The glory of the king

Chapter 210 Wen Mo Shop

Chapter 210 Wen Mo Shop

"Big, big, my lord, our young master is no, no, isn't it the deluxe version, why is he just fainted, fainted, passed out?"

The stuttering man squatted down and looked at his young master very nervously.

"Oh, I seem to have said just now that the deluxe version is much more enjoyable than the simple version, don't you see that he is so happy that he passed out now!"

Peasley took Liang Song's legs again and again, and said casually.

"I read, read, don't lie, lie, lie to me if you don't study much! Our young master, this, this, this is clearly fainted from the pain, fainted, fainted!" The stuttering man looked puzzled.

Peasley shrugged: "When did I say that the deluxe version doesn't hurt anymore? Besides, he broke his lower leg, which is much more serious than your broken wrist. Isn't it normal that it hurts more than yours?"

The stuttering man opened his mouth, not knowing what to say to the boy.

Five minutes later, Peasley let out a long sigh of relief: "It's finally done!"

Everyone looked at Liang Song's broken leg just now, and saw that the limbs that had been divided into two just now had been perfectly connected together, and there was no trace of the broken leg at all.

However, just when Peasley was about to get up, Su Di suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

Peasley: "What's wrong?"

"You seem to have put his legs upside down!"

Peasley: "Nani!!!"

I saw him look down, hey, it really is!The thumb of Liang Song's left leg is pointing up, but the thumbs of his right leg are all pointing down.

Peasley pinched his chin and fell into deep thought: "Well, it seems that we can only chop it up and reinstall it."

The audience gasped after hearing his words. Fortunately, Liang Song had passed out at this moment, otherwise, hearing Peasley say that now, they would be scared to death.

Then, in front of everyone, Peasley lightly stroked Liang Song's knee with his index finger, and the calf separated from the thigh again.

Liang Song twitched violently, but he didn't wake up from the pain.

Then Peasley worked hard for another 10 minutes before finally connecting Liang Song's leg.

Peasley stood up, stretched his waist, and said: "Okay, you can take him away. Remember, return the 2000 two hundred unicorn coins you owe me to me as soon as possible. Otherwise, when I come to visit, But it’s not as simple as just spending some money!”

The stuttering man and the others all responded, and then they carried away Liang Song who was still in a coma.

Su Di stood beside Peasley, looked at the departing figures and said, "Your lord is really ruthless. Presumably you purposely put his legs upside down, and then used it to make an example of others.

But these people have experienced this pain, and they should be much more peaceful in the future.It is also a good thing for us. "

Peasley nodded: "There is a saying that is good, you can be the best if you suffer from suffering."

Su Di's eyelids twitched slightly: "Is that the way you understand it?"

Peasley chuckled, and after exchanging pleasantries with Su Di, he didn't stay any longer, turned around to say goodbye to the stinky tofu granny, and walked out of the alley.

Watching the boy's leaving figure disappear at the corner of the alley, Su Di took out the note that the boy had left for him from his bosom, opened it, and his originally calm face suddenly changed!
I saw six words simply written on the paper:
"Stay in the imperial palace, master and apprentice."

Su Di's lips trembled slightly: "This boy is actually Master's student!"

What is the concept of a Master's student?
Since ancient times, Master has taught tens of thousands of students, but most of these people dare not claim to be Master's students.

It's not that they don't want to say it, but they don't want to say it, because they feel that their abilities are not worthy of being the master's apprentice.If so, not only

It will lose the face of the master, and it will even lose face.

Others may say that people who have been taught by the master are still such a waste.

But there are also very few people who have been carefully guided by the Master.And with excellent talent and strength, these people often call themselves Master's students.Such as Nezha, such as Zhuge Liang and so on.

And these people are all well-known figures in the entire Glory Continent.

Although Peasley is not yet so well-known at the moment, he already dares to call himself a student of the Master.

Either this guy has a thick skin and thinks he is worthy of this title, or this guy really has terrifying strength.

However, from the few conversations just now, Su Di's view of this boy is more inclined to the second.

Thinking of this, and thinking of his attitude towards others just now, Su Di couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, this young man's temper is not bad, otherwise, if he meets someone who considers himself noble, his attitude alone will be enough to make him want to kill him.


On the way to the palace, Peasley held his hands behind his head a little leisurely, playing a little tune.

Two things happened today, which can be regarded as a small episode in his long study career.

Fortunately, the old man was not injured, otherwise, with his temper, at least three people would have died today.

But now the old man is not only fine, but with Zhang Zhao, he earned a total of 1 unicorn coins, which really made him a little excited.

In this impetuous and beautiful Chaoge, finding ways to make money is also one of the few hobbies of Peasley.

Because of the money, when he returns to Huangquan Country in the future, he can buy a better house for his parents and buy more delicious food for Xiao Xiaohe...

Thinking of this, the bug named "Missing" in Peasley's heart began to stir again.

Peasley was in no mood to whistle any more, and just sighed leisurely.

But when he passed by a literary and ink shop, he suddenly heard a noise coming from inside:

"Go away, go away! You poor bitch! Why don't you sell yourself for being so beautiful, and come here to pay on credit?"

Peasley walked slowly, feeling curious.It was the first time he had heard of women paying on credit in cosmetic shops, inns, and ink shops.

I don't know which strange woman has such a wonderful idea.

At this moment, the woman's voice came from the store.

"Yes, I'm sorry! I'll send it to you after I get my salary next month. It's just that I've run out of pens and ink, and now I urgently need some ink stones!"

The voice was as soft as snowflakes in winter, not only beautiful, but also extremely clear.After hearing the last sentence, people can't help but want to hear the next sentence.

However, when Peasley heard this extremely familiar voice, he stopped immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he saw an extremely delicate-looking woman being pushed out by a wretched-looking waiter.

The waiter had an evil light in his eyes, and he didn't forget to grope the woman's snow-white neck while pushing.

 Thank you for the two monthly tickets of Three Cups of Drunken Yusheng Children's Shoes!Crab and crab children's shoes support! !

(End of this chapter)

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