The glory of the king

Chapter 235 Ling Jue Pavilion

Chapter 235 Ling Jue Pavilion

Seeing the girl's charming expression, Peasley couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart.

But he collected himself and asked:

"Is everything ready?"

Ning Xuan nodded with a smile: "Everything is ready, you can leave at any time."

"Well," Peasley responded lightly, and continued, "Di Xin and Hu Ximei, do you know that we have already...that?"

When Ning Xuan heard this, she immediately showed a shy expression, and then nodded silently.

Pisley took the girl's tender little hand and said, "Since they already know, then we will plan. After finishing some matters tomorrow, I will take you away from Chaoge the day after tomorrow."

"Okay." Ning Xuan happily responded, and took advantage of the situation to lean her body into the boy's arms.

Peasley's body froze suddenly, but then he relaxed, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Tomorrow, I'll take you for a stroll outside the palace first."

"Really?" Hearing this, Ning Xuan looked up at the boy's profile in great surprise.

"Why did I lie to you?"

"Xuan'er didn't mean that~"

Ning Xuan said coquettishly, but there was a trace of sadness in her eyes, and her voice was a little softer:

"It's just that since Xuan'er entered the palace at the age of ten, she has never left the inner courtyard of the palace. Every day, under the guidance of Hu Ximei, she is learning how to confuse men.

But in fact, Xuan'er has been longing for the outside world, and has long been tired of the gloomy and desolate palace.

Now the young master is willing to take Xuan'er out of the palace, because Xuan'er is so happy, it feels unbelievable! "

Hearing this, Peasley felt a little distressed.

Living in the palace for more than ten years, he has also seen many sorrows in this "city within a city".

For example, Di Xin holds a large-scale selection of concubines every year. Countless beauties are selected into the palace and become Di Xin's playthings.

These women thought that once they entered the palace, they would enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth, and the emperor would be lucky.

However, they didn't know that they were just Di Xin's toys. Once they got tired of playing with them, they were thrown into the cold palace like a pile of garbage, and they never walked out of the palace alive.

There are also some people who have never stepped out of the palace from birth to old age. For them, the palace is the whole world.

Now that he heard that Ning Xuan had a similar experience, he inevitably felt a lot of sympathy.

If it was before, he probably wouldn't care.But it was different now, after all, it was his Peasley's woman who was in his arms.

Without saying a word, he suddenly held Ning Xuan's shoulder with his left hand, hooked the girl's slender legs with his right hand, and hugged the girl directly.

The girl was caught off guard and exclaimed.Subconsciously hugged Peasley's neck.

Then she realized what the boy might be about to do, and she buried her face deeply in the boy's arms in shame, her little heart beating violently.

Seeing the moving appearance of the girl in his arms, Peasley couldn't help but think of the ups and downs of happiness last night, and couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

Without saying anything, he walked into the pavilion with Ning Xuan in his arms, and went straight up to the second floor...

In the early morning of Chaoge City, there is a strong smell of rouge.

Near the center of the DC area, there is a gorgeous five-story building.

The surface of the building is painted with silver paint, and some key places are embellished with gold paint. The bright gold and silver colors are used to show the grandeur and luxury of the whole building.

This building is called "Ling Jue Pavilion", and it is one of the largest auction houses in Chaoge City.

At this moment, two people dressed in red robes came to the front of Ling Jue Pavilion.

Although the faces of the two cannot be seen clearly from the outside of the robes, but from the figure, it can be vaguely seen that they should be a man and a woman.

The woman walks ahead, while the man takes a step back.

The two went straight to Lingjue Pavilion, and when they were about to walk towards the gate of real gold forging, a man with a mustache greeted him with a smile.

"You two guests, are you visiting our Lingjue Pavilion for the first time?" the man with the mustache said, his voice full of flattery.

However, from the faint fluctuations emanating from this person, it can be seen that he should be a Glory Warrior.

The slightly slender man in the red robe spoke, his voice was like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, and it was so pleasant to the ear that one couldn't help but guess that there must be a beautiful face under the red robe.

She faced the man with the mustache and asked:
"How did you know that this is the first time for the two of us to come here?"

The man with the mustache said with a chuckle: "You can guess it from the attire of the two of you.

The two guests don't know that our Lingjue Pavilion is different from other auction houses.

In order to prevent someone from doing illegal things to the bidders after the auction, the identity of each buyer and seller will be kept strictly confidential.

Moreover, at the auction, each batch of guests will be assigned to a separate room with a large glass facing the auctioneer.

The people in the room, only the auctioneer outside the room can see, the rest of the people can't see your face, can't hear your voice.

Therefore, people who come here generally don't wear these clothes to conceal their identities when they go in, but they will wear robes like yours to confuse people when they come out. "

The red-robed woman nodded: "So that's how it is. We've learned a lot. We'll pay attention to it next time. But since we're wearing it this time, let's do it first. We'll take it off when we come out. It can also confuse the public."

"Eh... Miss is right."

The man with the mustache chuckled, and then continued, "Since that's the case, I don't know which level of auction you two will participate in. We hold an auction for every level every four hours."

"Do you still have grades in this auction?" the red-robed woman asked in surprise.

"That's natural. We have five floors here. Depending on who's strength and financial resources, each floor receives different people.

After all, Glory Warriors of different levels have different needs.For example, if you let a bronze warrior participate in a platinum-level auction, do you think it is meaningful? "

The red-robed woman shook her head: "Big."

The man with the mustache staggered a step back as if he had been shot, and only after hearing the woman's laughter did he realize that she was joking.After coughing twice, he continued:

"On the first floor, there are black iron and bronze warriors for the public, and the auctions are generally all kinds of treasures around bronze.

The second floor is suitable for silver warriors, the third floor is suitable for gold, and the fourth floor is suitable for platinum.

As for the fifth floor, it is the top auction in our Lingjue Pavilion.An auction suitable for all Platinum and above Glory Warriors to participate in.

On our fifth floor, the lowest auction items are all platinum level.Occasionally, there are even artifacts of the king, which often trigger a wave of crazy bidding. "

(End of this chapter)

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