Chapter 211
Peasley was furious in his heart,

This woman is none other than the beautiful calligraphy teacher on the first floor of Jixia Academy, Mu Lingyin.

He appeared in front of the woman in a flash, and opened the restless hand of the waiter with a slap!

The waiter yelled "Ouch", and his groping right hand was already swollen like a pig's trotter.

"Are you looking for death, boy!" The waiter looked at the black-haired boy who suddenly appeared, and could tell that he was young, and he was charged with anger, and rushed directly towards Peasley.

Peasley looked at this reckless guy, snorted coldly, and kicked out directly.

But just when his toes were about to touch the waiter's chest, a hand suddenly appeared on the waiter's shoulder, pulling back the waiter's advancing figure violently.

Peaslee's kick that was supposed to hit was missed.But he still maintains the posture of flying kick, and his figure is very stable, obviously for the

The control of strength is already handy.

It was only after seeing a girl with refined temperament appearing in front of the waiter that he firmly put his feet back.

"It seems that people who sell things in this world are very urban! Even those who sell elegant things like writing and ink are no exception!"

Peasley looked at the girl in plain skirt in front of him, and said sarcastically.

The girl was not angry when she heard the words, she hurriedly stepped forward to greet Pisley with a blessing, and said:
"My lord, I'm really sorry, my subordinates don't understand etiquette, so I was rude to my lord and this young lady.

The little girl is the owner of our shop, her name is Xie Ying. Both of you will get a [-]% discount on your purchases in our shop today!I wonder if this can calm you down a little? "

Seeing that the other party's attitude is still friendly, and the discount offered is quite good, Pease thought about it, then nodded, and then looked at the gentle woman behind him.

"Student Sipi! You, why are you here?" Mu Lingyin looked at Pisley a little shyly, obviously she didn't expect to meet Peasley here, and the other party saw her ugly appearance on credit.

Peasley looked at the beautiful teacher in front of him.

Five years ago, when Pisley first entered school, Mu Ayane looked very young and beautiful.

Now that ten years have passed, the years have not left any bad marks on the other party's beautiful appearance, but instead made her temperament more beautiful and refined.

The movement of hands and feet is like a gentle picture scroll, which makes people feel relaxed and happy!
At this moment, showing this shy look again made Pisley's eyes brighten and his heart fluttered.Vaguely, he seemed to see Xiao Xiaohe from ten years ago.

Looking at this beautiful teacher who is only 1.6 meters tall, he couldn't help reaching out and patted her on the head. The touch of the palm was very beautiful, and he said with a smile:

"I said, Teacher Ayane, is calligraphy so fun? Can it make you obsessed to this extent?"

Mu Lingyin was a little ashamed because of the other party's actions, but this child who had known her for ten years and was almost a child she had watched grow up, did not make her feel any bad feeling.

She had to lower her head and said: "Calligraphy contains a different kind of beauty, from which you can appreciate the life style of the person who wrote it, and you will be deeply involved in it unconsciously, and you can't help yourself."

"Oh~ you bookworm!" Pisley sighed softly, and then, under the watchful eyes of the girl named Xie Ying, he pulled Mu Lingyin and wanted to enter this literary and ink shop.

But Mu Lingyin was slightly startled, and quickly grabbed Pisley's arm, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice:
"Mr. Spie, let's go. I don't have much money with me, and I can't afford it even with a [-]% discount..."

Peasley smiled and said:

"It's fine if you don't meet it. Now that you have met it. As a student you were once proud of, you will naturally help the teacher to the end. For a rich and handsome man like me, do you think money is a problem?"

In Peasley's view, it is true that if you have money, you can flirt with girls at will...

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to refuse, he directly took her hand and walked into the Wenmo shop.

The hand was pulled, and Mu Lingyin felt like an electric shock, and her mind went blank for a moment.

She has been different from other little girls since she was a child.

Other girls grab gold needles and silver threads, while she grabs brushes;
People were playing shuttlecock, she curled up in bed and read comic books;

It's like someone in the school, she draws and draws on white paper;

She was flirting with a boy, and she was penetrating on the desk...

As for matters between men and women, she can be said to be more ignorant than the young man Pisley.

She shook her hand lightly, but unfortunately she didn't break free.She could only sigh secretly, and let Pisley drag her into the Wenmo shop.

The girl Xie Ying glanced at the hands held together by the two of them, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

In fact, when the wretched waiter was driving Mu Lingyin away just now, she didn't notice it.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of this young man, she would never have come out to speak for this beautiful yet poor woman.

She just noticed that this young man suddenly appeared in front of her waiter without making a sound. The speed was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In other words, this young man is a Glory Warrior just like her!

And looking at the movement of the opponent's leg just now, it seems light, but in fact the whole leg implies domineering strength.

And that kick was empty, but his figure didn't fluctuate. Obviously, this person has a lot of fighting experience, and his control of strength is not generally strong.

If she hadn't grabbed the waiter in time just now, then the waiter's sternum might collapse directly!

At that time, she will have to pay for the medical expenses and so on.And most importantly, he would also offend an unknown Glory Warrior.

Although she herself is a Glory Fighter, she is only at the Black Iron Intermediate level after all.Since becoming obsessed with worldly pleasures, she has almost given up on cultivation.

Therefore, a strong man like Peasley who could put her to death at any time was worth her efforts to win over.

After the two of Peasley came in, she greeted them warmly and introduced them to the famous pens and inkstones in the store.

Peasley had taken Mu Lingyin's class before, so he naturally knew a lot about calligraphy.

No wonder Mu Lingyin chose to buy items in this Wenmo shop, this shop is indeed outstanding.Not only is the layout elegant, but also there are special partitions for various items of the Four Treasures of the Study, which makes it clear at a glance.

At the moment, he was wandering in the writing brush area, while Mu Lingyin followed behind him absent-mindedly.

Suddenly, Peasley saw a delicate brush.This brush is one inch smaller than other brushes. The bristles are soft and strong, and the barrel is slender and delicate. No matter how you look at it, it is a brush suitable for women to write.

He glanced at Mu Lingyin beside him, and had some thoughts in his mind.

The girl at the side who claimed to be the boss was very good at observing words and expressions. When she saw Peasley's gaze on this delicate and exquisite brush, she immediately stepped forward and said in a moving voice:
"What do you think of this money, my lord?"

"I think it's not bad." Pease agreed.

The girl laughed lowly: "Master, you have good eyesight! This lake pen is called 'Piaoxu', not only is it exquisite in appearance and has a high-quality hand feel, but also the writing has the faint effect of fluttering catkins.

It was made by Xiao Rang, a master brush-casting master in Chang'an.Very suitable for female friends, or for yourself, couples. "

Speaking of this, the girl glanced at Mu Ayane beside her with a half-smile.

 There are only two chapters today, I want to adjust the time, and resume the third shift tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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