Chapter 231


There was a sound of palm touching the skin, and five finger prints appeared on the pig demon's face.

"Happy sister! I'm brave and mighty, do I need such a nasty thing?" Pisley scolded angrily.

Thousands of angers suddenly surged in the pig demon's heart. He is the majestic chief of the pig tribe and one of the three generals under the bull demon. How has he ever been humiliated by being slapped in the face by humans?

However, at this moment, he knew that he was a fish on the chopping board, and in order to keep the green hills, he had no choice but to swallow his anger.Only by living can we have a future, and we can slowly find opportunities to avenge today's death!
He immediately showed an aggrieved expression, and then under Pisley's gaze, he groped in his [void] again, and it took him a long time to find a small blue jade bottle.

There are obviously some pills in the jade bottle.

"This won't be again..." Peasley glared at the pig demon angrily.

The pig demon hurriedly covered his face, shook his head and said: "Damn, of course not! This thing is called [Beast Soul Pill], which can greatly improve the cultivation progress of the user without any side effects.

And this is a elixir that only those with high status in our orc race are eligible to enjoy.In this world, there is absolutely a price without a market.

Of course, if you want to take it to the auction house for auction, it will definitely be worth more than ten thousand unicorn coins.

But it's a pity to sell such a precious medicine with no side effects.

Rather than exchanging money and other things outside of the body, it is more practical to use it to improve one's cultivation. "

Peasley glanced at the pig demon and asked, "What should I pay attention to when taking this elixir?"

The pig demon said without hesitation: "Of course not."

"Shua—" A pitch-black thunder gun suddenly stabbed at the pig demon, the sharp point of the gun was only 0.1 centimeters away from the pig demon's eyebrows!
The pig demon's heart trembled violently, his face had already turned pale from fright, and he spoke in a trembling voice after a long while:
"This beast, the beast soul pill... the only flaw is that you can only take one pill a month, otherwise the power will be too strong, and the human Glory Warrior's body will not be able to bear it, and it will either explode and die, or undergo a mutation. Become a monster that is neither human nor demon."

"Is there any more!" Peasley continued to question.

"'s gone. Little brother, if I dare to lie to you, I will give you a thunderbolt!"

"Boom—!!" There was a sudden thunder in the clear sky.

Peasley looked at the Pig Demon with deep eyes, but the Pig Demon had a serious and bewildered expression.

Peasley narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "I forgot to tell you, my formation has the function of detecting lies. You must have something to hide from me! Tell me!"

When the pig demon heard this, his face turned pale and his eyes flashed again and again, but he still said:

"Little brother, I really didn't lie to you. If this Beast Soul Pill really has so many disadvantages and is not of such high value, I wouldn't dare to take it out in exchange for my life.

After you eat it, you will know how it works.If I lie to you, I... my whole family will die! "

Seeing the sad look on the pig demon's face, Peasley slowly believed in it.

And the sudden thunder just now might not have come from this small world, but from the side of the other two white stones.

This pig demon is not his main target. At such a critical moment, the value of the Beast Soul Pill should not be questioned. As for whether there are any side effects of taking it, we will think about it later.

Now his main goal is that villain Zhang Zhao!

If he doesn't want to kill him, he won't let him go easily.

Peasley put the Beast Soul Pill into the system backpack, and then disappeared here in a flash.

"Hey! Why are you leaving? You haven't let me go yet!" The pig demon stretched out his hand in the direction where the boy disappeared, but at this moment, the black thunder gun left in midair suddenly disappeared without a trace. It stabbed into the pig demon's body mercilessly.

The pig demon, who had lost another 5.00% of his maximum health, was finally overwhelmed and passed out...

On the other side, Lin Cong and Zhang Zhao, who had been hiding in the water drop shield for a while, had more than half of the three black worms on the shield behind them disappeared in the thunder just now.

Zhang Zhao held a piece of golden talisman paper that had lost its power, and looked at Lin Cong panting.

The water drop shield was almost broken just now. If Zhang Zhao hadn't sacrificed the [Sky Thunder Talisman] left by his father to save his life at the critical moment, killing a large number of three-stomach insects in an instant, let Lin Cong's pressure suddenly eased, otherwise the water drop at this moment The shield has been broken.

As for the two of them, I'm afraid they can't avoid being swallowed up by the pink skull and the three-stomach worm.

However, what they didn't expect was that a large area had just been vacated on the water drop shield, and it was quickly covered by other three-stomach insects who came from behind.

Lin Cong just felt that the pressure was light for a while, and soon there was even greater pressure.

At this moment, the two of them, whose mura was exhausted, saw that the water drop shield was about to be bitten off by the three-stomach worm.

At this moment, the three worms suddenly receded like a sea tide as if they had been ordered. At the same time, Zhang Zhao noticed that the white mist in front of him also parted a path from the middle to the two sides.

A group of pink skeletons who had been staring at them eeriely just now suddenly turned into vivid beauties, gracefully dancing around a young man.

The young man put his hands behind his back, and surrounded by the fairies, he walked towards Zhang Zhao and the two with a smile on his face.


As the so-called enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

Zhang Zhao gritted his teeth and stared at the black-haired boy, his fierce eyes seemed to swallow him alive.

"Hey! Mr. Zhang Zhao, your face is a little ugly. A lonely man, huddled in a small ball, is he doing something shameful?"

Peasley looked at the two people in the water drop shield with a half-smile.

After hearing the young man's words, Zhang Zhao's face flushed with anger, and he was about to curse, but was stopped by Lin Cong.

As an old man, Lin Cong was naturally used to these irritating tricks, and he was not moved by the young man's words. He just snorted coldly and said:

"Li Sipi, I am an important official of the imperial court, and my status is extremely noble. If you kill me, His Majesty will never let you go!"

"Really?" Peasley shook his head with a smile, "But if I kill you here, do you think anyone can find out that I did it?"

Lin Zhuang heard the words, a trace of resentment flashed across his face, and he continued: "Huh! If you want people to know, you have to do nothing. As long as you do it, sooner or later there will be clues!"

"Heh, where do you think Chaoge is? Chang'an? Do you think there is a detective like Di Renjie in this country where the country is so popular?"

(End of this chapter)

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