The glory of the king

Chapter 236 Buddha Sword

Chapter 236 Buddha Sword
The man in the red robe noticed that when they went up to the fourth floor, two imposing attendants blocked their way.

One of the attendants said to the girl in Tsing Yi:

"Lao Jin just brought in a distinguished guest. He will let you in after he arranges the distinguished guest properly, lest you meet with the distinguished guest and affect your respective confidentiality work."

Two minutes later, an old man in a black tuxedo walked slowly from the depths of the dark corridor, exchanged glances with the girl in Tsing Yi, and then went straight downstairs.

The girl in green led the two in red into the dark corridor.Although the corridor is not long, it is extremely dark. Unless the person you meet comes up to you, you can't see the other person's face clearly.

The three stopped in front of the room marked No. 22.

The girl in Tsing Yi bowed to the two of them and said:

"My lords, this is your room. The next auction will start in half an hour.

If you need anything, you can press a special button in the room.But it's best not to leave the room by yourself, or your identities may be revealed. "

The red-robed woman nodded and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, let's go down."

Although she said so, the girl in Tsing Yi didn't seem to have the intention of leaving immediately, but asked in a low voice: "Well... I wonder if you two need any special services?"

"Huh?" The man in the red robe let out a sound of surprise.

Seeing that the man in the red robe seemed to be interested, the girl quickly turned her head to look at him and asked:

"What do you think, my lord? Our maids here are all beautiful and skilled. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can unlock any posture!"

"Huh!" The red-robed woman snorted dissatisfiedly, looked at the green-clothed girl and said, "Do you think my husband needs another woman to unlock the position with me?"

The girl in Tsing Yi trembled in fright, but mustered up her courage to look at the man in red robe, and said, "What about the servants? Our servants here are also very skilled."

"Get out! My men don't have sex!" The red-robed woman's voice became more displeased.

A trace of deep disappointment flashed in the eyes of the girl in Tsing Yi, then she gave a slight salute, turned around and left.

The man in the red robe opened the door and walked in.

The room is small, with a sofa on the left and right sides, and fruit snacks and tea on the coffee table in the middle.

And the position facing the door is completely a large transparent floor-to-ceiling window.Through the window you can see an auction block outside.

And from their point of view, they are overlooking the auction platform. When the auction starts, they will naturally be able to see the auctioned items better.

The man in the red robe locked the door and let out a heavy sigh of relief.

The red-robed woman stood obediently beside him, silently helping him take off her robe.

As soon as the red robe was taken off, what was revealed was not an old man in his 70s or [-]s, but a young man in white clothes.

Peasley squeezed his throat and said, "I almost coughed up my tonsils."

Ning Xuan also took off her red robe, and said with a silly smile: "My lord, there's no need to pretend to be an old man, you just embarrassed him! The look in the eyes of that mustache looking at you is full of contempt!"

Peasley stretched out his hand, patted the girl's eyebrows, and said, "Then you should also play the role of an old lady! You must show off your beautiful voice."

Ning Xuan covered her forehead with her hands, pouted her small mouth and said aggrievedly:
"He didn't show off! It's just that he hasn't learned how to imitate the old lady's voice, fearing that the imitation will reveal our identities!"

Peasley gave her a blank look, but he didn't really mean to blame her.

He leaned back on the sofa, moaning comfortably.

Seeing this, Ning Xuan poured a cup of tea and handed it to Peasley.Then he peeked at Peasley's arms, wanting to lean in, but afraid that the other party would be unhappy.

He just stood beside him silently, looking at his man with a faint smile.

Seeing the girl's reserve, Peasley opened his mouth and said calmly:
"I need a pillow to warm me up, what do you think I should do?"

When Ning Xuan heard the words, she immediately understood the meaning of the other party, her eyes flashed with surprise, then she threw herself into Pisley's arms like a kitten, and gently leaned her head on his shoulder.

Feeling the extra warmth in his arms, Peasley seemed a little more satisfied.

He and Ning Xuan don't actually have any relationship foundation.But because Hu Ximei drugged her, they had a forced relationship.

Maybe he can throw away this girl with a shake of his hands, but he is different from Zhang Zhao after all, he is not a playboy or a playboy.

Nor is it a beast without humanity and only animal nature. He sympathizes with the girl's life experience, sympathizes with the girl's experience, and sympathizes with her for losing her virginity because of herself.

Perhaps as we get along, this sympathy can gradually be transformed into love, into the kind of emotion that he can really care about and care about the other party even if the girl is not so beautiful.

As for the girl treating him... Peasley doesn't really believe in love at first sight.But he could indeed feel that the girl had a certain sense of dependence on him.

For her, love should not be discussed for the time being.But the reason why she is willing to help herself and be intimate with herself is probably because the life with him is happier than the boring life in the deep palace inner garden.

Just as Peasley was thinking about these things, and chatting with Ning Xuan, half an hour passed quickly.

Hearing the sound of "Kang", the dim auction stage was suddenly illuminated by a bright light from a night stone that appeared above the ceiling.

A cute girl in white stockings in a pink skirt appeared on the auction stage at some unknown time.

Peasley and Ning Xuan were immediately attracted.

At this moment, the girl in the pink skirt spoke, her voice was as fresh and pleasant as a child's voice, which made people feel like spring breeze after listening to it.

"Brothers and sisters, hello uncles and aunts. I am Lu Qing'er who is hosting this auction.

Thank you for your support. We have collected a lot of rare treasures and some interesting and interesting things in this auction. We hope that all guests can buy the items they want to buy.

Well, without further ado, let's take a look at our first auction item. "

As she spoke, Lu Qing'er lifted a piece of red cloth protruding from the round table in front of her.

A fist-sized golden statue of the Buddha loomed in front of bidders in every room.

Lu Qing'er is the only person who can see the situation in each room. She pursed her lips and smiled, and introduced:
"This thing is called [Buddha Knife], a platinum high-level item. The user only needs to inject mula into the Buddha to stimulate the energy of this thing and summon a platinum mid-level sword-wielding monk.

Monk can fight time, 3 minutes. "

 Thank you for the monthly pass presented by Brother Yuan Zai Tianya!

(End of this chapter)

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