peasley nodded.He took out a pen and paper from the system backpack, wrote a note and handed it to Su Di.

Su Di wasn't in a hurry to read the note, because the boy didn't seem like a bad trustworthy person to him.

Instead, he turned his head and pointed at the Liang family and asked, "What do you plan to do with these people?"

Peasley waved his hand: "It's been an hour, what a fart to deal with it. It seems that there is no way to get money from them. Let them go."

Su Di looked at the big man with the broken hand, who was holding his severed hand and connecting it to the fracture, as if he really hoped that his severed hand could be connected to the arm again!
Su Di couldn't bear it, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and said to Peasley:

"It's not necessarily that there is no profit. Our Chaoge has a lot of Glory Warriors. Even if they lose their limbs now, they may soon be able to find a Glory Warrior to help them connect them.

Instead of letting others take advantage of this advantage, you might as well help them connect the hands and feet first, and then propose a price that they can easily accept.Doesn't that mean no one can take away your share of the benefits? "

Hearing this, Peasley immediately showed approval in his eyes: "Captain Su is worthy of being an official. Not only is he quick in handling affairs, but he is also very good at collecting money!"

Su Di gave the other party an angry look, obviously hearing the irony in the other party's words.

The reason why he is not as afraid of Pisley as Liang Song and the others is because he has been a policeman for so many years and has seen many Glory Warriors, and secondly, he has a sense of responsibility as a policeman. .

Even at the risk of offending these bigwigs, he must do his best to achieve justice.

Peasley could tell that this person should be of good quality, so he didn't deliberately make things difficult for him.But what the other party said just now sounds quite reasonable.

It seems that the [-] unicorn coins are not available today, so let's go to zero and get [-].

Thinking of this, Pisley walked towards the Liang family.

The Liang family, headed by Liang Song, all showed fear and looked at the young man very carefully.Just now, Su Di and Peasley were not talking loudly, so they didn't hear them.

Peasley went straight to the stuttering man, looked at the mangled wrist, and said indifferently: "Straighten your hand! If it's crooked after a while, don't blame me!"

The stuttering man was stunned for a moment, and then a joyful expression appeared on his face as if reborn: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, sir!"

Peasley smiled: "You're welcome, just two hundred unicorn coins."

The stuttering man froze for a moment, and the smile on his face melted away like white snow encountering flames.I saw him weeping and saying:
"Big, big, my lord, I'm just a servant of my family, how can I get that, that, so much money?"

"No money? It doesn't matter, let your young master pay for you." Pisley said casually.

But Liang Song, who was sitting on the ground, immediately became dissatisfied, staring at the stuttering man with his eyes fixed on him.

The stuttering man was startled, looked at Peasley, quickly took a step back, waved his hand and said, "No, no, no need, my hand, break, break, break it."

"Oh, so, I was planning to pick up both of you. If this is the case, then I don't want your money, and I will pick you up for free! However, I don't want to pick up this other person."

As soon as Peasley finished speaking, Liang Song, who was lying on the ground, immediately shouted:

"No, my lord, please don't do this! Isn't it just two hundred unicorn coins? I will pay this guy for him! You will take his hand later, but don't forget my legs!"

Peasley laughed secretly in his heart, but nodded calmly on the surface: "Since you have done such a good deed, the Buddha will surely bless you."

After saying these words, a rich blue mullah appeared in Pisley's hands.Like a blue and transparent ointment, he directly applied it to the stuttering man's severed hand.

The face of the stuttering man suddenly twisted violently, and an unbearable pain came from the intersection of his severed hand and wrist.It gave him the urge to pull out the severed hand again.

Peasley snorted: "Hold it! Once you move your hand away again, all previous efforts will be wasted! If you want your hand to return to its original state, you must endure the pain at this time! Blood circulation and muscle growth are not what you want!" It's that simple?!"

After hearing his words, the stuttering man gritted his teeth immediately, his face flushed, and the veins on his forehead protruded like small snakes, as if they were about to burst at any moment!
It is easy to break hands and difficult to take over.If you want to connect a severed hand, how can you be so casual?
Just when the stuttering man was about to pass out from the pain, the pain suddenly disappeared without warning, and the stuttering man was panting heavily, with a distorted expression on his face.

Although the pain in his hand is gone, the pain in his mind has not been completely eliminated.

It wasn't until a long time later that the stuttering man let out a long sigh of relief: "He, he, his mother! It's like giving birth, giving birth, giving birth to a child!"

Seeing the stuttering man in such pain, Liang Song's face turned pale with fright.He asked Peasley in a trembling voice:

"My lord...does it hurt as much for me later as it does for him!"

Peasley shook his head: "How could it be? His is the cheapest light-packed version. If it's the deluxe or pinnacle version, it will be much better than his!"

"Oh, yes, is it..." Liang Song was relieved when he heard the words, and then asked again. "Then, how much is the deluxe version and the pinnacle version?"

"Not expensive, two thousand for the deluxe version, five thousand for the peak version."

Peasley chuckled.

Liang Song rolled his eyes when he heard this, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Let's get a deluxe version. It shouldn't hurt too much."

"It's the deluxe version, right? I know you don't have any money with you right now, so you can ask Detective Su later, and then just prepare the money and send it to where I live."

Peasley said.

Liang Song: "I understand, my little one. Please hurry up and help me catch my legs."

Peasley nodded, and gathered a mass of mula in his palm like a pattern.

This group of mula is different from the previous ones, it is big and gorgeous, and there seem to be countless stars shining in it, which looks extremely magnificent.

Liang Song exclaimed: "Oh! Is this the deluxe version? It really is different."

Peasley smiled, "Are you ready?"


After seeing Liang Song nodding, Peasley applied the mura in his hand to the broken leg, and then connected Liang Song's calf to the broken leg!
Liang Song was stunned for a moment, the smile on his face froze instantly, and a pain like an exploding star came from his leg.

He didn't even have time to scream, and passed out from the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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