The glory of the king

Chapter 245 The Ring on the Ring Finger

Chapter 245 The Ring on the Ring Finger

But when he remembered that he would leave Chaoge tomorrow, he took Ning Xuan for a walk in the street and bought a lot of daily necessities and food for emergencies.

Peasley found that Ning Xuan, like most women, likes shopping very much.

Maybe it's because I've been under house arrest in the palace for too long, and I feel fresh when I come out and see everything.Like a little butterfly, flying in front of each stall.

Walking to a jewelry store, Peasley stopped.

Ning Xuan flew back to Pisley's shoulder, looked at the boy with a happy smile and said:
"Master, you want to buy jewelry for Xuan'er?"

Peasley smiled: "Since you have made a lot of money, you have to spend the money to make it meaningful. Otherwise, why don't you keep it to lay eggs?"

After speaking, Pisley walked in with his arms around Ning Xuan's shoulders.

Not only did he want to buy jewelry for Ning Xuan, but also his mother, Xiao He, and the little guy who might be his sister.

"Choose what you like." Pisley said to Ning Xuan, and he picked out gifts for the other three.

The one who received them was a waiter with thick lips.

Seeing the two of them dressed plainly, there was a hint of contempt in their eyes.

"What do you two want to buy?" the waiter in the shop asked indifferently.

Peasley was not annoyed when he saw the other party's appearance, and said with a smile, "Let's see for ourselves, and we'll tell you when we like it."

Afterwards, Peasley walked around the dazzling array of jewelry stores.

Suddenly, he saw a pair of purple-gold rings in the corner of the counter, with half a heart engraved on each ring.

But if the two rings are put together, it becomes a complete heart.

Seeing this meaningful ring, Peasley's eyes suddenly lit up.

He turned around and asked the waiter in the shop, "How do you sell this pair of rings?"

Xiao Er glanced at the pair of purple gold rings lightly and said:
"This is a pair of couple rings, made of precious Ziluan gold, not only has a beautiful symbolic meaning, but also has the function of storage. One price is 5000 unicorn coins!"

"5000 unicorn coins? So expensive?" Pisley was a little surprised, "You put such an expensive thing in a corner? Isn't it placed in the most conspicuous place?"

Xiao Er looked at Peasley and sneered: "Guest officer, those placed in conspicuous places are all things that need to be touted.

A really good thing, even if it is placed in a corner, without boasting or showing off, the value it should have is still there.

When Peasley heard this, his heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help but think of those so-called stars in his previous life on Earth.

Those little fresh meats and little flowers who have no acting skills who are popular in various programs must be placed in the most conspicuous position in order for people to see them.

But some people are different, there is no flattery, no gossip, no hype, even in the corner, they are still shining.

Because the strength is there, anyone with a discerning eye can see it, and there is no need for gossip and hype, such as brother Gu Yue.

The so-called "gold always shines", probably this is the truth.

Seeing the black-haired boy in a daze, the shop waiter thought he was frightened by such a high price, and immediately said impatiently:
"If you can't afford it, don't ask any more questions. Go and see the cheap ones over there."

Peasley came back to his senses, looked at Xiao Er, and said with a smile, "Why do you think I can't afford it?"

The waiter looked the boy up and down, and finally couldn't help showing a contemptuous expression and said:

"Look at the fabric of your clothes. You bought it from an ape coin on the street? Is there any rich family like you? With your poor appearance, can you afford this ring?"

Peasley nodded in agreement:

"You have a good eye. This is indeed a very common fabric. But for me, it is enough to cover my shame and wind.

Money is a good thing, wouldn't it be better to keep it for other things? "

While speaking, Peasley rolled up his sleeves.Suddenly, a small thing the size of a thumb fell to the ground, made a "ding" sound, and rolled to the feet of the waiter.

The waiter's eyes were sharp, and he saw that it was actually a blue dragon coin!

"Oh, I'm sorry I lost the money."

Peasley smiled and lowered his head to pick it up, but the moment he bent down, suddenly a handful of green dragon coins fell out of his arms!

"Oops! Oops! The purse is leaking! The purse is leaking!" Peasley screamed, gathering the fallen green dragon coins together and protecting them with his hands.

Ning Xuan watched her man's funny performance, and then looked at the stunned look of the waiter, who was already covering her mouth and snickering.

"Guest...Guest officer, I'm here to help you!"

The shop clerk squatted down, and suddenly spoke very softly.

Peasley sneered in his heart, then pushed all the green dragon coins in front of the waiter, and said:
"Count it and see if it's a hundred Azure Dragon Coins!"

The waiter was flattered, counted the coins with trembling fingers, and looked at Peasley without the previous contempt.

"Guest officer, one hundred green dragon coins is a lot!" the waiter said with a smile.

Peasley stood up, folded his arms, with a restrained smile on his face, looked down at the waiter and said:

"Why can't you dogs always change the problem of looking down on people?"

The waiter's body was slightly stiff, and then he said with a wry smile:

"Guest officer, I made you laugh. We servants, why don't we want to treat every guest equally, why don't we want to be a follower of power?
The world is unfair, those of us servants who have no money and no power can only talk to people and talk nonsense.Judging people by their appearance has become our instinct and cannot be changed. "

Hearing this, Peasley was silent for a long time.

This was the first time he had successively gained insights from the words of a waiter in the shop.

He didn't blame the other party anymore, he just said lightly:
"Okay, help me wrap this ring, I've already paid for it."

The waiter in the store responded obediently, and quickly packed the ring, and after some registration, it was handed over to Pisley.

At this time, Ning Xuan suddenly moved behind Pisley and put her chin on Pisley's shoulder.leisurely asked:

"My lord, you bought it for the girl you miss so much, right?"

Hearing this, Peasley couldn't help but see the silly little girl in the blue-green skirt back then.

Whenever he thinks about it, he feels sad.I hope that when the time comes, the other party will be willing to hand over her hand to him, and let him personally put a ring on her ring finger for her...

He didn't answer Ning Xuan's question, but just nodded slightly, and then put the ring into the system backpack.

Afterwards, Peasley picked out a faint blue bracelet for his mother, and bought a crescent-shaped jade pendant for the little guy who didn't know if it was his brother or sister.

Peasley could now imagine how much she would smile when she personally put the bracelet on Tao Tiantian.

(End of this chapter)

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