The glory of the king

Chapter 212 Tears

Chapter 212 Tears
After hearing Xie Ying's words, Pisili's heart moved slightly, and Mu Lingyin also showed a shocked and ashamed expression.

But the young man quickly came back to his senses, smiled and said to Xie Ying: "This is my mentor, of course, he can also be regarded as my friend."

"Oh~ so that's the case." Xie Ying showed a dazed expression, but the smile in her eyes didn't diminish at all.

Seeing this, Peasley coughed lightly and asked, "How did you sell this pen? I want to buy it for my friend."

Hearing this, Mu Lingyin tugged on the boy's sleeve and said, "No need, I already have a high-quality writing brush."

Peasley scratched his head and said with a bitter face, "I... I didn't say I bought it for you!"

"Ah I……"

Hearing this, Mu Lingyin showed an extremely embarrassing expression on her face, her fair little face was flushed with blush, she felt a little at a loss for a while, and finally she had to bury her head low, her hands wrapped around the skirt, her red Put on a straight face and stop talking.

Xie Ying looked at Mu Lingyin's delicate demeanor, a look of jealousy flashed in her eyes, but she kept an elegant smile on her face, and said:

"My lord, the original price of this [Piaoxu] is 140 unicorn coins, but just now the little girl said that in order to make up for the previous crime, this lake brush will naturally have a [-]% discount for you, and now it only needs [-] unicorn coins .

Don't you think that I raised the price first and then discounted it, the price of everything in our store is clearly marked. "

Having said that, she pointed to the price tag next to the brush.The words "two hundred unicorns" were indeed written in block letters on the sign.

"Furthermore, the things here, the little girl, have been personally verified by the little girl, and there are absolutely no fakes or high-quality imitations.

If you like it, you can buy it with confidence.And here you can personally experience the texture and feel of this lake pen, and whether the written font has the miraculous effect that the little girl just said. "

Peasley played with this [Piaoxu] again, nodded and said: "Boss Xie said so detailed, I will certainly not believe it. This is 140 unicorn coins, click on it."

Xie Ying took the purse from Pisley's hand, and an imperceptible disappointment flashed in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up.

At first, she still had a little fantasy, whether this young man would show off his strong financial resources in front of the beautiful woman beside him.

However, this young man did not behave as she thought.

That loves to play the limelight.Although it seems that he should have such financial resources, he is not as extravagant and wasteful as other young masters.That's why she was disappointed.

Xie Ying put this small [Floating Catkins] in a beautiful box and handed it to Peasley.

Peasley then turned around and handed it to Mu Ayane who was still in distress.

A look of puzzlement flashed in Mu Lingyin's eyes, she raised her head to look at Pisley, her small mouth pouted slightly, and asked in an unhappy tone: "What are you doing?"

"Of course it's for you!" Pisley chuckled.

Mu Lingyin was slightly taken aback, then gave the other party a hard look, and said angrily: "But didn't you just say that you bought this for me?"

Peasley showed an innocent expression: "I did not say I bought it for you just now, but I also didn't say I didn't buy it for you!"

Mu Lingyin was taken aback for a moment, after thinking about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

However, she still stared at him indifferently and stopped talking.

At this time, Xie Ying smiled and explained for Pisley:
"Miss, the reason why the son didn't say that he bought it for you was because he was afraid that you would reject his offer and not let him buy it. After the purchase is completed and the transaction is completed, he will give it to you. If you don't accept it, his money will be wasted." .”

Mu Lingyin was silent.

Although she was somewhat pure in emotion, she was not stupid. After such an explanation, she naturally understood what Peasley did.

Although she was a little moved in her heart, she didn't show it.Instead, he snorted softly and said:

"As I said just now, I already have a writing brush. Why do you have to buy it for me because you are so sentimental? I will have to pay you back so much money...I don't want it!"

Peasley smiled and said, "Give it to you! Do you want to pay it back?"

Mu Lingyin froze for a moment, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but glance at the delicate box in Pisley's hand.

But she still shook her head: "I can't take what was given to me, it's so precious, I can't accept it! And as I said, I will never accept gifts from outsiders!"

"We've known each other for more than ten years, are we still outsiders?" Peasley looked at the other party, his expression suddenly became serious.

Mu Lingyin pursed her lips, but still insisted: "Well, that's not okay. Even if you are not an outsider, I can't accept your gift..."

The smile on Peasley's face disappeared, and a trace of displeasure rose in his heart.

He looked at Xie Ying at the side, and then looked at Mu Lingyin, who had an unnatural expression, and suddenly in front of her, he carried Mu La to the palm of his hand, and directly set the wooden box containing the lake pen on fire!

Mulla can invigorate blood and grow muscles, and can also destroy everything.

In just a moment, Pisley burned the wooden box to a wisp of ashes in front of Mu Lingyin.Among them 【Float】

The pen even disappeared.

"Ah! Why do you..."

Seeing this situation, Mu Lingyin almost didn't scream. She looked at the handful of ashes in Pisley's hand with great distress, and her eyes turned red:

"What are you doing... such a precious thing, you just destroy it if you say so?"

Peasley said lightly: "You don't like my things anyway, so why keep them!"

"I like it! Who said I don't like it! I just...just..."

Speaking of this, two lines of tears finally flowed down from Mu Lingyin's watery eyes, "I just... don't want to owe favors to others! Especially I don't want... to owe you... ..."

Seeing the beautiful teacher crying, a trace of panic appeared in Peasley's eyes, but he still forcibly calmed down, stretched out his hand to wipe away the other's tears, and scratched the other's small face by the way.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. What do you think this is?"

While speaking, Peasley took out the [Piaoxu] he just bought from his sleeve like a magic trick.

Looking at the Hubi in front of him suddenly, Mu Lingyin's tearful eyes were filled with surprise and joy, she quickly snatched it from Pisley's hand, and stroked it a few times like a baby.

But she immediately noticed the smiling eyes of the young man, and immediately realized her gaffe, and said quickly:

"That...that... just treat it as my loan from you, and when I have money in the future, I will return it to you..."

Hearing this, Peasley couldn't help laughing, and said, "I'm afraid you have to pay me back your salary for the rest of your life, right?"

 Thank you Qiwo Naihe brothers for your reward ~ your support, the author will keep it in my heart!Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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