The glory of the king

Chapter 232: Between Thoughts

Chapter 232

Peasley looked at the fiery red-haired Ein Lin, and couldn't help showing sympathy on his face: "As long as I am willing, they will never find a clue for their whole life."

Lin Chuan looked at the young man in front of him, he couldn't figure out why this 15-year-old boy could have such a sophisticated and sophisticated style of doing things, could it be that some old goblin was reincarnated?

But just when he was gradually feeling desperate, he heard the boy suddenly change the subject and said:

"Of course, as long as I want, I can release you immediately and let you go back to your happy life.

Whether you live or die is only in my mind. "

When Lin Zhuang heard this, unconcealable joy suddenly appeared in his eyes, and Zhang Zhao's eyes suddenly became sharper.Hearing the other party's tone, it seemed that they still had a way to survive, so they were of course excited.

However, Peasley's next words made their excitement suddenly turn into bewilderment.

"However, I'm in a bad mood today, I just want to put one, and the other, I have to let him become the fertilizer here.

I'll give you 5 minutes, you two discuss it yourself, after all, who lives and who dies. "

After saying this, a beautiful woman brought a bamboo chair from nowhere and let Pisley sit down.

Afterwards, a group of beautiful and attractive girls chattered around Peasley again.

Peasley looked at these charming girls and sighed regretfully.Because these girls really have no breath of life, they are just controlled by this mist and become beautiful traps.

On the other side, Lin Cong and Zhang Zhao glanced at each other, and they both saw a hint of hostility in each other's eyes.

Both of them suddenly felt that the comrades who had fought side by side just now were looking at him with particularly creepy eyes.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Zhao couldn't help but speak first: "Old Lin, that... You see, you are quite old, and you have enjoyed all the blessings you should have enjoyed. I am still young, why don't you keep this alive?" Give me the chance.

I will definitely treat your family as well as my own relatives in the future. "

Lin Cong sneered: "The old man has fought for His Majesty for half his life, and he was only transferred back to the court in recent years.

Enjoying blessings or something, how can I compare to the blessings that you Mr. Zhang Zhao enjoyed in Chaoge?
As for my family, I won't bother you, I am quite clear about your Mr. Zhang's virtues?It is better to leave it to you than to a dog on the side of the road. "

Hearing the other party's sarcasm, Zhang Zhao's face suddenly turned ugly.He snorted coldly, and finally stopped being polite to the other party, and scolded directly:
"You old man, my father's official position is much higher than yours. It is your honor that you can sacrifice your old life for his son!"

An angry cold light flashed in Lin Zhuo's eyes, Lei Ting made a move, and his left index finger pierced directly towards Zhang Zhao's throat like an awl!
Zhang Zhao's pupils shrank, and his heart was filled with infinite horror!
In order to live, he suddenly forgot that the other party was a platinum warrior!Even if Mulla is exhausted at this moment, with the physical strength of the other party, wouldn't it be easy to kill himself who is also exhausted from Mulla?
As long as the other party kills him, doesn't the other party get the chance to live?
At this moment, in front of a strong platinum man, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

But just when Zhang Zhao thought that a blood hole was about to appear in his neck, and the blood was spraying like pillars, he suddenly heard Lin Cong yell in pain.

He hurriedly took a look, and it turned out that it was a black spear that directly pierced Lin Cong's arm, blocking the opponent's thunder strike.

However, after the black spear stabbed Lin Cong, it slowly disappeared.Lin Zhuo covered the non-existent wound, and looked at the boy in great confusion.

Peasley said with a smile: "Don't! If you want to kill, I will kill you. You are a rabbit waiting to be slaughtered in a cage. What right do you have to kill?"

Lin Chuan glared at Zhang Zhao, then looked at the young man, and said, "Tell me, what exactly are you going to do to let us go?"

"Didn't I say that only one person will be released, and the other must die. But I don't think you can negotiate peacefully, so let's do this, and use all the things you are carrying now to bid for an auction."

"Bidding?" Lin Cong glanced at Pisley suspiciously, "What is the bidding?"

"Of course it's bidding for a chance to live that I hold in my hands."

Peasley looked at the old and the young in front of him with an evil smile: "You use the things you carry to bid, and whoever bids a price that satisfies me, I will give this chance to live. What do you think?"

Lin Cong and Zhang Zhao glanced at each other and said "OK!" in unison.

The corner of Peasley's mouth twitched slightly, and he continued: "Money, elixirs, magic weapons... etc., as long as they are useful to me, they can be converted into unicorn coins for bidding.

The starting price is [-] kylin coins, and the price will increase by no less than [-] each time.Remember, I want to see the real thing.All bad checks will not be counted!

Alright, now who of you will quote first? "

Zhang Zhao glanced at Lin Cong's side face, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, but he was secretly proud in his heart:

"Fortunately, I was well prepared and counted the worst outcome, and I brought tens of thousands of Qilin coins with me.

You are a pampered official, and you are usually treated by others everywhere, so how can you bring so much money with you? "

Zhang Zhao showed a winning expression, just about to speak, when he heard Lin Cong said calmly:

"one hundred!"

"Pfft—" Zhang Zhao couldn't help laughing when his life was so at stake.How dare this old guy say a hundred unicorn coins?
But just when he was about to open his mouth to reveal his wealth, Lin Cong added three words lightly:
"Blue Dragon Coin!"

As soon as Zhang Zhao came to his mouth, he swallowed it alive.

One hundred... Azure Dragon Coins? !
Zhang Zhao watched in disbelief as Lin Cong slowly took out a large ice-blue shield from the [Void].As soon as the shield was taken out, the air suddenly became nearly ten degrees colder.It shows how strong the coldness of this shield is.

Standing very close to Lin Cong, Zhang Zhao, who was relatively the weakest at the same time, couldn't help but shuddered all over his body, and hurriedly used the newly recovered mula to resist the invasion of the cold air.

Lin Huong said slowly:
"That's right, I really don't have much cash in my hand. But this high-grade gold [Iron Cold Shield], conservatively estimated, is definitely worth 1 unicorn coins.

Mr. Li Xiao, come and see for yourself whether it is worth the price. "

Pisley watched Lin Cong take back the water drop shield, and then he took the [Iron Cold Shield] from Lin Cong's hand, and the cold air pierced his fingertips.

But Pisley mobilized Mulla, and easily resisted the chill.

(End of this chapter)

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